
In One With You

The cursed book has been found. Darkness is approaching that lies a gemstone that can take over the world without you knowing. Deep down in her soul faced challenges as something has captured her to see her past lives.

BadGrammar · Fantasy
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3 Chs



FarAway High School

January 17, 1934


"The historical gem that compiles superiority and demolishes the nation in one hit was made by a youthful man, who was the governor that killed 20,000 of his kind with his bare hands. His enthusiasm and expectation have hardly been drawn down in the record line of other generations. And with his laughing voice, it began to create misery, where civilization couldn't hibernate well. Not until his place burned down and died due to a heart attack".

"Anyone has any questions for me?".

The teacher turns around and looks at a girl who is dozing in the middle of the right side of the class. 

It was me. Katelyn.

"Katelyn, wake up!".

He came toward me and used his long-ass ruler to hit the corner of the desk. Trying to wake me up but at that time I was having a bad fever that I had never had before. It was a debate for me because I couldn't move my whole body. Everything just turns off as if my soul has left my corpse. 

My surroundings are all black. Nothing for me to see, not until I turned my head to the left and saw a fire, drifting in the air. And up ahead of me was a staircase that leads to an entrance. 

I kept hearing my teacher's voice coming from behind me. 

But how do I flee this? The door or should I keep running toward the darkness of the unknown?

Something is chasing me..that's all I can feel right now. Just what is it?

The moment I got close to the door, the darkness started to vanish and sunshine came. 

I then opened my eyes slowly and noticed that I was on my bed. I'm home. At least that's what I thought..but when I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror. I'm not a girl anymore. What happened to me? 

I quickly open my window curtains and look outside. It was nighttime. The moon was up, glowing, along with the stars.

 Just who am I?

Full-time Job

January 19, 1934


Every morning, my body always stays in the girl form but once it's nighttime. My gender will change and I will feel different. They are not my thoughts. It's always talking about blood. Who is in my body? Is it real that two souls can be in one body? Is the book telling the truth?... I thought it was all a misconception. 


Katelyn at the age of 9.

"Mom! Mom! Look at what I found!".

My mom looks at what I'm holding. It was an old book, found in the attic of our house, where rats and bats always hang out.

"Katelyn! What are you holding?!".

I look at the title of the book. It was named Two Souls in One Body.

"I'm holding a book. Dad told me to bring it down here while he cleaned the attic".

She took the novel from my hand and looked at it as she opened the book.

"Did you read it?".

I shook my head. "No". I lied.

"Alright, that's good to know".

She looked at me with a serious look on her face.

"But do NOT TOUCH this book again, do you hear me?".

I look down.


She looks at me once again and she gives me a big sigh.

My mom bent her knees down and grabbed my shoulders.

"Look sweetheart, this book is a curse novel and you'll be cursed for the rest of your life if you read it. I don't want anything to happen to you just like your great-great-great-grandmother who passed away at a young age".

I scratched my head.

"How did she pass away?".

"She read the book without looking at the back cover and I heard that once you read one of the pages. Your whole body will either turn into a skeleton very fast or you'll be safe and have another soul join with the one that is in you". 

"Two souls in one body?…isn't that cool?".

"No sweetheart!…it means that your corpse not only belongs to you but belongs to whoever is in your body. Everything will change for you and the way people look at you will not be the same. They will think that you're crazy because no one believes this book, especially when it's old…no one knows that this thing exists yet".

I was speechless when my mother told me those things that I never knew. But at the same time, did she experience it before?…because..the way that she talks...I can feel her pain even though I didn't know her story yet. 

The Witch

The Cursed Book was written by an old lady named Gianna Ham, a crazy woman that rather lives alone in her bubble. She is not a social individual. But Gianna started writing books when she was 19 years old. Nevertheless, no one ever knew that she existed because she changed her face and never came out of her house. And one day, she perished without any trails into the forest. 

Back to Reality

I was working in a small cafe near my house. It was an exhausting day because I kept getting shoved around by a girl named Olivia, the girl who used to be my friend. We always hung out during high school every single day. It was a good memory..not until...her mother slapped me in front of my classmate and told me not to be with Olivia. 

And ever since then Olivia started to become very harsh to me. 

It's not like she wanted to do that to me...but because she was being forced..by her mother who used her for money. Isn't that stupid? A mother who treats her kids like some kind of tool just for THAT? Nobody would want that kind of life but we all have our own life and fate. And she doesn't want her daughter to be friends with someone poor just because of their work called " Model". 

"Just what is her problem?". I thought to myself.

"Olivia, stop doing that to me".

"Oh, why?..are you gonna cry?".

She laughed. "Pathetic".

"Good luck cleaning all these. I'm not gonna help you. Bye. And oh...be careful on your way home because you might face them since you have no car ".

She waved bye to me and left the area as her mother was watching her from afar since she was the manager of this place. 

I sigh.

I legit choose the fucking wrong job.

When I finish tidying up all the stuff, I proceed to change my clothes in the locker room and grab my stuff before closing the door. And at that time, Olivia was already home as if they left me there on purpose. I didn't know what I was doing but after turning off all the lights in the cafe and heading out. Locking the door with the key that the manager hands me. 

Someone's hand started to cover my mouth and drag me to the alley street. I was trying to escape but he was too strong. Too strong that there is no way that I will be safe from this. I look to the right. There was more than one boy. Just what the heck do they want to do with me? Is this part of Olivia's scheme? Someone, please help me!