
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 10 - SIAC

"I have renewed the first chapter, if you'd like, you can take a look."


Hidan and Albert left the location and returned to the port, setting sail towards Rainbase after weighing anchor.

Arabasta resembled Egypt, with a river similar to the Nile flowing through it, though it was more fittingly compared to the Red Sea than the Nile. At the end of this sea lay Rainbase. Hidan and Albert arrived at the farthest point of the sea after approximately 3 days, and they anchored their ship at a small port about 15 km away from Rainbase.

During this time, Hidan didn't waste any time and had already planned their operation.

Upon reaching Rainbase, the duo wandered around first, satisfying their hunger and finding a place to stay at an inn.

Location: Rainbase Inn

Hidan: Albert, put on your operation attire. We have some business to attend to.

Albert: Of course, sensei.

Like Albert, Hidan also donned his ANBU attire for the operation, and as the darkness fell, they set out. Hidan had originally wanted to create unique masks for the organization, settling on ANBU masks. However, he also wanted the masks to display differences in status through specific symbols, so they weren't ready yet.

Besides, they didn't really need the masks for their current task.

Hidan and Albert stealthily made their way through the rooftops and reached the casino.

Hidan: Albert, sneak inside and gather information about the types of people I've mentioned before. Don't attract attention, and if you're noticed, act like a regular customer. I'll head upstairs.

Albert nodded and silently entered the main hall through an open window, using chakra manipulation and concealment techniques he learned from Hidan. Alex had been an assassin throughout his life, so even if he stood right in front of someone, the target wouldn't notice him.

Hidan advanced towards the hidden areas of the casino and managed to reach Crocodile's office without getting caught. Crocodile was still in the planning stages of his schemes and had just become a new rising hero.

While Crocodile was busy working on his plans, someone approached from behind, taking a piece of paper from in front of him, and...

Hidan: Hmm... You're smart but weak, Crocodile...

Crocodile was taken aback by someone sneaking up on him, but this surprise only lasted for a moment.

Crocodile immediately turned into sand, separating himself about 5 meters away from Hidan before recomposing himself, ready for defense.

Hidan: Stay calm, Croco. If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now.

Indeed, Hidan was an assassin; while someone of similar level might defeat him in direct combat, he could silently take down opponents even stronger than himself. Of course, in this world, there was Kenbunshoku Haki, and those stronger than him would likely detect him, but characters like Crocodile with only basic-level Haki wouldn't notice him.

After Hidan's words, Crocodile relaxed slightly, but he still didn't drop his guard.

Crocodile: What do you want?

Hidan: Two sets of Big Mac Menu.

Crocodile: Would you like to upgrade your fries for an extra charge?


Crocodile: What do you want?

Hidan: Information.

Crocodile: What kind of information?

Hidan: About the market? But the underground one.

Crocodile: You want information about the underground market from me?

Hidan: If I wanted to know its location, I would have found out already.

Crocodile: Hmph... You want information about the underground sellers and their operations, along with my connections?

Hidan: You're right.

Crocodile: Why should I give you that? You can kill me, but then you'll have to run, won't you?

Since arriving in this region, Crocodile hadn't felt a breath like this man's. He might be a Logia user and arrogant, but he could sense the breath of death from him. This man could kill him. However, there was one thing he was sure of, "No one keeps a person they don't need alive." If this man didn't need him, he would have killed him on the spot and taken what he wanted, but if he died, his connections would become useless.

Hidan: I'm an advocate of fair exchange. What do you want in return for the information?

Crocodile was pleased that they reached this point, and finally lowered his guard, taking a seat on his chair.

Crocodile: Sit down and let's talk.

Hidan took a seat in the chair opposite him.

Crocodile: After becoming a Shichibukai, I cleaned up the region and gained a reputation. However, a noble from the palace is trying to tarnish my name, and this man needs to be eliminated.

Hidan: If someone needs to be killed, why haven't you killed him already? What's the main issue here?

Crocodile: We had a verbal altercation before, and the entire palace knows we have a problem. Killing him suddenly will undoubtedly be traced back to me, especially when I've just established my reputation. So, it needs to be done by someone else, and the person or organization doing it should take responsibility.

Upon hearing this, Hidan realized it was exactly what he was looking for. He immediately obtained information about the man and got to work, so he could establish his organization and gather underground information.

And now, the foundation of the organization was laid. The "Shinobi Intelligence and Assassination Corps (SIAC)" was instantly established, with the classic ANBU symbol as its emblem.


["Path of the Assassin" Progress Made.]

["Path of the Assassin" Quest

Assassins are individuals who take on tasks such as assassinations, information theft, and intelligence gathering for a fee. They emphasize secrecy and operate with stealthy attack tactics on the battlefield!

Assassins are always affiliated with an organization or group through which they receive missions.

Task 1 - Join or create an organization! (Completed!)

Task 2 - Take your first assignment! (Completed!)

Task 3 - Complete your first assignment!

Reward: "Three Basic Shinobi Techniques"]

Hidan, driven by the happiness brought by his progress, set out to deal with the first task and waited for the nobleman who would arrive in Rainbase for a job in the middle of the night.

Around 2:30 a.m., the nobleman arrived with two men and three slaves, each of them leashed with collars. They entered a hidden alley, and Hidan, who was following them, observed from the shadows.

Shortly after, five more men appeared in the area, and they began discussing and trading the slaves. These men were slave traders, taking innocent and powerless people from the Blue territories and selling them to the Tenryuubito at high prices.

The nobleman was seizing the opportunity to establish connections with both these men and the Tenryuubito.

Nobleman: "Since we have an agreement, you may take the slaves."

The leader-like figure among the other men, a tall and skinny guy, nodded and handed over the leashes of the slaves to his companion.

Hidan initially had no intention to interfere in this matter since he had aimed to kill only the nobleman after the negotiations. However, these three slaves caught his attention. One of them was a male, renowned for his craftsmanship in the East Blue. Despite his young age (23), he was well-known for his skills in carving, painting, and tattooing. The other two females were from the West Blue. The first one was a young, blonde, and well-proportioned maid, around 170 cm tall, with ample breasts and curvy hips. The second woman was a tall (approximately 180 cm) redhead, more mature than the others (35), who had once been a pirate in Paradise and had a bounty of 100,000,000 Belly. She had suffered an injury and returned to her homeland.

All three slaves could be useful to Hidan's cause, and the eight individuals with the nobleman were quite weak. While the slave traders might have significant connections in the New World, those who came here were simpler and newer traders, and no one would care if they were killed.

Hidan couldn't allow them to be killed quickly and escape since he didn't have his mask.

"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu" (Water Clone Technique)

Three clones of Hidan appeared beside him.

Normally, the Mizu Bunshin technique required a water source, but in the world of One Piece, which consisted of vast oceans, the air was humid enough for Hidan to use the moisture in the air to create clones.

"Ninpou: Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hidden Mist Technique)

The area quickly filled with thick mist, and Hidan unsheathed his scythe, ready to act.

Nobleman: "Cough... Cough... What's this? Why is there mist in Arabasta?"

Trader: "Sniff... I smell something unpleasant."

Nobleman: "Sniff... You're right. Hey, do you guys smell that too?"


The nobleman asks the question but receives no answer. Then, he turns around and sees the blood on the ground as much as he can distinguish within the mist. The smell is that of blood, and his men are dead.

The maid and the skilled craftsman among the slaves tremble with fear, but the former pirate woman remains calm, closes her eyes, and awaits death.

Trader: "What's happening? How did my men die? Damn you, did you set a trap for me?"

Nobleman: "No trap..."

Just as he speaks, Hidan beheads the nobleman with his scythe and then uses another Mizu Bunshin to kill the trader.

Before the mist dissipates, Hidan knocks out the three slaves and draws the symbol of the former ANBU, now SIAC (Secret Intelligence and Assassination Corps), with the nobleman's blood on the wall. He also writes "SIAC" below the symbol using the nobleman's blood.

Then, he takes the unconscious slaves and secretly makes his way back to the hideout.


Upon arriving at Hana's place, Hidan places the slaves in a corner of the room after entering through the window. He decides to meditate until Albert arrives.

About 2 hours later, Albert enters and is taken aback by what he sees.

The Sensei is meditating on the bed, and three chained individuals lie on the side.

Albert: "Sensei, who are these people?"

Hidan, noticing Albert's presence, interrupts his meditation and responds.

Hidan: "New members or slaves, whichever you prefer to call them."

Albert: "I prefer to call them members."

Hidan: "Whatever they are, as long as they serve our purpose, it doesn't matter."

Hidan: "For now, let them rest. They won't wake up until morning. Then, depending on their attitudes, we'll decide whether to keep them alive or kill them. Also, we now have an organization."

Albert: "An organization? How, Sensei?"

Hidan: "I'll explain in the morning. For now, rest and tell me the results of your mission in the morning."

Albert: "Yes... Goodnight, Sensei."

Hidan and Albert sleep in separate beds and rest for a long while.


When the morning sun shone through the window, Hidan and Albert woke up and began to eat the breakfast brought to the room. At the same time, the slaves started to wake up slowly.

Maid Girl: "Ugh... Where am I? What's happening?"

Skilled Craftsman Boy: "Huuh... I guess I'm still alive..."

Former Pirate Woman: "So, I belong to a trader now."

Looking at the slaves talking to themselves, Hidan approached the former pirate woman slowly and leaned closer to her face.

Hidan: "You don't belong to a trader; you belong to a demon."

Hidan released her jaw and looked at all three of them. "Now, tell me, would you rather die or belong to me?"

Hidan never valued Albert or the others until they earned his respect. To him, they were merely his possessions. If they proved useful, they would live; if not, they would die.

Albert had proven his worth and earned a status more like a family member than just a tool.

For Hidan, the old gang traditions still held true. If you proved your worth, you became a member, and every member was considered a family. They were no longer classified based on usefulness. For example, if a tool died, revenge might not be a priority, but if a family member died, revenge would be pursued at all costs.

Skilled Craftsman Boy: "I-I don't mind as long as I live..."

Maid Girl: "I-I'm just a maid, sir..."

Former Pirate Woman: "I guess it's better than dying..."

Hidan: "Good. Albert, release them, get them some clothes, and arrange some food. You all introduce yourselves."

Maid Girl: "My name is Anna, I'm 22 years old. I was a maid for a wealthy family on a small island in the West Blue. My family decided to sell me to them when I was young, and I've been serving them ever since. Then, one day, a pirate crew attacked the island, killed the whole family, and took me as a slave. Eventually, I found myself here. I can do things like cooking and cleaning."

Skilled Craftsman Boy: "My name is Fred, I'm 23 years old. My father was a famous craftsman in the East Blue, and he passed his skills and reputation on to me. I've always been known as a talented guy, and I've done tattoos for almost all the famous people in the East Blue. Besides, I'm quite good at carving and painting."

Former Pirate Woman: "My name is Valery, I'm 35 years old, and I'm from the West Blue. I used to be a pirate and made it as far as the end of Paradise. At that time, I had a bounty of 100,000,000. But I got badly injured in a fight with one of Big Mom's captains, and I couldn't return to my former strength. After that, I gave up piracy and returned to my homeland. However, a 100M bounty pirate being in the West Blue worried the Marines, so they arrested me and sent me to Impel Down. I managed to escape during the journey, but in my weakened state, I got captured by slave traders. And here we are."

Hidan sensed that Valery's true power was far less than Rackam's due to her injuries. Rackam's potential had been hidden by the Marines; if it hadn't been hidden, he would likely have had a bounty of around 200M.

~System, analyze Valery.



[Analysis Complete!]

[Valery (B-) Commander Level]

~System, if she wasn't injured, how strong would she be?

[Valery (Not Injured) (B+) Commodore Level]

~I think we hit the jackpot. System, analyze Valery's injuries and check if it's possible to heal her!



[Analysis Complete! Disease Detected!]

[Disease: RPA Virus

RPA Virus:

It is a mutated form of an open wound injection and is highly effective. While mutating, it loses its lethality, but the pain and disease effects increase significantly. If an ordinary person is infected, they become incapacitated by pain and cannot even lie in bed.

Chance of Recovery: 35%]

~It's a highly painful disease, but it's commendable that Valery can still behave this way. Law should be able to heal her.

~For now, we'll manage like this.

Hidan: Alright.

Hidan first made sure they finished their meals and got dressed.

Fred dressed with a merchant's demeanor, Valery donned an outfit that gave a warrior feel, and Anna wore a classic maid outfit. After a while, Hidan stood before the three of them, and he also called Albert, who was meditating.

Hidan began his explanations in front of the four people and introduced SIAC and its basic systems.

The system was straightforward, with tasks coming in following a Shinobi logic and a classic Naruto rank system for assignments. However, it had a more closed and hierarchical structure.

Incoming tasks would be ranked first, and individuals could take tasks according to their own strength. Of course, to be able to take tasks, a certain status was required. For example, Albert, being a family member, could take tasks, but the other three could only assist. Of course, the assistants also had a certain power rank, and Albert could only have an assistant according to his rank. As assistants proved themselves over time, they could become family members or rise even higher. The statuses were as follows:

Slave (This status must obey the orders of Family Members and above.)

Assistant (Individuals capable of using chakra.) (Min. (C) Lieutenant Level)

Family Member (Proven members. Individuals above this status can take their own tasks.) (Min. (C+) Lieutenant Commander Level)

Sibling (Those who complete 1 S Level mission as Family Members can reach this level.) (Min. (A-) Rear Admiral Level)

Honorary (Individuals who make significant contributions to SIAC gain this status.) (Min. (A) Vice Admiral Level)

!!!This part doesn't have much significance in the series, but those who are interested can look into the SIAC system. However, as I mentioned, it is an insignificant system.!!!

Shinobi Ranking:

D - Academy

C - Genin

B - Chunin

A - Jonin

S - Kage

Mission System:

Below are the tasks at this level and the level of individuals eligible to take them.

E Rank Mission - SIAC does not take E Rank missions.

D Rank Mission - Min. Academy

C Rank Mission - Min. Genin

B Rank Mission - Min. Chunin

A Rank Mission - Min. Jonin

S Rank Mission - Min. Jonin

SS Rank Mission - Min. Kage

A Rank and higher missions can be taken by all Jonins up to SS Rank.


Example: Albert (C+) Lieutenant Commander Level - Family Member - Above Genin Level - Albert can take Max. C Rank missions by having Max. (C+) Level individuals as assistants.

Another Example: Anyone - (B) Captain Level - Assistant - Chunin Level - Max. Family Member (B+) Level they can participate with - Max. Mission Level they can participate in (B) Rank Mission.


"Thank you for reading, I appreciate your support and feedback."