
In One Piece With The Barrier Fruit

What would happen if a man were to be transmigrated with nothing but the clothes on his back into the dangerous world of One Piece? No cheats whatsoever other than his knowledge of the plot. The MC of the story is a ruthless man, a real pirate, so do expect a lot of killing. This is a heavily edited translation work.

Mysteryon · Anime & Comics
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176 Chs

A Marine Fleet Appears

The Dreadnaught Saber was moving forward rapidly, pulled by the sea cow Momoo.

As the Big Daddy Pirates get closer to Reverse Mountain, they become more excited, knowing that they will finally enter the legendary Grand Line.

This is a place that many East Blue pirates are eager to enter. Entering the Grand Line means that they are finally qualified to rob the great secret treasure left by Gold Roger the Pirate King!

As the pirate ship moved forward, the Big Daddy Pirates soon discovered that there were more and more wreckage and broken ships on the sea.

"Is it because of bad luck that the pirate ships crashed into the Red Line?"

Nami said doubtfully, because of the huge power of the ocean currents in the four seas, the sea water in the four seas can go against common sense and flow upstream in the Reverse Mountain and into the Grand Line.

Those unlucky pirate ships would crash directly into the Red Line and turn into a pile of debris if they failed to grasp the direction under the rapid ocean currents.

Reverse Mountain is just a small section of the Red Line, which is a line of mountains that separates the four Blues (East, West, North and South) from the Grand Line.

In the four seas, every year there are countless new pirate groups who fail at reaching the first level of the Grand Line and crash trying to go up the Reverse Mountain.

"There are scorch marks from artillery bombardment on it, and some of the wooden planks are neatly fragmented. This should be a pirate ship that has experienced a fierce battle, and there may be some strong swordsman among the enemies!"

Kuro just took a few glances at the debris and quickly analyzed part of the information.

"Swordsman? I really want to fight against such a strong man once!"

Zoro immediately said with a fighting spirit, since he still has not yet reached the level of a steel-cutting swordsman. In order to move towards the goal of being the world's greatest swordsman, he will duel with all the swordsmen he meets!

"Get ready to fight! An enemy is coming!!"

Basire's eyes flashed red, he put down the exercise equipment, looked into the distance, and then shouted to everyone casually.

Everyone immediately became full of fighting spirit and had an aura that belonged to the strongest pirate group in East Blue.

"Captain Basire, this is a Marine's fleet!! And it's a medium-sized fleet with nine Marine battleships!!"

Nami, the navigator and lookout, looked into the distance with binoculars and immediately shouted, looking a little nervous.

At first glance, the warships on the opposite side are regular Marine warships filled with sophisticated weapons. When you see the dense gun muzzles on each ship, you know that these are combat warships dedicated to encircling and suppressing pirates, not ordinary cruise warships.

"It seems that these pirate ship wrecks are the achievements of this Marine fleet!"

Kuro adjusted his glasses and said calmly, and then slowly began to put on his "Cat Claws", preparing for the battle.

"Is there really a swordsman on the opposite warship? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Zoro smiled and drew out two swords, Yubashiri and Kashu, and looked at the Marine fleet that was getting closer.

Other crew members also picked up their weapons and entered combat mode.

"Let me take the first shot!"

Eldoraggo immediately stood on the bow of the ship, his mouth began to glow and he charged up. As the sniper gunner on the ship, he must fire the first shot!

Before the Dreadnaught Saber entered the range of the Marine fleet, Eldoraggo had already taken the lead in firing. A blue-white dazzling light wave shot straight towards the Marine battleship in the middle.

Seeing this scene, the Marine fleet also sped up to bring the Big Daddy Pirates within the range of their artillery as soon as possible.

The warship in the middle also fired dense sickle wind blades, trying to scatter the sonic laser cannon, but in the end they were unable to disperse it completely, and the sonic cannon hit the mainmast of the warship.

There was a huge explosion on the warship, and smoke and flames shot into the sky.

However, the Marine fleet did not retreat because of this. Instead, it continued to accelerate and surrounded them, showing a tendency to close in.

And because the two sides were approaching each other, the pirate ship of the Big Daddy Pirates quickly entered the artillery coverage of the Marine fleet!

"Asshole! Hurry up and signal! Sink them for me!"

The fat Commodore Nelson yelled angrily. He was almost killed by the remaining sonic cannon. Fortunately, his Lieutenant Commander Hardy pulled him away in time and saved him from disaster.

And Eric didn't even try to save him, which made him very angry. That dirty mercenary did not protect his employer wholeheartedly.

"Commodore Royale, watch me avenge you!!"

Eric glanced at Nelson and shouted nonchalantly. After he saw that the Big Daddy Pirates had entered the attack range of the warship, he would also take the opportunity to destroy the pirate ship with the fleet's countless artillery fire.

Otherwise, he would not have the confidence to deal with so many strong men in the Big Daddy Pirates.

'Kama kama: Wind Blade Flurry!'

Dense transparent wind blades, along with explosive sounds of cannons and a large number of guns, blasted towards the pirate ship of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"It's actually him? It's Eric the Whirlwind, a user with the sickle fruit ability!"

'Barrier Battleship!'

Basire recognized that these wind blades were not the flying slashes used by a swordsman at all, but the ability of a Devil Fruit. He immediately put a barrier shield on his pirate ship, and then quickly approached the Marine fleet main ship.

And the sea beast Momoo has dived into the sea to avoid the shells, almost pulling the Dreadnaught Saber under the water, and continued to rush towards Commodore Nelson Royale's main ship!


The roar of explosions continued, and the smoke engulfed the entire pirate ship.

"Kill them!!"

Nelson and many sailors shouted excitedly.

As expected, no rookie pirate group can defeat a regular Marine fleet in formation.

But the next moment, the Dreadnaught Saber rushed out of the smoke intact and continued to rush towards the Marine main ship.

So many artillery fire and wind blades hit the pirate ship of the Big Daddy Pirates, but it had absolutely no effect. This suddenly made Commodore Nelson a little panicked.

"Eric, I'll leave this to you! After killing Daddy Basire, I will double your employment fee!!"

Nelson, who was very good at assessing the situation and protecting himself wisely, shouted nervously to Eric, immediately asked his second in command to protect him, and quickly made his carriers take him away from the command ship, the fat bastard can't even walk by himself.

Only by saving his own life can he continue to enjoy glory and wealth in the future.

'Damn it, Eric, he said he's so powerful, and now he can't even break through other people's shields!'

Nelson cursed secretly as he was carried away. This East Blue Strongest Pirate Group is indeed not a pirate group that is easy to mess with. It is the right choice for him to continue fishing and beating up weaker pirates.

As for orders from Naval Headquarters, to hell with them!

Such a powerful pirate group should be left to the Marine generals of the Grand Line to deal with it, instead of letting weak Marines like them die.


Seeing Nelson boarding the emergency boat and escaping, Eric also cursed in his heart.

He didn't expect that Basire's Devil Fruit ability would be so powerful. Not only could it cover an entire pirate ship, it could also block the artillery bombardment of nine Marine warships and his countless sickle wind blades.

Seeing this situation, he also had the idea of retreating!

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