
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Going To Sea!

The huge barrier siege vehicle dissipated, and there was no trace of Blood on Basire's body, but his shoes were soaked in blood and minced meat.

Desire looked at this man who seemed to be unrecognizable to her in fear. He actually killed so many of their brothers!

"Basire!! You will die a terrible death!"

Seeing so many brothers die tragically, Bartolomeo looked at him with red eyes, and struck angrily with his sharp sword!

"You are also half responsible for their deaths! It was you who ordered them to die!"

Basire, who had gone crazy by now, grinned cruelly!

He once again used the barrier shield to block Bartolomeo's slash, wrapped his right hand with a thin layer of Armament Haki, and punched Barto in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Looking at the broken teeth in Bartolomeo's mouth, he leaned over and snatched the skilled sword Yubashiri back from his hand, and pulled out the scabbard on Bartolomeo's waist.

"It's not yours! Don't rob it!!"

He put Yubashiri back into its sheath, along the cursed sword, Sandai Kitetsu, on his waist.

Under Bartolomeo's angry gaze, Basire once again walked away in the direction grandma's sweets shop was!

Reaching the place he used his half baked Observation Haki to make sure the old woman wasn't preparing to ambush him.

Sensing that she was hiding behind a door he proceeded to destroy the door with a barrier covered fist, when he rushed in to check on her he found that the old woman's right arm had been fractured and her head was bleeding. Her Armament Haki must have been heavily reduced because of age and could not withstand the huge impact of the barrier punch!

"Grandma! Teach me the Haki training method honestly! Otherwise, you and Barto will..."

Basire sneered. He had made so many contributions to the Barto club, but not only did he not gain her complete trust, he was even robbed of the skilled sword Yubashiri.

How could he, as a transmigrator, swallow such a humiliation!

Moreover, Grandma only taught him a little bit about how to awaken armament and observation Haki, and she kept the rest hidden and refused to teach him.

This greatly delayed his time to go to sea. If he hadn't obtained the barrier fruit, he wouldn't have planned to go to sea!

He may have to wait until Luffy goes to sea, but now, he can go to sea a year earlier than Luffy which gives him more time to develop and become stronger.

After all, he is not as talented as Straw Hat Luffy who can defeat the Shichibukai in a few months, complete the first half of the grandline, and enter the New World to defeat the Four Emperors in two or three years.

"Basire! How did you become like this? You can't hurt grandma!!"

The red-haired Desire quickly rushed over, stepped in front of grandma and glared at him.

Seeing Desire like this made him upset.

"Grandma! I just want the Haki training method, otherwise I don't mind letting the Barto family disappear or become the Basire family!!"

He ignored Desire's anger. He could not give up the opportunity to become stronger, whether it was to kill Gambia to seize the barrier fruit, or to obtain the Haki training method in grandma's hands!

He doesn't have that much time to continue to keep gaining grandma's trust, because the great era is coming, and he must race against time to strengthen himself and develop his own power!

"I can give it to you! But you leave Logue town immediately, and you are not allowed to harm the people of the Barto club. Also, you leave Desire!"

Grandma said angrily. She didn't expect Basire to be such a person, doing all this just to steal her secret recipes…

"You want to die!!!"

Basire glanced at Desire, and then looked at the old woman with murderous intent. She actually wanted him to leave his first woman?

"Basire! No! Don't hurt grandma!! I won't go to sea with you! You bastard who hurt our family!!"

Desire protected grandma, with red eyes, tears, and gritted teeth as she looked at this man she loved!

Not only did he kill Gambia for no reason, he also hurt Bartolomeo and Grandma, and killed so many brothers. She could not forgive this man!

Moreover, Basire has concealed so much strength and a Devil Fruit ability from herself. Does he really love her?

Hearing Desire's words, he felt an ache in his heart. He took a trembling step back and looked at her angry tearful eyes!

He clenched his fists and showed an extremely complicated expression in his eyes!

"Give me the Haki training method!!!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted at the old woman. He neither agreed nor refused her request, but just stared at the old woman who was plotting against him!

"In my dormitory, under the third brick on the right side of the bed!"

Grandma seemed to have felt Basire's crazy murderous intent, and she no longer tried negotiating with this angry beast. She was satisfied that Desire could leave this bad man.

"Hmph! I hope you won't lie to me! Otherwise! I will come back and kill you!"

He glanced at Desire and left without looking back. He started walking slowly, not wanting to see the look in her eyes but still feeling reluctant to leave.


When he arrived at grandma's house, he broke open the door to her room, smashed her bed, flipped over the bottom of the bed, and finally found a small book filled with sweets recipes!

'This crafty old woman must have hidden the haki training method using a code, doesn't matter, I will just have to slowly decipher it'

He also saw some jewelry there and grabbed everything. He hated this old woman and didn't want to leave anything to her!

Not only did this old woman not teach him how to advance his Haki, but now she actually plotted against him and Desire!

Today, just for the sake of Desire, he will let them go!

He also decided to completely hide his little feelings for Desire.

Feelings are just an obstacle on his way to becoming stronger!

He took the things he found and headed to the Barto club warehouse where he stole all the money and gold he could carry and ran to the port of Loguetown without looking back, there was a small sailboat specially prepared by him.

In the past two years, he has also learned a lot about the Grand Line navigation.

In East Blue, a peaceful sea area with few extreme weather conditions, there is no need to worry.

He never wanted to see the look in Desire's eyes again, and he gave up on annexing the Barto club.

He is going to build his own power from scratch!

Basire drove a small sailboat filled with supplies out of the port. He looked at this Loguetown where he had stayed for about two years, and a sense of ambition arose spontaneously.

On this day, he will start his journey in this wondrous world of One Piece!

Suddenly, he saw that familiar red figure, and his heart trembled slightly. But the next moment, he became determined again.

'Let us bury this feeling in our hearts together, you need your family and I have my own ambitions.'

He set sail, completely away from the Loguetown port, and sailed towards the distance.

Seeing him leave so decisively, the red-haired woman by the port finally couldn't help but slump on the ground and burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly.

The man who could make her so happy all this time just left her.

Grandma and Bartolomeo, who had just bandaged their wounds, also appeared behind Desire, looking at the sailboat going away.

Grandma looked at the crying Desire and sighed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Bartolomeo, on the other hand, cursed Basire as a traitor. Sooner or later, he would go to sea and kill this bastard!

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