
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 09 - Nanohana

"I have renewed the first chapter, if you'd like, you can take a look."


After entering the cabin of the Hidan ship, Albert followed Hidan slowly and reluctantly, in pain.

Hidan had adjusted the cabin while setting up the ship.

The cabin was located above, serving as the captain's quarters, just behind the ship's wheel.

The cabin consisted of two main parts - the front and the back. The front section was where the work desk and seating area were, while the back section served as the living area with a bed, wardrobe, and bookshelf.

Hidan sat on the wide two-seater chair opposite the work desk, while Albert, following him, collapsed onto one of the chairs unable to bear the pain.

Hidan: "I thought you'd healed? Hahah, foolish kid. The venom of the snake that bit you even killed a bear. Your survival itself is a miracle."

Albert: "Leave that aside and tell me, what's the reward?"

Hidan: "First, manage to stay alive, kid!"

Albert tried to get up angrily but fell back due to the effect of the venom.


Hidan, already suspecting this boy was Harold's son, became even more certain after hearing about his revenge thoughts.

Hidan: "Hah... Revenge keeps you stubborn. Is it a stupid emotion? I guess I shouldn't have hoped for anything from you, but at least you still have some courage. Whom will you take revenge on? Axel, who died, or Rackam, whom I killed?"

Albert: "Both are pawns! From the Ember family!"

Hidan: "Hah... At least you have some spirit, kid. We're heading to Arabasta, and you have three days to heal or die. I won't bother providing you with food."

Albert: "Alright. Watch and see, I'll survive. But first, tell me what my reward will be?"

Hidan: "Reward, huh... Simple, POWER!!"

Upon hearing this, Albert's eyes widened like divination stones, and the intense feeling inside him grew stronger. "This man will be both my salvation and my revenge!"

And so, they set off, and Albert settled into one of the rooms below, using the leftover crew's belongings to arrange something for himself. He put on a simple pirate outfit and fell asleep in a relatively decent bed for the first time in a long while.

Meanwhile, on the deck, Hidan practiced the Shunshin no Jutsu and guided the ship based on the large incoming waves.

After the first night passed this way, in the morning, Hidan finished his practice and prepared breakfast, which he ate.

During this time, Albert, in pain, said to himself:

"ARGGH!! The pain is still unbearable. If I didn't have two more days, this guy would still kill me. Stay calm, Albert, you can survive!"

Albert got up and walked in pain towards the deck, where he saw Hidan sunbathing without his cloak. Upon seeing Albert, Hidan...

Hidan: Oh, our sleeping princess has awakened! Are you hungry?

Albert: Yes, I am.

Hidan: Good, bon appétit. Hunger is tough.

Fuming with anger, Albert's vein on his forehead pulsated.

Albert: Tchh... You damn guy!!

Hidan paid no attention to him and continued sunbathing.

Albert went to the ship's kitchen to search for something to eat and found some oil and meat. While eating the fried meat, he heard a voice.

Hidan: Hey, kid!!

Reluctantly, Albert went out; after all, "his ship, his rules."

Albert quietly approached Hidan.

Albert: What do you want?

Hidan: Take this Log Pose and go to the helm!

Albert: What do I know about steering?

Hidan: Did I ask if you knew? Just follow the direction and adjust when it shifts, simple.

Albert: Do I have any other choice?

Hidan: Do you think so?

Albert: Fine!

As Hidan dozed off on the lounger, Albert was with one eye on the sea and the other on the Log Pose. His pain persisted.

Two more days passed like this, and Albert had managed to suppress or rather get used to the pain, but Hidan knew the poison was still active and that Albert still suffered. In truth, it would take 1 or 2 weeks for the body to naturally get rid of the venom. However, knowing he was no longer necessary, Hidan called Albert to his side.

Hidan: Hey, kid, don't fall asleep at the helm!

Albert: I'm not sleeping; I just rested my eyes for a bit.

Hidan: You know it's your last day, right?

Albert: Tch... You're so impatient!

Hidan: Anyway, even if you haven't fully recovered, I have hope you won't die. Come to the ship's infirmary!

After saying that, Hidan used Shunshin no Jutsu to get to the infirmary. Albert, who had become accustomed to this for the last two days, went to the infirmary without hesitation.

In the infirmary, Hidan asked,

~System, is there a way to awaken this kid's chakra?

[All living beings have chakra in their bodies, some have more, some have less, but it's suppressed by special points called tenketsu. If you open these points by injecting your own chakra, your body's chakra will start circulating. However, if the chakra surpasses his physical limits, it may kill him. If his physique is enough, he can start exercises to manipulate chakra.]

[The One Piece world is physically demanding, so he probably can handle it.]

~He must endure, if he can't, then let him die.

At this moment, Albert entered the room and...

Albert: I'm here!

Hidan: Alright, you've seen me in a meditation stance recently. Now, do the same and close your eyes.

Albert assumed the meditation posture and closed his eyes.

Hidan: Either live or die. If you die, you belong to God, if you survive, you're mine!

Then, Hidan pressed on the Fifth Gate: Gate of Limit tenketsu area located in Albert's abdomen, injecting his chakra into him.


After a while, Albert felt a different warm sensation circulating through his body, nourishing his cells.

With the advanced physics of the One Piece world, Albert assimilated this energy and began to open his tenketsu. Feeling the knot-like points (tenketsu) in his body, Albert managed to open them with the help of the chakra and eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

After about 15 days of travel, they finally arrived in Arabasta. During the last 15 days, Hidan focused on basic techniques and mastered Henge and Kawarimi no Jutsu, along with adapting well to other techniques.

Meanwhile, Albert, who had awakened his chakra, practiced basic chakra techniques and showed significant progress, successfully standing on water and a wall. At the same time, he completely cleansed the poison from his cells using the chakra.

Albert felt his body getting stronger. He learned that what he initially thought were Devil Fruits were actually called chakra in this world. He started training under Hidan's guidance. Hidan was a tough teacher, but effective, and in the last 15 days, Albert made considerable progress. Hidan wanted to teach him basic techniques, but Albert couldn't manipulate chakra at an advanced level yet, so he needed technique scrolls. He had to complete the mission quickly; after all, he saw this child as the foundation of his plans in this world, and if he didn't get crushed, he would become a high-quality product.

After docking the ship at Nanohana's port in Arabasta, Hidan took Albert and began to explore the area.

Hidan wore the classic Akatsuki cloak and hat, while Albert still had a shabby pirate outfit that was too large for him.

Hidan: First, let's find a clothing store and get ourselves something to wear.

Crocodile had come to Arabasta last year, cleaned up this pirate town, and gained fame. In the eyes of Arabasta's people, he was a hero and had already established his famous casino.

Vivi had not yet become a spy, and Nico Robin had not yet joined Crocodile.

After a while, they found a clothing store, went inside, and started looking around.

Albert had a calm demeanor, a tanned complexion, and a well-built physique, thanks to his father being a commander. He was about 1.50-60 meters tall and disciplined young man.

After a while, they found the seller.

Seller: Welcome, sir. What can I help you with?

Hidan described to the seller the outfit he wanted, which was Hidan's previous attire before joining Akatsuki, and for Albert, he requested Kakashi's young attire for missions and Deidara's outfit from before he joined Akatsuki for normal times. He also asked for a classic ANBU Jonin outfit and to repair the torn Akatsuki outfit as it was causing secrecy issues.

Hidan would use the Akatsuki cloak in open battles, while the ANBU outfit during covert missions and normal times, along with Albert wearing Kakashi's young costume for missions and Deidara's outfit from before Akatsuki in both normal and open battles.

Seller: For this custom-made four-piece outfit and shoes or boots, we'll need two days and 500,000 Belly. The repair will be on us, sir.

Hidan: Alright.

After leaving the shop with Albert, Hidan wandered around and finally found an inn. The place seemed sketchy, and the atmosphere inside was quiet and dangerous.

Hidan, with his nonchalant attitude, sat at the counter, while Albert hesitantly sat next to him.

Hidan: Innkeeper.

Innkeeper: Yes?

Hidan: We want a two-person room and meals for two days.

The innkeeper looked at Hidan coldly.

Innkeeper: 15,000 Belly per day for the room, and 5,000 Belly per person for three meals.

Hidan paid the Belly, took the key, and went upstairs.

While going up, the innkeeper instructed his apprentice, who was sitting nearby.

Innkeeper: Secretly watch these guys and find out who they are. But first, take their meal upstairs.

Apprentice: Understood, Master!

Once settled in the room and eating their meal, Albert asked Hidan a question.

Albert: Sensei, what will we do after we finish our business here?

After being trained by Hidan, Albert started calling him Sensei.

Hidan: We'll go to Rainbase and then Alubarna. It's time to assemble a team.

Albert: What team, Sensei?

Hidan: A shinobi organization. We're neither simple bandits nor pirates, you realize that, don't you?

Normally, Hidan wouldn't reveal such information, but he still follows some old gang traditions: "Family doesn't keep secrets."

However, certain information should still be kept hidden.

After about two more days, Hidan went to the store to pick up the clothes and brought them back to the inn. Albert put on Deidara's pre-Akatsuki outfit, and Hidan wore his pre-Akatsuki outfit.

Then, it was time for Hidan and Albert to leave the inn. They went downstairs to make the payment. Half of the payment had already been made, and the other half would be paid now.

Hidan: Innkeeper?

The innkeeper came out from inside, and...

Innkeeper: What's the problem?

Hidan placed the required money on the table and headed towards the door. Just as he was about to leave, two people closed the door.

Hidan: Hah... Looks like we have two eager individuals to die.

First Thug: Only God knows who will die, you bastard!

The first thug pointed his weapon at Hidan and was about to fire when a short sword appeared from behind him and pierced through his chest, causing him to cough up blood.

First Thug: Ugh... Ugh... damn it!

Albert: Are you planning to kill sensei with that power... hah... I don't think so!

Afterwards, Albert started fighting with the other thug, and at the same time, the other thugs in the place attacked Hidan.

After a prolonged fighting sequence, Hidan defeated the thugs without even using his weapon, relying solely on his taijutsu.

~I guess Rackam's thugs were indeed strong, huh?!

Hidan finished the fight effortlessly, while Albert had to struggle but eventually won.

Hidan: Looks like you messed up the clothes we bought, huh?

Albert: It wasn't as easy as it is for you, sensei.

Since he started training under him, Albert had seen Hidan's strength and held great respect for him. Now, he would fight not just for revenge but also for Hidan's satisfaction.

Hidan interrupted his conversation with Albert and approached the counter, grabbing the two individuals.

They were the innkeeper and his apprentice.

Hidan: Speak up! What were you after? You've been watching us for two days!

Innkeeper: Uh... we just... wanted to know...

Apprentice: Uh... He told me...

Hidan threw both of them to the ground, beheaded the apprentice first, and then looked at the innkeeper.

Hidan: Tell me!

Trembling with fear, the innkeeper said,

Innkeeper: This place used to be ours. Everyone around feared us, and even the pirates that came here had to pay us. But one day, that bastard came and ruined everything. After that, everyone treated us like we didn't belong here. Then, you and the kid came, and you stayed in our place like we didn't matter, which was quite annoying...

While the innkeeper was talking, Hidan stepped on his head like a watermelon, crushing it.

Hidan: Let's go.

Albert: Alright, sensei!


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