
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

Marshall D Teach

Grand Line, Sunset Island.

A fat man wearing black pants and a white shirt with his belly exposed was eating his favorite cherry pie in a bar.

After escaping from the New World for so many days, he still has not recruited a single crew member he likes. Either they are not strong enough, or their potential is too low, and they're not worthy of being his crew members.

When he came to this island this time, he heard that there once appeared on the island a powerful marksman who claimed to be able to shoot down giant dragons and even mythical beasts. But he doesn't know if these legends are true.

However, the archers on this island are indeed very strong, because when he first arrived on the island, he saw several powerful archers competing.

Even boulders can be penetrated by their arrows, let alone pirate ships that are made of wood. He also saw a powerful archer who could shoot the trunk of a big tree directly and cause the entire tree to fall.

He felt that if this archer were to shoot the mast of a ship, he would definitely be able to destroy it with one arrow and cut off the sail power of the ship.

A man with such strength made him curious.

If possible, he really wants to recruit the most powerful archer to become his first crew member!

Not far from this bar, a high-priced mission order had just been posted on a bounty hunter's mission list. A photo of a fat, dark man was on it, and his current location was also marked.

[Capture Blackbeard alive, it doesn't matter if his limbs are broken, as long as he doesn't die! The bounty is 100 million beris! !]

"Who is this? There is such an unknown person in the Grand Line and someone is offering such a high bounty for him?"

"It seems that I have never seen this man, not even the reward notice."

"The bounty has actually reached a hundred millions. Isn't this the price of a supernova?"

"He's actually at the Sunset Bar!! Hurry up!! This hundred million beris bounty belongs to me!"

A pirate carrying a big sword laughed and rushed towards the Sunset Bar in the center of Sunset Island. After the people behind him reacted, they also rushed towards the bar.

Someone actually offered a reward of 100 million beris for an unknown person with no wanted order. This was simply giving them money.

They didn't believe that Blackbeard, who didn't have a wanted order, could be that strong.

"The bounty is 100 million. Then I'm going to join in the fun!"

A young man with black hair carrying a black iron bow showed a very interested expression and immediately followed the flow of people towards the Sunset Bar.

One hundred million beris is not a small amount.

If he could get it, he would be able to live comfortably for a while and exchange for better bows and arrows, because the consumption of sharp arrows can be a huge expense.

On the sea not far from Sunset Island.

A small speedboat was moving forward rapidly, with flames constantly spurting out from behind.

"Teach! I won't let you go this time!!"

A young man with a freckled face, with his upper body exposed, showing his solid muscles, and wearing an orange hat on his head.

At this moment, he looked sharply at Sunset Island, which was still a small dot in the distance. This time he must catch up with the traitor.

Because God and Thatch were blessing him, allowing him to get accurate information about Teach's whereabouts time and time again.

In the sky, several seagulls flew past, dotting the vast blue sea with a few white dots.

In another area of the sea, there was also a huge mechanical island ship, quickly rushing to Sunset Island.

In the Sunset Bar.

After Marshall D Teach downed several bottles of wine and ate over a dozen cherry pies, he laid back contentedly on his chair and patted his big belly.

Then a waiter whispered something into the bartender's ear, which surprised the bartender and inadvertently glanced at the man a few more times.

The bartender's eyes were noticed by Blackbeard, which made him feel a little strange, but he didn't really care.

After all, he is just an unknown person with 0 bounty on his head. As long as it is not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one will take action against him.

But soon, his eyes changed, as if he was a different person. The relaxed eyes disappeared and turned into deep and ambitious ones.

'Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates put a bounty on me in the underworld?'

Then he noticed the change in the atmosphere, and many guesses appeared in his mind.

"Guest, this is your wine."

The bartender brought a few bottles of wine again, with a hint of excitement on his face, looking at the fat man as if he were looking at gold.

Even when relaxed, Teach could have detected the bartender's evil intentions, not to mention now that he was paying attention.

"Drink! Old man!"

Blackbeard suddenly grinned, picked up the wine bottle with one hand, grabbed the bartender's collar, and poured the wine into the bartender's mouth with a laugh.

"No, save... me, quickly, take... him!"

The bartender, who was constantly being fed poisonous wine, screamed with fear on his face. He kept struggling, but found that he could not break free from the hold of this man.

This made his face paler. As a bartender who dealt in both black and white areas, he also had good strength. He even defeated a drunken pirate who had a bounty of 20 million beris once.

But now he was completely helpless in the hands of this unknown person!


The waiters and the gangsters in the bar were watching the scene, and they all pulled out their long knives to kill the fat man who was causing trouble.

"Haha!! It seems like I have to leave quickly again!!"

Blackbeard casually threw the bartender out and smashed him against the wall. The bartender died instantly because of the collision, which shows his terrifying strength.

Then Blackbeard knocked these waiters and gangsters away with a few punches, and swaggered out of the Sunset Bar while laughing.

In fact, he was a little angry. With something like this happening, it seemed that recruiting a powerful archer as a crew member was going to be a bit of a problem.

However, when he just walked out of the Sunset Bar, his pupils shrank suddenly. Three arrows were shot at him in an instant. He quickly dodged, but he was still hit by a sharp arrow on his left shoulder.

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much!!"

He immediately fell to the ground and screamed in pain, but the next moment his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he endured the severe pain and pulled out the arrow from his shoulder.

"Haha! Is this the man worth a hundred million? He's really trash!"

A bounty hunter at the side laughed, but there was more greed in his eyes. This is free money, whoever grabs it first is the winner!

The young man holding the iron bow was also stunned for a moment. He only made a slight move to test the target who had a bounty of 100 million.

Unexpectedly, the man fell down like this without any image, and it seemed that the pain was so exaggerated that he almost cried in pain.

Even if a pirate with a bounty of 10 to 20 million was hit by an arrow, he would not show such an exaggerated reaction.

Does this fat man really need 100 million beris to capture him?

Could the bounty hunter be lying?