
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Trump Pirates!

The officers of the Trump Pirates who were playing cards and gambling for money suddenly frowned when they heard the sharp alert siren.

They have occupied this island for six years and have always been the strongest pirate group in this area. No other pirates dare to provoke them.

Could it be a Marine's attack?

"Go and see what's going on!"

Several people immediately stood up and walked out quickly, while Skunk One flew out directly with his gas jet.

In the hall on the top floor of Clockwork Island, Bear King had looked through the telescope and saw the incoming Big Daddy Pirates. He became a little nervous at first, but he quickly calmed down.

"Start preparing the King Cannon immediately and aim at their ship!"

"I don't believe that anyone can stop the power of the King Cannon!"

Bear King shouted with murderous intent. He had been operating on Clockwork Island for six years. This King Cannon was designed to deal with powerful pirate groups such as the Krieg Pirates and the Arlong Pirates or the Marine.

No one can take Clockwork Island from his hands!

Although the Big Daddy Pirates destroyed the Krieg Pirates and the Arlong Pirates, as long as they destroy their pirate ship, everything will be easy!


The machines on Clockwork Island kept rotating, causing the entire island to rotate slowly.

The King Cannon with a huge caliber has been aimed at the Big Daddy Pirates!


Bear King gave an order, and a giant cannonball with a diameter of about three meters was fired at the Big Daddy Pirates.

"Go to hell! Even if there is a bounty of 30 million, you will die at my hands! Hahaha!!"

Bear King laughed wildly, and his cadres also laughed because of the captain's confidence, which reduced their fear of the Big Daddy Pirates.

Basire was exercising on the Dreadnaught Saber when a red light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He immediately dropped the giant dumbbell, quickly ran to the bow of the ship, and jumped on the head of the sea cow Momoo who was pulling the ship.

'Barrier wall!'

Basire stood on Momoo's head and held up a huge transparent barrier which surprised Nami and the others.

The next moment, a huge cannonball landed and hit the barrier, causing a huge explosion and churning waves that shook the entire pirate ship.

"Eldoraggo! Return fire! Destroy that cannon!"

As for the garbage pirate group that disturbed his training, Basire wanted to kill them himself!

As if feeling Basire's anger and murderous intent, Momoo swam even faster, just wanting to reach the island quickly.


'Sonic cannon!'

Eldoraggo was also startled by this sudden attack. Feeling the killing intent of Captain Basire, he immediately charged up his strength and blasted back at the top of Clockwork Island.

Bear King didn't expect that the killer weapon he had prepared for several years would be blocked!

"Captain, be careful!"

Skunk One flew over and knocked down Bear King. A terrifying blue-white laser sound wave penetrated their top floor hall.

"Hurry! Load the second shot!"

The enormous Bear King was really a little panicked. The strength of the Big Daddy Pirates seemed to have exceeded his imagination.

Soon they successfully reloaded and fired again, and this time, the opponent did something even more terrifying.

Basire actually cut the cannonball in half with a 40-meter-long sword, and there was no chance of hitting them!

"Gulp~! !"xN.

"Captain, let's run now!"

Skunk One immediately said anxiously, because such a terrifying pirate group as the Big Daddy Pirates was no longer something they could deal with.

After they realized their King Cannon was useless, there was no hope for them to fight head-on!

"Yes! Let's retreat first! Judging from their route, they must be going to the Grand Line. Let's avoid the limelight first and then find a chance to get back at them!"

Bear King no longer hesitated and immediately turned around and ran away, more decisively than these cadres.

Upon seeing this, the cadres immediately followed and fled. The pressure placed on them by the Big Daddy Pirates was just too great.

But how could Basire, who had been shot at twice, let them run away!

The sea cow Momoo had already arrived at the shore of Clockwork Island with the Dreadnaught Saber. The crew of the Big Daddy Pirates immediately landed quickly and started the massacre towards the top of Clockwork Island.

Under the orders of Bear King, the pirate minions were desperately trying to block the attack of the Big Daddy Pirates, while these cadres wanted to escape on the other side.

But Basire, who had already awakened Observation Haki, quickly noticed these powerful ants trying to escape. The aura they exuded among the many minions was like fireflies in the dark night.

"Two Devil fruit powers and a bunch of trash!"

Basire pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu and slashed. Zoro and Kuro immediately followed after seeing this. They knew that Basire had Observation Haki and must have discovered something, and they were also working hard to awaken their own Haki.

"Boom~! !"

A giant transparent barrier fell loudly, blocking the way of the Trump Pirates higher ups, startling them all.

Bear King gritted his teeth and turned red all over, like red-hot steel, slamming into this glass-like barrier, he didn't believe that this barrier couldn't be broken!


With a loud noise, Bear King was thrown back and rolled dozens of times on the ground, vomiting blood crazily from his mouth.

Seeing the captain's tragic situation, his cadres showed their special abilities and ran away in panic.

Skunk One's gas injector surged, leaving behind a stream of poisonous gas as he flew high into the sky. Honey Queen also turned into a viscous liquid and instantly found a gap to escape.

Pin Joker also wanted to escape, but was met by Zoro, an old rival. They had already fought against each other before, and he was defeated miserably at the hands of this pirate hunter.

And Boo Jack was instantly chopped down by Kuro. A little piece of trash with a bounty of no more than three million beris, there was no need for Kuro to use a second move.

"I hate these things the most!"

Smelling the stinky gas left by Skunk One, the veins on Basire's forehead jumped and bulged. This kind of garbage must die!

'Barrier thrust!'

The huge barrier on the ground instantly transformed into a huge pointed cone, which suddenly shot into the sky. It completely penetrated Skunk One in an instant, causing him to splatter liters of blood on the spot. Then he was whipped out by Basire and flew straight down to hell.

Pin Joker was also chopped to the ground by Zoro in a few moves, and was unable to resist for long.

At this time, their Captain Bear King also stood up again, but when he saw his subordinates dying and escaping and being seriously injured, his eyes turned red. His Devil Fruit ability was activated, and the temperature of his whole body increased again!

"I will kill you!!"

Like a red-hot locomotive, the gigantic Bear King crazily rushed towards Basire with an unstoppable momentum.

"Barrier strike!"

Basire didn't pay attention to him at all. A huge impact barrier rushed towards Bear King, and then he chased after the Logia Fruit ability user without looking back.

It's not that easy to escape under his Observation Haki!

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