
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 07 - Seth and Ronnie

[Time Skip: 1 Week]

For the past week, Hidan has been training every day, rapidly mastering techniques. Most importantly, he has already learned the "Kirigakure no Jutsu" and started practicing the "Mizu Bunshin."

During this time, Dianna has been taking care of herself, bringing food and supplies.

Normally, helping them didn't make much sense as the bandits weren't a problem for her; they wouldn't chase her once she left. However, she stayed to practice her skills on them, both for the reward and to gain some experience. Thanks to her chakra control, she excelled in "Nature Transformation and Shape Transformation," making it much easier to learn the techniques. She was already close to completing the Mizu Bunshin, which would usually take a week, on the third day.

"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!"

As Hidan uttered the words, the water in the lake shaped itself into an exact replica of him, forming a clone.

On the surface of the water, Hidan looked at his clone with a smug smile.


[Learning Route Completed!]


[New Skill Learned! "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu"]

[Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (C):

The Water Clone Jutsu is similar to the Shadow Clone Jutsu except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original user's chakra - taken after the initial activation cost of this technique has been deducted. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited, however, as it cannot travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water. Water clones are capable of only using Suiton jutsu provided they have enough chakra to cast it. Regular jutsu cooldowns apply - if a technique is used by one clone, it cannot immediately be used by another clone. A maximum of six clones may be created at any one time. The clone automatically disperses when it runs out of chakra, or when hit by any attack that can cause the equivalence of a C rank technique in physical damage [major bruising, 1-2 inch cuts, etc.] or a C-rank/2 D-Rank offensive jutsu. The user may willingly disperse a clone - returning any chakra the clone has left to the user - but this can only be done under the condition that the clone is not under direct attack. Clones which have been dispersed by other means - i.e., taking damage - do not return any chakra to the user.]

~System, display the abilities!



Chakra Volume (B+) (2000 cvu)

Chakra Control (A+)


Devil Fruit:

Nui Nui no Mi (Sew Sew Fruit) (B+)


Ninjutsu (2):

Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu

50 cvu + 5 cvu/min (for a clone)

Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu

Cost: 500 cvu + 10 cvu/min

Ninjutsu Affinities (2):

Water Affinity (C)

Fire Affinity (D)


Taijutsu (1):

Hidan Basic Taijutsu (A-)


Genjutsu (1):

Genjutsu Cursed Seal (S-)

Cost: 1500 cvu + 200 cvu/day


Jujutsu (Curse Techniques) (2):

Immortality (S+)

Cursed Damage Transfer (S)

Cost: 1250 cvu + 50 cvu/min


Bukijutsu (Weapon Techniques) (1):

Hidan Bukijutsu (A)


Kekkai Ninjutsu (Barrier Jutsu) (1):

Tsubaku Mandara (A+)

Cost: 1000 cvu + 25 cvu/min


Weakness (2)

Sensitivity to Saltwater (C)

Sensitivity to Seastone (B)]

~System, display Kirigakure no Jutsu!

[Kirigakure no Jutsu (D):

The user releases a thick mist from his or her mouth or uses a water source around him or her to create the mist. This effectively acts as a cover for the user. Doujutsu such as the Sharingan are incapable of seeing through it since the mist is kneaded with the user's chakra. The Byakugan, however, can bypass this mist at any rank. Anyone with the Perception stat C rank will be able to see blurry movement within five meters of themselves - anyone with Perception stat B rank or higher will generally be able to see movement around them within the mist, with only minor details obscured. The user is also incapable of seeing through the mist unless they themselves have an ability/technique that would enable them to do so.]

~Now that our hiding and clone techniques are complete, it's time to work on our offensive and long-range attacks. In the series, Sasuke used this technique by immobilizing Orochimaru with threads. It's a straight-shot technique, and this time, I need to use Fire Nature instead of my familiar Water Nature, which will be a bit challenging!

[Sistem, create a learning route for Ryuka no Jutsu!]

Hidan said this and started studying the scroll he had in his hand!

Although the training route told him how long it would take and what to do, the intricacies of the technique were hidden in the scroll and needed to be thoroughly studied.

For a week, Hidan struggled with this technique, attacking the waterfall and the surrounding trees. But in the end, he always burned his throat. Katon techniques were destructive and painful, but transforming the fire nature was even more excruciating as it caused an unbearable heat.

Finally, Hidan completed the technique, albeit with numerous wounds!

"Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu!"

Hidan aimed at the trees to the south and spewed out a dragon-like fire.

The immensely destructive fire moved straight like a sea missile, piercing through the tree at its initial target, and finally stopped after passing through 16 trees, leaving a trail of ashes. It was an overwhelmingly destructive jutsu, and of course, the amount of chakra Hidan infused into it played a significant role!

"Huuh... I've managed to do it, but I think I've understood now:

Water is more serene and fluid, with a scattered structure, while Fire is more ruthless, rigid, and cumulative in nature."

[Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu:

The user spits flames from their mouth that, like a dragon's, quickly travel forward in a straight direction. Upon contact with a target, the affected area is engulfed in flames. Whereas the Great Fireball Technique will burn everything in the vicinity, the Dragon Fire Technique is more narrowly focused at its initial target, likened to a projectile.]

"When I focus the technique more on a point and inject more chakra, it acts like a bullet, demolishing the target and then burning everything around it!"

With Hidan's high chakra control, he could adjust the technique by infusing more or less chakra, making it stronger or weaker.

~Now let's see the results of our efforts... System, open the abilities!



Chakra Volume (B+) (2000 cvu)

Chakra Control (A+)


Devil Fruit:

Nui Nui no Mi (Sew Sew Fruit) (B+)


Ninjutsu (2):

Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu

Cost: 50 cvu + 5 cvu/min (for a clone)

Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu

Cost: 500 cvu + 10 cvu/min

Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (C)

Cost: 700 cvu

Ninjutsu Affinities (2):

Water Affinity (C)

Fire Affinity (D)


Taijutsu (1):

Hidan Basic Taijutsu (A-)


Genjutsu (1):

Genjutsu Cursed Seal (S-)

Cost: 1500 cvu + 200 cvu/day


Jujutsu (Curse Techniques) (2):

Immortality (S+)

Cursed Damage Transfer (S)

Cost: 1250 cvu + 50 cvu/min


Bukijutsu (Weapon Techniques) (1):

Hidan Bukijutsu (A)


Kekkai Ninjutsu (Barrier Jutsu) (1):

Tsubaku Mandara (A+)

Cost: 1000 cvu + 25 cvu/min


Weakness (2)

Sensitivity to Saltwater (C)

Sensitivity to Seastone (B)]

Hidan was in a very good mood, wearing a satisfied smile.

"Now it's time."

Hidan set out on the journey towards the village.

Dianna's Point of View:

Two weeks ago, I was bored and decided to take a stroll in the forest. Then, I went back to the bar to ask if my father needed anything. But when I arrived at the bar, the bandits were causing a ruckus. They were drinking, fighting, and even harassing women passing by. I quickly headed towards my father, but one of the bandits grabbed my arm and dragged me along. When my father resisted, the bandit took out his gun and started shooting. I was so scared, but realizing that he would hurt my father, I instinctively grabbed a piece of glass from the ground and stabbed it into the bandit's throat.

What had I done?

I had killed a man, and that's when the nightmare began. The other bandits attacked me, and one of them threw my father at the bar counter, breaking his arm and leg. At that moment, my father looked at the gray-haired man sitting at the bar and asked for help. The man effortlessly cut down those bandits who were a nightmare to us and stayed with us. The next day, I took him to the training area in the forest, and I was terribly afraid of him. He was terrifying.

His name was Hidan, an interesting name. I wonder where it comes from.

As terrifying as he was, he was also intriguing...

It's been two weeks since Hidan came, and every day, I prepare food and take it to him.

Today, as I was preparing to take food to Hidan, the bandits entered the house.

Bandit: Hey, we heard that our men were killed here, tell us what happened, or you'll suffer!

The burly bandit in front of me exuded a menacing aura, unlike the previous bandits.

His gaze was so intense that it made me shiver with fear.

Perspective 3

The bandit grabbed Dianne by her throat and pulled her to the other side of the counter, slamming her onto the table. The girl gasped for breath and moaned in pain!

Bandit: I told you to speak, you worthless piece!!!

Dianne: G... gray hair... a man with gray hair!

The bandit released Dianne and asked again,

Bandit: Who did you say?

As Dianne moaned in pain, her words choked in her throat. Would she betray Hidan? But would it even be considered betrayal? They never had a relationship. Hidan had completed his mission and received his reward. Why would she betray him?

As these thoughts crossed Dianne's mind,

Bandit: What are you waiting for, woman, to die?!

Dianne: No, no, his name is Hidan, Hidan...

Bandit: Who is this man, and where is he?

Dianne: He has gray hair, wears a black cloak, and...

Just as Dianne was explaining, sounds came from behind, and the bandit turned around, finding chaos behind him.

Bandit: What's happening?

One of the Bandits: Captain Ronnie is killing our men!

Ronnie pulled out his large axe and struck the man, splitting the bandit in half.

Ronnie: What were you expecting then?!! (Gritting his teeth)

Hidan was cutting down low-level bandits at the back and moving forward.

~ "Executioner Ronnie," I've seen you in the courtyard!

Hidan dodged the attacks from the low-level bandits coming at him.

"Ninpou: Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hidden Mist Technique)

Suddenly, a thick fog enveloped the area, rendering visibility nearly impossible. But after a while, sounds of pain could be heard.

Hidan stealthily slaughtered all the low-level enemies, leaving only Ronnie.

Ronnie: It's rare to see someone of this level around here. Who are you, stranger?

Hidan: From Hell.

Ronnie: Ha?!

Hidan: I'm a reaper!

Ronnie: Hahahhahhah!! I like you, kid, but it's a shame you're going to die!

Hidan: We'll see!

"Ninpou: Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hidden Mist Technique)

The area was covered in mist again, and Hidan disappeared from sight.

Ronnie: Ha? Mist? So you're a devil fruit user, I guess I have to take you seriously!

Ronnie unsheathed his axe and took a defensive stance!

Just then, Hidan found an opening and launched an attack toward Ronnie's right leg. But Ronnie noticed it early and blocked the attack.

Now, it was Ronnie's turn to strike, and without delay, he hit Hidan's left shoulder. However, Hidan's body suddenly exploded and turned into mist!

Ronnie: What the hell is this! I can't see! A damn Logia, the Mist-Mist Fruit?!

Hidan: Death always comes unexpectedly, Ronnie! (Whispers in his ear!)

Ronnie felt a burning sensation at three points on his body and, when he looked at his front, he saw three holes! Ronnie coughed up blood in pain and fell to the ground, but despite the damage, he raised his axe and, with his last effort, threw it into the mist and fell dead.

Hidan, caught off guard, had been ambushed by the sly Seth, and the axe cut off Hidan's arm.

Hidan quickly picked up his fallen arm and began stitching it back together. He had become familiar with the Sew Sew Fruit in the last two weeks, and he swiftly reattached his severed arm. However, his physical strength was at its limit.

Using his chakra to regenerate his body, he stood up, but a sudden blow from behind brought him back to his senses. A bullet had entered his back. Yes, in the world of One Piece, there were guns, and he had overlooked it. The bullet was powerful enough to pierce his skin!

Hidan quickly took cover and hid. He thought it must be the crafty Seth.

Wanting to determine his opponent's location, he tried to look out through the door, but another bullet came face-to-face with him, and he gave up the idea.

After waiting for a while, Seth entered, thinking that Hidan must have died from the blood loss. But his hand remained on the trigger, and he saw Hidan. Seth fired immediately, but the clone turned back into water and appeared behind Seth, delivering a heavy blow. Seth was dragged to the other side of the bar.

Seth: What the hell? How? You should be dead!!

Hidan severed Seth's hands before he could lift his weapon, and Seth lost consciousness suddenly and died.

Decapitating both of them and joining their heads together, Hidan placed the heads in his inventory and absorbed the energies around him.

[Congratulations! "Character Change Card" upgraded! (D+) ————> (C-) ]

"Wars may seem easy for now, but they end in painful results when you're immortal, and pain is something you can't ignore!"

"Now, we have other business to attend to..."

Hidan turned toward the back of the counter, opened a cupboard, and took something out... It was Dianne. Hidan grabbed Dianne by her neck and...

Hidan: Yes, maybe you didn't betray me, but you did something I didn't like, and you should never have crossed my path!

Just as Hidan said this, Lucas burst into the room and saw the corpses and Hidan...

Lucas: HIDAN, STOP!!

But it was too late for regrets. Hidan snapped Dianne's neck and threw her to her father.

When Hidan was still Alex, he had a principle: "Never leave enemies behind!"

Hidan rushed towards Lucas, who held his daughter, and impaled both of them on his scythe, slicing them in half. Now, there were no witnesses or enemies left!

Hidan entered the room and lifted the carpet, revealing a hidden cellar entrance. It was his first time going down there, and he found a chest and a bookshelf!

[Congratulations! You have discovered a treasure. Would you like to loot it?]

~ Yes!



"Thank you for reading, I appreciate your support and feedback."