
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 08 - Puma

[Congratulations! You have discovered a treasure. Do you want to loot it?]

~Do it!


[Looting Successful!]

[Loot Gained:

1 - 200,000 Belly

2 - Sniper (C-rank)

3 - Skill Book: "The Blacksmith's Genealogical Archive" (B-rank)

4 - Skill Book: "The Method of Making Beer" (D-rank)

5 - Pure Adamantium Ore (S-rank) ]

"Lucas the scoundrel gave me the inferior part of the ore and kept the good part for himself!

~Seems like his family used to be blacksmiths. Well, this blacksmithing book will be useful. I can enhance Scythe and get Kunai, Shuriken made. I can give this to a blacksmith to upgrade it and have these weapons crafted. It's a win-win situation!

Anyway, for now, let's go find Captain Jack Rackam!

Hidan started moving towards the north, where he learned Rackam was located, after leaving the tavern!

~System Inventory!


Slot 1 - Character Change Card (C-rank)

Slot 2 - 150,190,000 Belly

Slot 3 - (C-rank) Level Sword (2)

Slot 4 - Log Pose (2)

Slot 5 - Skill Book: "The Method of Making Beer" (D-rank)

Slot 6 - Skill Book: "The Blacksmith's Genealogical Archive" (B-rank)

Slot 7 - Adamantium Ore (A+ rank)

Slot 8 - Pure Adamantium Ore (S-rank)

Slot 9 - Sniper (C-rank)

Slot 10 - Scrolls (3) ]

As Hidan advanced northward with Scythe hanging on his back, he gradually detected a foul smell, which became more apparent as he got closer. Eventually, he realized the source of the smell.

The camp was not only a bandit camp but also a slave camp.

More than 30 cages held hundreds of people, all fixed to certain spots within the cages and unable to move, causing them to live in their own filth.

Many of them were so weak that their bones were visible, and there were also those who had already perished!

Hidan quietly proceeded towards the central area of the camp and started eavesdropping.

In the center of the camp, Rackam was eating, while his men watched with unease. Rackam was a short, stout man with an air of nobility. According to the information Hidan gathered, he was a Zoan Devil Fruit user.

Hidan took precautions and started taking down the guards one by one. After a while, only Rackam and six others remained.

~System, analyze!



[Analysis Complete!]

[Captain Jack Rackam (B+), Commodore Level]

[ Detected 4 (B-) Commander Level and 2 (C+) Lieutenant Commander Level Bandits! ]

And the battle began...

"Ninpou: Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Technique)

Suddenly, mist surrounded the area, and Rackam immediately stood up, taking a defensive stance.

Rackam: "Idiots, get into defensive positions!"

Having spent a considerable time in the Grand Line, Rackam was sensitive to the scent of death.

Hidan swiftly took down two (C+) bandits who were standing helplessly in the background and advanced towards the others...

"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu" (Water Clone Technique)

Hidan used four clones (B-) to deal with the bandits.

Only one remained...

Rackam noticed the danger and immediately used his fruit...

Rackam transformed into a puma, approximately 4 meters long...

Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Puma

Rackam: Hey, stupid brat! By coming here, you've already signed your death warrant. But I'll give you one last chance: join me and work for me, and I'll turn a blind eye to what you've done, huh?

In an instant, Hidan appeared from the right side and attacked the Puma, but the Puma swiftly destroyed the clone with a powerful swipe of its paw...

Rackam: Tch... what a pathetic move, huh?!


[Target Level Increased! Empowered by the Devil Fruit! Current Level:

Captain Jack Rackam (A-) Rear Admiral Level]

Hidan: Damn it, now we're in trouble.

Though Hidan might have been stronger than him, he couldn't spam jutsu consecutively, and he excelled in stealthy assassinations rather than open battles. Especially against an opponent of this size, taijutsu and bukijutsu proved to be ineffective.

Knowing that the clones wouldn't work, Hidan dispersed them and integrated the chakra into himself!

Although Rackam couldn't fully utilize Haki, he knew enough to make Tsubaku Mandara useless...

Suddenly, Hidan lunged forward and attempted a strike at one of the Puma's legs, but the Puma nonchalantly flung him into a corner. However, Hidan quickly recovered and resumed his attack. Yet, no matter what he did, the Puma was faster and had tough skin.

The Puma pinned Hidan to the ground with its front paw...

Rackam: Don't bother, kid...

~Damn it, what is this guy doing at the entrance of Paradise, and why is his bounty so low... I have only one choice left...

Hidan created a water clone and sent it towards the Puma. Just as the clone was about to hit the Puma's face, it exploded into mist. Confused, the Puma retracted its foot, and Hidan quickly moved away, gathering all his chakra at one point.

Puma: You little bug!!

"Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique)

Hidan spewed a colossal fire dragon from his mouth towards the Puma, and the flames went like bullets, hitting the Puma's chest before it could even open its eyes, scorching its chest!

Rackam: ARGHHHHH!!!!!

The Puma slowly reverted to its human form, and Rackam, with his chest charred, lay on the ground.

Hidan, tiredly approached Rackam and sewing the unconscious Rackam against the bars, then started meditating.

About 4-5 hours later, Hidan's chakra had fully recovered, and he splashed a bucket of water on the recovering Rackam to wake him up!

Hidan: Wake up, you annoying cat!

Rackam: Aghh... you little...

Hidan kicked Rackam in the face, breaking his nose.

Rackam's nose was bleeding, and he groaned,

Rackam: ARGHHH!

Hidan: Now, tell me what someone like you is doing here?

Rackam: Hahahahahhahah...

Unable to get anything out of him, Hidan took his Scythe and plunged it into Rackam's already scorched chest, killing him instantly!

"You little bastard kept me waiting for nothing..."

Hidan first went to check on the slaves, but during the battle, they either died from the heat or suffocated in the mist!

This enraged Hidan again.

"Damn my luck! It's been about 5 hours, and I couldn't extract their life force. At least let's take Rackam's."

"System, extract Rackam's life force!"


[Life forces are being absorbed!]

Intense yellow lights flowed out of Rackam's body and gathered in Hidan.


[Life forces absorbed!]


[Congratulations! "Character Change Card" has been upgraded! (C-) ————> (C+) ]

~Great... If I can change to a B-level character, it'll be a good ally.

Hidan took Rackam's head and headed to his treasure, ready to loot it.

~System, loot the treasure!


[Looting Successful!]

[Loot Gained:

1 - 200,000,000 Belly

2 - Rackam's Journal (Important!!)

3 - Devil Fruit (1) ]


[One Devil Fruit Detected! Analyzing!]


[Analysis Complete! Type of Fruit Identified!]

[Product Added to Inventory!]

"Hahha... A great loot!"

"Alice, open the inventory and give me that journal to have a look!"

In Hidan's hand, the journal appeared, along with...


Slot 1 - Character Change Card (C+)

Slot 2 - 350,190,000 Belly

Slot 3 - (C) Level Sword (2)

Slot 4 - Log Pose (2)

Slot 5 - Skill Book: "The Method of Making Beer" (D)

Slot 6 - Skill Book: "Blacksmith's Genealogical Archive" (B)

Slot 7 - Adamantium Ore (A+)

Slot 8 - Adamantium Ore (S-)

Slot 9 - Sniper (C)

Slot 10 - Inu Inu no Mi Model: White Wolf (C)

Slot 11 - Severed Heads (3)

Slot 12 - Scrolls (3)]

"White wolf... my luck truly sucks."

"Well, let's read this journal first..."

Hidan sat under a distant tree and started reading the journal as the sun set...

[Approximately 3 Hours Later]

"If only Rackam were still alive..."

"I would kill him again for his crappy writing!"

According to the journal, Rackam entered the New World under another captain, but the Marines wanted to eliminate them early due to their potential, so they sent two Vice Admirals to exterminate them before their influence grew, without raising their bounties.

Rackam managed to escape at the last moment and returned to Paradise, taking advantage of the chaos on this island. He even collaborated with Minister Axel, and they killed Commander Harold and his wife, Irene, but they lost their grip on their son, Albert, at the last moment.

Although Harold was powerful, Rackam was skilled enough to escape from a Vice Admiral in the New World, which made him an extreme challenge for Hidan.

Anyway, after the civil war, Axel took over, but there was a disagreement between them, leading to Rackam killing Axel. Consequently, the people seized the opportunity of the palace turmoil and overthrew the kingdom...

It's quite a cliché, huh?

"Well, I don't care."

Hidan went back to the town and spent the night at a bar.

~Alice, open the inventory!


Slot 1 - Character Change Card (C+)

Slot 2 - 150,190,000 Belly

Slot 3 - (C) Level Sword (2)

Slot 4 - Log Pose (2)

Slot 5 - Skill Book: "The Method of Making Beer" (D)

Slot 6 - Skill Book: "Blacksmith's Genealogical Archive" (B)

Slot 7 - Adamantium Ore (A+)

Slot 8 - Adamantium Ore (S-)

Slot 9 - Sniper (C)

Slot 10 - Inu Inu no Mi Model: White Wolf (C)

Slot 11 - Severed Heads (3)

Slot 12 - Scrolls (3)]

~Alice, I want to trade a (C) Level Sword for the "Shunshin no Jutsu" Scroll!

[Request Approved!]

[Exchange Completed!]

[(C) Level Sword Lost!

"Shunshin no Jutsu Scroll" (D) Added!]

Hidan took out the scroll and began examining it in bed, eventually falling asleep!


Hidan woke up and quickly got ready. He had originally planned to stay here for a month, but two weeks were enough. He prepared food and clean water, stored them on the ship, and headed to the dock.

When he arrived at the dock, he saw three ships.

The first one was quite large, impressive, and had a black pirate flag. Most likely, it was Rackam's ship.

The other two were trading ships.

Hidan boarded Rackam's ship, removed its flag, and stored the supplies. Then, he started preparing.

Having worked on ships a few times in the past, he knew the basics.

~Alice, where do these Log Poses point to?


[Analysis Successful!]

[Log Pose: Arabasta!]

[Log Pose: Water 7!]

~Perfect! Let's set sail immediately for Arabasta!

After everything was ready and they were about to set sail, a child jumped onto the ship.

The child's face was burning red from a fever, and he seemed weak.

Albert: Hey, weren't you supposed to stay here for a month?

Albert's Perspective:

Since he left me and went away, I've been like this for two weeks—high fever, vomiting, acute shivering, and weakness. Although I resisted the poison with my willpower, enduring the pain became quite challenging. Although the lethality of the poison has passed, if I give up now, I'll probably end up disabled.

With this condition, I came to the dock in search of food, and that's when I saw him on the ship.

He was my only hope!

Third Perspective:

Hidan: Hehe... So, brat, it seems you're not dead yet?

Albert: Albert!

Hidan: You're not at that level yet, kid!

Hidan: I'm amazed by your willpower, but you're still living with the poison. When you get rid of it, I'll call you by your name. For now, you're still half-dead.

Albert: Where are you going?

Hidan: Mind your own business.

Albert: You promised me, and I survived. You have to take me with you!

Hidan: Ahahahaha, look at you, kid?! Well, I needed someone to do the work anyway.

Hidan: Come on, gather the anchor, and let's go!

Albert goes to the anchor and tries to pull it, but his already weak body, now weakened further by the poison, is at its limit. Watching this situation with a laugh, Hidan goes to the boy and releases the nearby mechanism.

Hidan: Use your brain before your strength, kid; otherwise, you won't live for long like this!

The mechanism goes up, and the anchor is raised.

As the ship starts moving, Hidan calls the boy to the cabin.


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