
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Gambling! Fight Zoro!

With Zoro, Johnny and Yosaku rowing together, they finally succeeded in catching up with the Tulip Pirates' ship and entangled the pirate group.

Zoro also excitedly went to fight to get the wine and meal money. He had not gotten a bounty for many days and lived a miserable life of being full for one day and hungry for two days.

After all, because of his tendency to get lost, he relies completely on his luck and chance when hunting pirates.

However, yesterday he met two fans of his, Johnny and Yosaku, and with them leading the way, he was able to find a bounty target today.

Although the strength of these two young men is a bit lacking, as long as they can lead the way, he will be responsible for killing people!

The eight million bounty offered by the captain of the Tulip Pirates is enough for them to live comfortably for a while.

After Roronoa Zoro got on the boat, he chopped down everyone he saw, causing blood to fly everywhere.

At this time, Basire's sailboat also caught up. Without saying a word, he jumped onto the pirate ship and saw a group of pirates besieging Zoro. While Johnny and Yosaku could barely deal with three or four pirates because of their pathetic strength.

"You dared to bombard my ship, are you ready to pay the price now?"

As soon as Basire jumped on board, he pulled out his cursed sword. The powerful ominous aura immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Roronoa Zoro looked at the sword in Basire's hand with a glint in his eyes.

"Hey! These guys are my prey!"

Zoro once again chopped down a pirate with one slash. Like a wild beast, he looked at Basire, a stranger who seemed to have good strength and was stealing his prey.

"They shelled my ship. They might be your prey, but they are also my prey!"

He quickly rushed towards Captain Rika of the Tulip Pirates, and cut off the long sword that Rika used to block with one blow, and also cut him hard on the shoulder, leaving a huge scar!


Captain Rika fell to the ground and screamed in pain. He kept kicking his feet as he retreated desperately, but when he saw that a second sword slash was coming, his pupils dilated as he looked at the ominous cursed sword with fear, and infinite despair surged in his heart.


A katana suddenly appeared, blocking the murderous cursed sword. The two swords collided, shaking and scattering sparks.

"Hey, hey, your strength is pretty good! Your sword is pretty good too. You can actually cut this guy's sword in half with one slash. But I told you already, these pirates are my prey!"

Zoro said with a grin, looking at the stranger with warlike eyes, as if he saw a powerful opponent he couldn't wait to fight with.

"Roronoa Zoro, I know you are a swordsman who went to sea to challenge the world's greatest swordsman, but with your current strength and your crazy behavior, you probably won't be able to leave the weakest East Blue in your life!"

"My name is Daddy Basire. Are you interested in forming a group and setting off to the Grand Line together to challenge the world's strongest?!"

Basire said with a grin, the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand kept pressing down, and even wrapped around the most basic Armament Haki, making up for the quality gap between the graded Sandai Kitetsu, and the great grade Wado Ichimonji.

"Let's see what strength you have first!"

Zoro quickly pulled out a standard katana with his left hand again and slashed at Basire's waist. The momentum was so fierce that a roar broke out in the air.

"I'm not a dual-sword swordsman, but I can do it a little bit!"

He also pulled out Yubashiri on his waist and blocked Zoro's fierce attack.

"Another famous sword?"

Zoro's eyes lit up. He actually encountered two famous swords in one day. If he could get both of them, he would have three handy weapons in his three-sword style.

"Skilled grade sword, Yubashiri. How about it? Do you want it? If you beat me, it's yours. But if you lose or it's a tie, you go to sea with me!"

Basire laughed and shook Zoro away. The two of them took a few steps back, distanced themselves, and looked at each other closely.

"What a good bet! Then I'll take this free sword!"

Roronoa Zoro said with a grin, and his tone became serious. He quickly tied up his headband, showed a beast-like look, bit Wado Ichimonji in his mouth, and held a sword in each hand.

Whether it was for the skilled grade sword Yubashiri or the eight million bounty of the Tulip Pirates, it's worth using his strongest moves!

And he is very confident in his own strength!

"Haha! I just like your cheerfulness!! After you become my partner I will also give you this sword! You will definitely make a profit!"

Basire showed a smile that his plan was successful, then stabbed down Yubashiri and inserted it directly into the deck, then he pointed Sandai Kitetsu at Zoro.

He is not good at the two-sword style, and his strongest moves come from the Devil Fruit ability. He also needs the assistance of finger gestures to display stronger combat effectiveness.

"I won't lose!!"

Zoro smiled confidently and firmly.

"Then you definitely can't win!"

Basire also said with certainty, with the ability of the barrier fruit, is it possible for him to lose?

'Santōryū: Tora Gari!'

Without saying a word, Zoro rushed forward at high speed and slashed Basire. The three knives could slash at the enemy in three directions.

"It's my first time to fight a three-sword swordsman, so it's really a bit uncomfortable!"

'Barrier Armor!'

Basire crossed the index and middle fingers of his left hand, and a large number of small shields appeared on his limbs and body, forming a set of simple armor that was attached to his body.

He ignored Zoro's slashes with the two ordinary katanas and directly slashed at Zoro with Sandai Kitetsu in both hands.

Seeing Basire using such a suicidal move, Zoro was so frightened that he quickly returned to the defense. He would not lose his life like this!

However, the advantage of his three swords appeared at this time. The sword in his right hand and the one in his mouth were used to block Basire's fierce blow, but the sword in his left hand had already hit Basire's waist!

'Ding! 'x2.

Zoro felt that his left hand sword struck hard steel, and his right hand sword was actually cracked by Basire's cursed sword, and he was also pushed away because his opponent was holding his sword with both hands.

"What kind of ability is that? You can actually create armor?"

Zoro looked at the hard and transparent armor on Basire and felt that this fight would be very difficult. His left sword actually had a crack after clashing with this armor.

What the hell is this!

"A Devil Fruit ability, so you don't have to worry that I will compete with you for the world's greatest swordsman title!"

Basire smiled and said, he is not a pure swordsman, and he is not interested in the world's greatest swordsman title at all.

"Hmph! I won't be afraid of any opponent! But you almost broke two of my swords at once. It seems that I need to finish this fight quickly!"

'Santōryū: Oni Giri!'

Zoro felt that his two ordinary swords could not last long, so he immediately used his killing move.

He held knives in his left and right hands, made a crossed posture, disappeared in an instant, struck at Basire, and suddenly appeared behind him.

'Barrier·Spherical Shield!'

~clang! ! !~x3.

There were three loud noises, and Basire stood intact, while the cracks in the two swords in Zoro's hands increased again, and they might break into several pieces at any time.