
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

Reaching Merveille

Aboard the Groseade.

The prescription for longevity and rumble balls were immediately handed over to the medical department for research.

The 20 doctors from Drum Kingdom, Nightin, Doc Q, and Trafalgar Law, these top doctors were busy researching and trying to improve these two prescriptions.

Nightin's short-term rejuvenation potion and this life-extending prescription may be able to produce a better life increasing medicine.

Lafitte and Kuro, two Zoan ability users, both wanted to try more transformation forms and develop stronger combat power.

The evolution potion in Dr. Indigo's hand may also be able to help improve the Rumble Balls.

After all, the evolved monsters on the Floating Merveille Island have been able to evolve powerful abilities such as lightning and fire breathing.

If the Rumble Ball is improved with it, it will not only add multiple transformation forms, but might also add lightning and flame abilities. Then even the ordinary Zoan Devil Fruit users could use abilities akin to Mythical Zoan Fruits.

For this project, Basire coerced and lured Dr. Indigo, tortured and beat him, and finally succeeded in subduing him.

Now the Big Daddy Pirates were rushing to Shiki's floating base island, Merveille, to take over the capital and various research materials accumulated by the old lion for more than 20 years.

Basire wants to swallow these trophies completely anyway.

At that time, coupled with the Energy Steroid pill of Fish-Man island, all the technologies will be integrated together. Maybe in this way, a batch of Vice Admiral-level suicidal evolved monsters could be created.

Even if they activate their full potential and can only live for half a day or a few hours, they could still be used during a war or important fight to take down the enemy.

Thinking of this, Basire's eyes flashed fiercely.

From now on, no matter if it is the Marines or a Yonkō, if they offend him, he will have the capital to take revenge.

"There are a lot of targets. After taking down Blackbeard and handing Fire Fist Ace to Naval Headquarters, I want to grab all those things, and then wait for the Summit War to break out"

Basire stood on the bow of the boat whispering, then the corner of his mouth suddenly raised into a small smile. He wondered if Doflamingo and Kaido would make more noise if Caesar Clown was captured.

That could make the Summit War even more intense.

Red-haired Shanks will definitely block Kaido, but he may fight more fiercely than in the original work.

How about sending Usopp and Monkey D. Luffy to the execution stand?

See if the Red Hair Pirates choose to stop Kaido, or go to Marineford immediately.

Will Yasopp and Shanks watch their son and heir to their will fall?

Maybe even the revolutionary army will get involved.

However, with the minds of Sengoku and Tsuru, they probably wouldn't offend so many people at once.

Straw Hat Luffy is too conspicuous. As Garp's grandson, he wouldn't be publicly executed.

So why not send Usopp, a little-known sidekick, and see Yasopp's reaction.

Basire doesn't know if Naval Headquarters knows about the relationship between Yasopp and Usopp.

He will have to find a way to get the Marine to send Usopp to the execution stand, and maybe three of the Four Emperors will have to gather.

By the way, in Gecko Moria's Thriller Bark, there is Charlotte Lola, the daughter of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin. This ugly girl was once engaged to the prince of the Elbaf Giant Kingdom, but she escaped from the marriage.

If Charlotte Lola is also sent to the execution stand, Big Mom might not come, but it is hard to say the same for the doting brother Katakuri!

"However, Sengoku and Tsuru will definitely not execute these people in public. This is a problem…"

Basire whispered, if Usopp and Charlotte Lola are sent to the execution stand together, then this time the Four Emperors would gather to fight against Naval Headquarters, making the war even crazier!

As for Kaido, even if none of his crew members are captured, he will definitely rush into this world-class war.

Basire was thinking crazily. It was easy to capture Usopp and Charlotte Lola. The problem was making the Marines send them to the execution platform and execute them publicly, thereby attracting the attention of Yasopp and Katakuri and forcing their pirate groups to join the war.

The most important thing is to let Naval Headquarters take the blame, because he doesn't want to provoke three of the Four Emperors at the same time.

He just wants to be the mastermind behind the scenes. Otherwise, he might have been safer in Mariejois.

If such a large-scale battle really breaks out, then these solidified Four Emperors forces and Naval Headquarters can make room for more newcomers.

"It's too difficult. It's too difficult to plan a world-class war!"

Basire had a headache. Charlotte Lola's identity is already known by the Marines, and he didn't know if they knew about Ussop's identity.

However, how could Sengoku publicly execute so many important people at the same time? He was also afraid of provoking two Yonkō pirate groups at the same time.

While thinking, time passed quickly.

The Big Daddy Pirates have crossed the ruined Lion Peak Island and arrived near the floating group of islands or archipelago Merveille.

The golden Ark Maxim quickly took off. With the assistance of Dr. Indigo, the Big Daddy Pirates began to search Merveille and transported various rare materials back to their island ship.

If those monsters weren't so big that even the Ark Maxim couldn't fit them inside, they would have to bring some down to study, or feed them to Lily Carnation.

On Merveille, in the island of beasts, the Big Daddy Pirates dug up most of the IQ plants on the island for research.

All information on SIQ pharmaceuticals, whether finished products or semi-finished products, were also taken away.

They also took away the Merveillians, a rare race that mutated thanks to the exposure to SIQ and grew feathers on their arms.

When the time comes to deprive Golden Lion Shiki of his Devil Fruit ability, these floating islands will still fall, and Basire will not be able to stop them.

Unless he can persuade Golden Lion Shiki to put down the floating islands.

But Basire doesn't want to untie Shiki's seastone chains. If this guy disappears in a flash, where will they find him?

So they can only abandon these floating islands and search for the most valuable things.

As the Big Daddy Pirates continued to search through Merveille, the chase between Ace and Blackbeard seems to have reached a critical point.

Blackbeard felt that no matter how he changed his course, Ace could follow his...Savory Cherry Pie like a fly.

Ace also found it strange that he could get accurate information about Teach every time he inquired casually.

He once thought that it might even be Thatch's spirit that was helping him to hunt Teach to avenge him.

Ace and Blackbeard didn't know that their game of chasing each other was completely under the control of Big News Morgans.

"Kwahahaha! Hurry up! Send a message to Basire immediately! Hire someone to drag this fat man away!"

Morgans laughed, feeling that something worthy of big news was about to happen.

Will Fire Fist Ace, the captain of Whitebeard's second division, be more powerful, or will the Shichibukai Big Daddy Basire be stronger?

As for this fat man, there is nothing to pay attention to.

Back on Mecha island, a red-haired man controlled the metal in the city and beat the genius mechanic Ratchet...