
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

Kill Two People And Fight Smoker!

Bartolomeo crawled out from the ruins, his fangs covered in blood.

He didn't understand why he couldn't catch up with Basire's strength even though he had already trained twice as hard. Instead, the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

He couldn't accept the fact that he was instantly defeated by Basire, and he wanted to fight Basire again!

"Barto! Run, run to the Marine branch!!"

Grandma felt that Basire's murderous intent was getting stronger. She knew that today's killing would not stop easily. In order to save this grandson, she could only let Barto seek a chance to survive from the Marines.

"No! Grandma! I don't believe he can be that strong!

"All brothers! Kill him with me!"

"Devil Fruit's ability also consumes stamina, let's tire him to death!"

With a murderous look on his face, Bartolomeo pulled out the pistol on his waist and opened fire first. Upon seeing this, other gang members immediately launched a second round of fire coverage.

"Barto!! Get away! Are you disobeying your grandma?"

The old woman shouted anxiously. She endured the injuries on her body, stood up slowly, and walked towards Bartolomeo step by step amid the roar of artillery fire.

But the next moment, a light green transparent giant appeared in the smoke of gunfire, and a forty-meter-long knife came across with unstoppable power.

In the Barto Club, a large number of gang members who were shooting and firing were cut off at the waist, blood and flesh splattered in an instant. The entire Barto Club headquarters was also cut off with a sword and collapsed.

Smoker, who was driving a smoking motorcycle, saw the headquarters of the Barto Club suddenly collapse, and a transparent giant emerged, continuing to wield a huge long sword and slashing at nearby buildings.

This made him look a little stunned. When did East Blue have such a powerful Devil fruit user?

"Is it Daddy Basire?"

Smoker quickly remembered that when Basire destroyed the Krieg Pirates, he turned into a small armored giant, but that armored giant was only four or five meters tall, and now this transparent giant is twenty or thirty meters tall!

His strength has also skyrocketed so horribly, isn't it?

Kuro was shocked when he saw this terrifying giant, but soon his eyes were filled with admiration and expectation. Maybe this captain could really lead them to the Grand Line and into the New World!

Pushing his glasses with his palm he couldn't help but say "Sasuga Captain-sama"

"Run! Boss Barto!!"

The few people who were still alive shouted, this Basire is just too terrifying and cannot be dealt with at all.

His strength can already set foot in the New World, and even the first half of the Grand Line cannot stop him!

At this moment, Grandma who was laying on the floor felt unprecedented sadness, seeing all these kids she considered her grandchildren dying at the hand of someone she also considered family. If she had known this would happen, she would have let Desire go with him, and things would not have ended up like this.

"f**k them all!!"

Basire stepped on Grandma, crushing her like an ant. He didn't want to see this old woman again.

"No! Grandma!!"

Bartolomeo finally shed tears when he saw Grandma being trampled to death. He looked at the giant Basire with hatred.

But the next second, Basire held a sword in both hands and slashed at Bartolomeo.

"You should also go down and accompany her in hell!"

Basire showed no mercy, and those who hated him and made him unhappy would all die!

A spiral column of smoke rushed towards Bartolomeo at a very high speed, as if trying to save the underworld boss. At the same time, a large amount of smoke surged towards the giant, surrounding it and interfering with its sight.

"It's useless."

Basire sneered and ignored the smoke. His Observation Haki could clearly feel Bartolomeo's position. His giant sword suddenly shifted and directly split Bartolomeo and the white mist's giant hand that was protecting into two.

One of the most powerful gangsters in Loguetown has fallen!

Basire also laughed wildly, he finally took his revenge.

"Bastard Basire! How dare you kill someone in front of me!!"

The white hunter Smoker was furious. He wrapped the giant in smoke and wanted to slowly suffocate him to death. He didn't believe that Basire could stay in this state for long!

After all, the more powerful a Devil Fruit's ability moves are, the more energy they consume.

And now he is waiting for him to get tired, and he is not afraid of Basire's giant physical attack. He can definitely wear away Basire's barrier giant!

"Not only will I kill in front of you. I will also beat you up!"

Basire dispersed the barrier giant with an expressionless face, his hands instantly turned black, and he suddenly punched somewhere in the smoke.

A figure flew out instantly.

Moreover, with one successful attack, Basire gained the upper hand and launched a series of combos against Smoker.

He once passed by Fire Fist Ace, and Smoker also had to bear some responsibility because he drove away Ace so quickly.

"Damn! Someone here in East Blue actually knows how to use Armament Haki?!"

Smoker was caught off guard, otherwise with his strength, even if he did not use elemental transformation, he would not have been suppressed by Basire so easily just with his physical skills.

He tried his best to hit Basire with his seastone jite, wanting to take advantage of the devil fruit weakness.

"Seastone weapons? I have one too."

Basire pulled out a small stick with a seastone on the top and swung it towards Smoker.

"What?! You even have this as well!!"

Smoker cursed, Armament Haki and seastone weapons, which are rare in the Grand Line, actually appeared on this little pirate from the East Blue.

"Smoker! What the hell did you learn from Zephyr? You didn't even learn Haki."

Basire punched Smoker in the face with his dark right fist, sending him flying away, leaving a trail of blood in the air.

He will not hold back just because Smoker is a truly righteous Marine. Now they are enemies, so this is a life and death battle between Marines and pirates!

Kuro, who came from behind, saw Basire fighting with a Marine Captain again. He believed in his Captain's strength, he then sneered and killed these members of the Barto Club who were still alive one by one.

It is his duty as a crew member to handle the cleanup for the captain.

The battle between Basire and Smoker soon attracted more and more people to watch. Marine branch troops arrived, and the crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates also arrived one after another.

The two sides started fighting as soon as they met, starting a large-scale chaos in Loguetown. The pirate groups who quietly landed in Loguetown also rose up and joined the fun.

There are pirates who like to fish in troubled waters and sneak attack the Marines, there are also pirates who directly use the chance to rob and make a fortune, and of course there are also pirates who don't want to get involved and just left Loguetown to enter the Grand Line.

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