
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 - Tattoo (Short R18)

After Hidan explained chakra and shinobi techniques to them:

Hidan: I believe you now understand the system. And since the three of you still cannot use chakra, you remain in the status of slaves.

Fred's eyes sparkled with hope when he realized there was a chance for survival and growth.

Anna, on the other hand, was afraid of the word "death."

Valery remained unresponsive, lost in thought.

Hidan: Albert, get ready, I have something to do, and then we'll hit the road.

Albert: Alright, sensei.

Hidan left the place and went straight to Crocodile.

Sneaking into the room, Hidan saw Crocodile in the same spot as before, and without Crocodile noticing, he approached his ear and whispered...

"It's done!"

Crocodile trembled again, just like last time, but this time he didn't escape.

Crocodile: I heard the news, good job. But don't come in here like this again.


["Path of the Assassin" Mission Completed!]

["Path of the Assassin" Quest

Assassins are individuals who take on tasks such as assassinations, information theft, and intelligence gathering for a fee. They emphasize secrecy and operate with stealthy attack tactics on the battlefield!

Assassins are always affiliated with an organization or group through which they receive missions.

Task 1 - Join or create an organization! (Completed!)

Task 2 - Take your first assignment! (Completed!)

Task 3 - Complete your first assignment! (Completed!)

Reward: "Three Basic Shinobi Techniques Scrolls" (Delivered!)]

Crocodile took a badge out of the drawer under the table and handed it to Hidan.

Crocodile: This badge represents me, and if you show it both here and at the place you're going, you can use my connections. Also, the Marines have issued a search warrant for you or rather your organization.

Crocodile took the newspaper from the table and handed it to Hidan, who was sitting across from him.

Hidan skimmed through the newspaper for a while and finally noticed a small but attention-grabbing article in the bottom right corner.

*** "SIAC, The Name of Brutality in Rainbase" ***

*** The prominent nobleman Abraham M. was killed the other day by a new organization called SIAC believed to be responsible... ***

*** Despite being newly established, SIAC has drawn attention with its professionalism in carrying out this task, especially for an organization deemed dangerous for the future. The Marines have granted special orders for a search and investigation... ***

Hidan: A search warrant, huh? I couldn't care less.

Hidan: Anyway, tell me, Croco, where is this underground market?

Crocodile: Alright, the market is located on an island near Water 7. It's a rocky island without any visible life, so it's not under the World Government's control. When you arrive on the island, walk 200 meters north from the old port, and then 170 meters west. You'll find a traveler, give the traveler this medal, and then you can enter.

Hidan: Alright. Now, let me get this information.

Crocodile got up from the table and pulled out two pieces of paper from the bookshelf behind him, handing them to Hidan.

Crocodile: The records contain information about each seller, their trade, and the kind of people they deal with. Now, it's your turn to tell me about this SIAC.

Hidan explained that SIAC was primarily an organization that took on and assigned missions.

Crocodile: Alright, how will I give you missions?

Hidan: I usually prefer the old-fashioned way, but for now, take this.

Hidan threw a Den Den Mushi to Crocodile and then disappeared.

Hidan returned to the hideout and gathered the others.

As they headed to the ship, they stocked up on supplies and water. They also gathered the necessary materials for Fred.

Once on the ship, all three slaves settled in, and they set sail. Hidan gave Water 7's Log Pose and Three Basic Shinobi Techniques Scrolls to Albert and took the others to the infirmary.

Hidan awakened Valery and Fred's chakras one by one without any problems. However, Anna was extremely fearful.

Despite Hidan's attempts to awaken Anna's chakra, she kept tensing up or not allowing him to touch her. Finally, Hidan forcibly struck her vital points, but this caused Anna to go into a short paralysis due to extreme tension. Hidan realized that "Anna had very little chakra!" which displeased him greatly, and he left Anna there.

Hidan: Fred, get your materials ready; you'll do the tattoo.

Fred: Alright, Captain.

Fred started tattooing Hidan at a table he set up on the deck.

Fred: What tattoos will be done, Captain?

Hidan: A crown with a sword piercing through it on the right side of my neck, and the SIAC symbol on my left shoulder.

Fred: If you don't mind me asking, what are their meanings?

Hidan: The SIAC tattoo on the left shoulder will be on all of you, except for the slaves, symbolizing that you serve SIAC. The sworded crown on the right side of my neck represents being a leader, but in your case, it will represent something similar but different.

Hidan: For the slaves, a cage tattoo on the center of their chests, with the date they became part of the crew beneath it.

Hidan: For the assistants, a SIAC tattoo on their hands, and a tattoo on the back of their hands with the date they became an assistant.

Hidan: For the family members, a SIAC tattoo and a tree tattoo on their necks, with the date they became a family member beneath it.

Hidan: For the siblings, another SIAC tattoo, and a wreath of roses around the existing tree tattoo.

Hidan: As for the honorary members, their symbol will be added below the tree tattoo already adorned with the rose wreath.

Hidan: Of course, there will be additional tattoos representing other things.

While Hidan was explaining, Fred finished the tattoos.

Hidan: Albert, it's your turn now.

Albert lay down next to Fred, and Hidan...

Hidan: Tattoo SIAC and a tree simultaneously, and also tattoo a book on the back of your hand to symbolize that you are still a student. Add a short sword tattoo to your leg, representing that you are a master of weapons. The other two tattoos can be done in Albert's preferred style. The main tattoos, however, should be stable.

Fred: Understood, Captain!

After finishing Albert's tattoos, it was Valery's turn. After getting her assistant tattoo, an additional axe tattoo was added to show that she, like Albert, was a master of weapons, but specialized in axes. Additionally, a snake emitting venom from its mouth was tattooed on her wrist, symbolizing that she was still under the influence of a disease, with the date it started written beneath the tattoo.

Finally, Fred tattooed himself, adding a brush tattoo to his left ring finger to represent that he was a tattoo artist.

After everyone's tattoos were done, only one person remained... Anna. Anna remained a slave, and Hidan ordered Valery to bring her.

Everyone present knew that Hidan's orders were to be obeyed without question.

Valery complied and dragged Anna, who had just woken up in the infirmary, to the deck by her arm. Hidan's order was clear; slaves were just commodities!

Anna: Valery, please have mercy! Please, help me!

Anna pleaded, and although Valery had considered begging for mercy on her behalf, when she looked into Hidan's eyes, she changed her mind because those eyes seemed like they could kill her just by looking.

Hidan: Tattoo the slave mark on her.

Fred swallowed nervously due to Hidan's terrifying demeanor and placed the slave tattoo on Anna.

Hidan: Separate Anna's quarters and place her in the lowermost storage room. Slaves don't deserve private quarters.

Anna didn't dare to make a sound and only cried, and everyone understood once again that life and Hidan were not all sunshine and rainbows.

After the events, Hidan ensured that Albert, Fred, and Valery learned the basic techniques, and within a short period, Fred and Valery, who could easily harmonize with their chakras, were able to digest the techniques comfortably. However, they still needed time to fully master them. Albert, on the other hand, quickly adapted to the techniques due to his familiarity with chakra; he just needed to use them more frequently.

During this time, Hidan particularly focused on creating Chakra Receptive Paper, and a few days later, he succeeded.

Chakra Receptive Paper was originally made from a tree unique to the In'ei temple, but the reasons were simple; the paper needed to be compatible with chakra and waterproof. In the world of OP (presumably referring to "One Piece"), there was a similar material that Hidan capitalized on to create Chakra Receptive Paper. However, compared to the real one, it required more chakra and had a shallower response.

!!!!!"Warning: The content after this section is R18."!!!!!

After his work, Hidan felt exhausted and needed a way to relax. However, putting these thoughts aside, he headed to the deck. While ascending to the deck, he noticed Anna in the kitchen, soullessly cleaning the dishes and preparing dinner.

Hidan's eyes fixated on Anna's curvy, prominent rear, and he approached her, delivering a hard slap to her buttocks. The sting of the slap brought Anna back to her senses...

Anna: What's happening? Why did you hit me?

Hidan: Are you still talking to me like that, huh?!

"Hidan was still extremely angry with Anna; actually, there was nothing to get so angry about, but Anna was a failure in his eyes. And Hidan hated failure."

Anna: But... I'm sorry, sir...

Realizing that there was no way out, Anna gave up and apologized, then turned around and continued her work.

Hidan, who was watching Anna for a while longer, couldn't stand it after a while and started grabbing Anna, who was wearing a classic French maid costume, by the waist and pulling her to himself and kissing her on the lip.

Anna was neither surprised nor normal by this action, she had experienced it before in the mansion where she worked.

No matter how much Hidan considered him a slave, he did not consider himself a cave bear either, and he asked, of course, in his own way...

Hidan: Is there a problem?

Both because Anna sees this as a servant's duty and because she says, "I'm already a slave, and if I don't allow this, I'll become even more unskilled. " he nodded approvingly because of his thoughtfulness.

After receiving the approval, Hidan continued with a french kiss, Anna also responded to the kiss after about 5 minutes of kissing, Hidan began to go down, kissing Anna's neck and quickly but erotically removed the clothes on her.

Hidan, who kissed almost all sides of her body, finally stood in front of Anna's fresh, curvy pussy and started licking it.

Anna: Ahh... more... more serrt...

Hidan started to lick harder and exploit Anna's moans taking into account, and Anna had an orgasm 2 times during this time, and Anna felt that she was an addict. this licking, which lasted for another 15 minutes, finally ended and threw aside the ones on the hide to reveal a huge 20 cm thick dick.

Anna ~(gulping) What is this? How is it going to get inside me?

But while Anna was thinking about these things, Hidan had already made her bend over the counter, Hidan went behind Anna and started touching her pussy slowly, while Anna, who started to reach the previous pleasure again, felt that she was addicted again and started to enjoy, never mind the size of the penis.

Realizing that the end of these touches will not come, Anna can't stand it...

Anna: Please, put it away!!

Although Anna had provided basic services such as kissing and making love in her previous job, she had never had sex, both because the manor had much prettier people than her and because she was much younger, although at first she wanted to do it only as a service, she could not stand Hidan's high-level sex techniques and eventually began to beg.

Now Anna had become not only a slave, but also Hidan's private sex slave.

Hidan: So that's how much you want, huh?! You dirty bitch!!

Anna: Yes, sir... whooh... huuuh.... i'm your dirty whore, please come in...

Hidan: Since you begged so hard, here you go!!

Hidan suddenly rooted Anna's pussy and started pumping hard.

Anna: Oh.. Ah... Ah... more... faster... harder...

Hidan grabbed Anna's legs and lifted her into the hook position, lifting her into the air, and drove her crazy by slowly touching Anna's G-spot.

Anna: I'm dying, I'm going to die of pleasure... kill me with more roots with roots, sir, shut up this dirty bitch.

Anna's inexperience with sex caused her to lose her mind very quickly.

Hidan fucked Anna inverted for 1 hour and finally ejaculated into Anna...

Anna's feet could not stand it any longer and finally clung to the ground.

Hidan: I think you have a qualification now, huh?!

Hidan: Valery!!

Valery came downstairs quickly and...

Valery: Yes, Captain?

Just as Valery said these things, he saw Anna, who was stuck on the floor, with cum flowing from her pussy and Hidan standing on her head with a 20 cm dick.

Valery swallowed and looked at the Hidan.

Hidan: Take Anna and put her in her room, then clean up here and serve the food!

Valery: all... all right, Captain.

Hidan walked past Valery, put on his top and went to the showers.

Valery: I guess the captain doesn't mind having a child?! There's nothing to do.



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