
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs


After hiding Gambia's body, Basire left the underground warehouse directly, but it was only a matter of time before he was exposed.

"Big Daddy, you..."

In the Barto Bar, a squad leader of the Barto family guarding the warehouse saw their ruthless strategist Big Daddy Basire walking out with his hands and clothes covered in blood.

And noticing that brother Gambia, who was called into the warehouse by Basire, did not show up. A terrible thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Did Basire, their ruthless strategist, just kill Gambia?

And Gambia also didn't believe that Basire really dared to take action in the family's underground warehouse, so he was easily attacked and killed by this strategist.

"~Shh~, don't talk too much!"

Basire grinned cruelly and said, shooing away the frightened squad leader who turned pale. He was already planning to go to sea and no longer dwell in the weakest East Blue.

There is a fascinating world out there waiting for him to explore!

There are a lot of things to learn and he must become stronger to face this magnificent era.

The beggars, gangsters, and even the shop owners who bullied him for being mute have all been sent to hell by him already.

When he first arrived, he was suppressed for too long. The old woman still does not fully trust him and has never taught him the subsequent training methods of Haki!

Now, after getting the barrier fruit, he wants to steal the Haki training method from the old woman in his own way, and even wants to turn the Barto family into the Basire family!

He left the bustling Barto Bar, as if he was not worried about the coming crisis at all. He returned to his home and took a good hot bath.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he admired the eight-pack abs and muscles all over his body, full of strength.

This is the result of his tireless training in the past two years. The hideous scars at the corners of his eyes and chest not only did not destroy his good looks, but instead made him look a little more imposing!

As a strategist, he has explosive muscles and is more powerful than a frontline fighter.

That's not too much, right?

After all, he still doesn't have a demon back so there's a lot of room for improvement.

He quickly changed into a new set of clothes. Unexpectedly, after coming to this world, his body developed again. His height has exceeded two meters, reaching 2.5 meters, which would probably place him among the tallest people on Earth.

But in the world of One Piece, he is still a dwarf in front of a lot of people!

He looked at the sheathed sword he was currently holding, Sandai Kitetsu, and drew it from the scabbard without hesitation, letting the strange cursed energy from the blade wrap around his arm!

Basire waved the cursed sword expressionlessly, demonstrating a fierce and ruthless sword technique that did not belong to a strategist!

'Basic skill: watermelon chop!'

Basire split a huge sword-training stone in half with one stroke of his sword. This basic skill was one of the various killing moves he had learned on his own in the past two years!

Basic skills are his most basic martial arts that covers swordsmanship and physical skills.

Previously, he had used the advantage of the plot and the fact that he was a ruthless strategist of the Barto family to successfully buy the swords Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri from Ipponmatsu, the owner of the Loguetown weapons store.

At the beginning, he had not completely conquered Sandai Kitetsu, so he could only go out and kill people with the sword Yubashiri.

But he didn't expect that Gambia would forcibly 'borrow' Yubashiri because Basire was just the brain of the Barto family and did not need to fight anymore, and gave it to the boss, Bartolomeo to use.

For this reason, Basire was secretly angry for several days. Finally, Desire, that red-haired beauty, came over to comfort him. Only then did he have more opportunities to get along with her, and he used this opportunity to conquer Desire.

This may also be regarded as a kind of revenge and venting!

However, after getting along for a long time, Desire got better and better, and Basire gradually fell in love with this girl!

Apart from liking her for her nice personality and beauty, Desire's strength and potential are pretty good, so she can barely become a member of Basire's future team.


After half a day of practicing both the barrier fruit ability and his basic skills, someone came to knock on his door.

~Bang bang bang!~

After a brief knock on the door, Basire's door was kicked open. A red figure rushed in quickly, grabbed his hand and ran out!

"Why did you kill Gambia? Don't you know he is Barto's most capable subordinate?

"Now Barto and the rest are coming to deal with you! Let's run quickly!"

Desire's red hair was floating as she ran pulling Basire out as hard as she could, shouting anxiously and quickly. Basire could even see her round ass oscillating.

"No need to run! I will make it clear to Barto today that I am ready to go to sea! Desire, do you want to go to sea with me?"

He used his arms to pull her into his arms, slapped her semi-circular buttocks, and asked seriously.

Although this woman has had extended contact with him, love in this world does not seem to be that strong. Everyone has their own ambitions and dreams and won't hesitate to abandon their loved ones for them!

Moreover, he is still thinking about the old grandma's Haki training method and the "borrowed" sword Yubashiri in Bartolomeo's hand.

So how could he run away like this!

Isn't it just for this day that he has endured for two years?

Desire was also shocked by his strength as he stopped her. 'Why did this guy suddenly become so strong?'

After all, she already knew his physical strength intimately, be it in battle or the bedroom she had thoroughly experienced his power.

When she saw the ominous cursed sword in Basire's hand, her expression suddenly changed.

"Have you been affected by this cursed sword? Put it down quickly! Let's run away now! When Barto has calmed down, we will come back to apologize and ask for his forgiveness!"

Desire shouted anxiously, she knew that the cursed swords would bring misfortune to people, and now that Basire actually did something stupid like killing a member of their "family", he must have been influenced by this cursed sword.

She shouldn't have let Basire keep this ominous sword in the first place!

Thinking of the furious Barto, Desire looked solemn and uneasy. She had seen Bartolomeo's strength before and the brutality with which he fought.

This guy has a very bad character and the nickname of Cannibal is not just empty talk!

While he doesn't devour the flesh of his enemies, Desire personally saw him bite off an enemy's arm with his sharp teeth!

"Big D, I hope you can give me an explanation!!"

There were heavy footsteps outside, and a man's voice came in.

"Forget it, there's no need to ask! Anyone who kills a family member is a traitor to the family and should be dealt with according to the family law! I will kill you Basire!!!"

A green-haired cockscomb with a gold nose ring opened his sharp-toothed mouth and said unhappily. The open wine-red cloak exposed his strong abdominal muscles. There was also a long sword with a white handle on his waist.

It was Yubashiri, the skillful grade sword that was "borrowed" from Basire.

Bartolomeo, along with hundreds of gangsters, arrived outside his house and surrounded the place!

"Explanation? That's because I wanted to go to sea, so I competed with Gambia to test my strength, but he died too easily!

I wonder if you can tell grandma to give me all the training methods of Haki? Then you should also return the borrowed Yubashiri to me."

Basire carried the cursed sword Sandai Kitetsu, held Desire's hand, and came to the door, grinning at Bartolomeo!