
In Office Hours

24 year-old college graduate Liv Spade enters the realm of journaling--what she's always dreamed of. When attractive men in business suits are thrown into the mix how will she ever focus on getting the editors job she wants? It's not everyday that every man in the office falls in love with you..who will she choose?

NoelleClarke · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Losing Abstinence

The entire ride home I felt his hot, heavy hands explore my body. The cab driver tried his best to ignore the two of us.

Our lips broke to take a breath then came back together like dynamite. I twisted my hands into his hair, pulling myself closer to him in the back seat. I propped my legs over his as if I was almost in his lap.

I couldn't help but to be hungry for him. Every time our skin touched, my heart raced with desire. He was seductive in every way and I wanted him. I think I wanted him the first day we met, but now I know why he was so cold. He wanted me too.

"Wait." He broke our kiss, motioning the driver to stop.

He pulled me out of the cab and I faced an all glass house, tinted from the outside. I stared at the infrastructure in awe but Nolan guided me by my hand into the house.

He closed the door behind me and instantly shoved me against the door. Our lips met once again, his hands searching up my dress to the nape of my neck.

I couldn't get over how rich he seemed to be living in this house. My eyes stayed wide open as we continued the feverish kiss.

I felt his hands begin to slip the straps down of my dress just enough to where it loosely fell to the floor.

I nervously pulled my face away, blushing.

"Are you nervous?" His eyes met mine as his hand reached up to caress my cheek.

I melted into the sweetness and shook my head. I don't think I was nervous, but then again, I hadn't been with anyone like this before.

His hand returned to my shoulder, sliding his fingers down my collar bone to the crease of my chest.

Our eyes were still locked together and it made me even more embarrassed that he watched my expressions from his touch.

It sent shivers down my body, providing noticeable goosebumps and my reaction made him smile.

His eyes watched me quiver underneath his trance as he continued down the middle of my torso, then to the bikini area above my underwear.

He furrowed his brows when my expression changed.

"Do you want this?" He asked me softly. His eyes looked concerned, but he wanted me to be honest with him.

I didn't expect for this to happen, especially like this. But he made me feel safe and wanted. I wanted it.

I slammed my lips against his in response and he returned it. I ran my fingers through his hair as his hands began to slide underneath the fabric of my underwear.

I shuddered in pleasure when he gently placed his fingers along the outline of my area. He forged his way in that made a moan escape my lips.

The noises excited him, but he removed him hand and scooped me up into his arms. The spiraling stairs in the foyer lead to multiple doors along a hallway but the stairs created a balcony on the other side to overlook the rest of the house.

My hands wrapped around his muscular arms to hold myself up as he nudged one of the bedroom doors open.

In the middle of the room was a platform king sized bed that had connecting canopy posts and cascading windows from one side of the room to the other.

I tensed up at such openness.

"Nobody can see through the windows." He reassured me before he dropped me onto the bed.

I bounced softly and soon met his lips again but this time it was more sensual. His body hovered over me while his hands explored my skin.

I began pulling his shirt up from his back to try and lift it off but we broke our kiss so that he could finish taking it off himself.

I stared at his body. My eyes slowly went from his neckline to the top of his jeans and I could not figure out how this man wanted me.

His chiseled sculpture sent my heart racing but he began to kiss my thighs, leaving a trail up to my chest. I let out a soft breath, taken aback by the amazing pleasurable feeling.

His hands gripped my inner thighs, guiding them to an open position so that he could nestle into. He then went up to remove my bra.

This is really happening, I thought.

He pulled me up to a sitting position to finish trailing his kisses up to my lips, unclipping my bra and throwing it to the floor.

I felt his arms cradle around me, our lips opening and closing in sync again. My bare chest brushed against his, giving me goosebumps once more.

His hand went smoothly up the back of my neck then gently knotted his hand into my hair yanking my head back away from our kiss.

"Ah." I yelped and closed my eyes as my head went back. What in the world?

He chuckled and leaned in to kiss and bite my neck, placing his other hand back into the fabric of my underwear.

In response, I attempted to clench my thighs closer together but he growled against my skin.

"Stop." He murmured then continued the kisses. His assertive dominance made me instantly submit and shiver.

His lips went up to my ear. "You're wet." He whispered.

My cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of red. I was embarrassed by myself but it only aroused him further. His fingers spread my area a part then I felt a surge of pressure enter me.

I gripped my hands on his back as I moaned. I tried to curl myself away from the pleasure but Nolan just tightened his grip on my hair to pull me closer.

His breathing fanned my neck as his fingers slithered faster inside of me. I felt an increasing emotion build up inside of me, wanting to explode.

He noticed my intensified emotions and body tension so he quickly released me which made me fall back onto the bed.

He stood up to remove the rest of his clothing but I turned my eyes away as if giving him privacy.

The next thing I know his body was back ontop of me, staring down into my eyes before slowly removing the rest of my underwear.

"Wait.." I whispered.

Nolan quickly brought himself back up to me, looking for answers.

"I've never done this.." I trailed off, hoping he wouldn't kick me out.

His concerned look turned into a smile.

"I'll take care of you." He responded and our lips met for one more moment.


I opened my eyes from the rays of sunshine peeking through my window. My alarm simultaneously went off and I pushed my hand against it to shut it off.

My body grudgingly got out of bed to get ready for work. It was already Monday but I was actually looking forward to getting to work.

I left the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, running my fingers over my lips.

Just two days before, I was in the bed with Nolan Moore. Remembering the moment of his embrace sent shivers through my body. I couldn't believe that it happened.

I hadn't had contact with him since then but I hoped that he would be just as happy to see me today at work.

After I got myself ready, I zipped up my skirt and buttoned my blouse. It was getting colder in New York so I put on a long over coat and scarf to keep myself warm.

I stepped out of the elevator doors to be greeted by Sam.

"Hey you!" He glided over with a large smile.

I instantly remembered the intimate kiss we shared at the club and I became embarrassed.

"Oh good morning." I replied.

"Got you a coffee." He held his arm out and I took the coffee cup and thanked him.

Sam followed me back to my desk and he chatted about his weekend, but I completely tuned him out when Nolan was walking down the hallway on his cell.

Our eyes met for a single moment but he quickly broke the gaze by looking the other direction. He then continued to speak into the cellphone.

My face quickly turned into a frown and I felt my face flush in embarrassment.

Of coarse he'd ignore me, I thought.

"So what do you think?" Sam interrupted my thoughts.

I blinked my eyes and furrowed my brows.

"I'm sorry, what?"

He chuckled. "Would you like to go out tonight? I know this amazing Italian bistro an—"

I cut him off with a smile and an "Absolutely."