
In Naruto WOrld

This is a story about a boy who gets transmigrated into Naruto's body right at the point where the story began. Filled with excitement and hesitation he takes his step forward in order to not get killed without enjoying this unconventional life to the fullest. If you want to support me, here's my Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/Horny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 21

"N-Naruto Kun... forgive me for being forceful with you earlier I just couldn't help myself...I know it's shameful for a grown up woman like me to sleep with a boy like you...even though it's common knowledge that ninja's body mature much early in age as compared to ordinary humans like me...I still feel shameful." Tsunami said as she slowly regained her sanity when everything was over.

"Well.. Tsunami San I'm not gonna lie but I was indeed caught off-guard with the sudden development...but at the end of the day I also enjoyed it so it doesn't matter." I said to Tsunami san who was lying beside me...it felt very weird talking like this to a grown up woman though.

Hearing Naruto forgive her so easily Tsunami was quite surprised but the shame she felt didn't fade away...it was also because she felt like she had betrayed her husband even though he wasn't alive the thing she did was still unforgivable according to her. At first she wanted to confess her feelings to Naruto Kun but after realisation came to her mind she knew that it was impossible. Both of them belonged to a different world.

"Naruto kun... today..what happened today is something I would never be able to forget. I never thought that I would be able to experience such a pleasurable feeling in this life...if only I could feel it fore- I mean to say...I'm Inari's mother so we can't take this thing between us any further. I trust that you would keep this a secret and so would I so that it won't cause a problem for us in our life." Tsunami said trying hard not to show her true feelings to Naruto.

When Tsunami San said that to me I was a bit disappointed but what she said indeed made sense as us two being in a relationship would become something that would be frowned upon by a lot of people and that would make it difficult for Inari to grow up in a normal manner.

"Alright, if that's what you want..." I said after thinking about it for a while.

Tsunami after hearing Naruto's response was disappointed...she thought that he would atleast try to reason with her a bit...she could only smile at him to prevent the tears that had accumulated in her eyes from falling down and said "Good Night then Naruto Kun.'

"Good night Tsunami San." I said as I saw the fading back of her. I was still a little confused about whether Tsunami san ended up liking me or was she forced by my system to have sex with me which she ended up regretting later...but the tears which started trickling down her cheeks even though she tried hard to control them as she turned back gave me a feeling that she really liked me.

If that was true then It was obviously related to the system but her feelings for me should be real...

I soon fell asleep thinking about what all happened and what should I do with Tsunami San.

The next day in the morning I was woken up by the large shouting voice of Tazuna San. He had completed the bridge and wanted to show it to us all the first thing in the morning.

"Look at this sturdy masterpiece, I can bet these hands of mine that this bridge will last atleast a hundred years the only thing left is to name it. How about you four think of a name for this bridge because without you all I might be good a dead." Tazuna said to us.

"Well, I have no idea let the kids decide." Kakashi passed the baton to us.

"Beats me" Sasuke said.

"I'll go with what Naruto names it." Sakura said which made Kakashi and Sasuke a bit confused.

"Well...the bridge look like it's sturdy enough to withstand a tsunami so let's name it Tsunami bridge." I said.

"Perfect! It also matches with my daughter's name so I can't ask for more Hahaha!" Tazuna said while laughing.

Little did he know that I named it with her daughter in my mind only. Tsunami San who was also present there knew that I named it after her only and couldn't help but blush faintly.

Soon we all came back to Tazuna's house and while we were having our breakfast Kakashi suddenly said "We'll be going back now since our mission is completed...I was planning to stay here for a few more days so that you all can relax but the hokage sent a message asking us to return immediately so it can't be helped.

"A pity i wanted to celebrate with your lot for a few more days aswell." Tazuna said while sighing.

Whereas Tsunami San who was heard this while washing the dishes suddenly stopped for a few seconds but then continued on.

After an hour we all were ready and after bidding our farewell started our journey back towards the village.

Tsunami tried hard to control herself as she bid farewell to Naruto in front of her father and son. When they disappeared into the distance her father told her that he wanted to check the bridge again and went away whereas Inari wanted to play with his friends so accompanied his grandfather.

Tsunami was left all alone. She turned back and closed the door after entering the house as she sat down on the ground leaning her back on the door as she started weeping.

She suddenly felt someone standing infront of her...it was Naruto Kun...she couldn't help but jump on her feet as she grabbed him and hugged him tightly to which he reciprocated.

"Tsunami San I thought about what you said earlier a lot...it's true that if we two stay together then it would create a lot of problems for Inari it's also true that staying with me would make it very dangerous for you because of my occupation... therefore I decided to leave one of my clones with you. He'll always be by your side and will help you whenever you're in need."

"You don't need to worry about others finding him out cause he is just like me an adept ninja. If he don't want to be discovered he wont be discovered. That's the only thing I could do... I know that it may feel weird but this clone is me only and once dissipated all its memories will get connected with me so I would always be in touch with you in that way...it sounds weird right? Let's forget it." I said.

"No" Tsunami San said as she tightened her grip on me and continued

"Thank you for caring about me Naruto Kun...I tried hiding it from you yesterday but I no longer can...I love you Naruto Kun..I love you...the feeling is so intense that I've been thinking about you all day and night and when I heard that you were going from Kakashi San my mind went blank...I had no idea what I should do and when I was all alone with myself I let all my feelings out..." Tsunami said in a choking voice as I could feel her tears dripping on my neck from her cheeks.

I felt that I should console her by saying something but I had no clue about what I should be saying so I only patted her back as she was telling me all this while crying.

Tsunami continued her monologue "I realised that I would have become mad soon if you have not returned to see me now...so you leaving your clone for me is something I truly appreciate...besides I know from my last experience that your clones are indeed not different from you." Tsunami finished while blushing.

Feeling the change in her mood I was kind of glad. Seeing that blushing face I couldn't help myself and started kissing her to which she immediately reciprocated. Our tongues interwined with each as we tasted each other's saliva to the fullest. After a while I pushed by face away from her forming a string of saliva which broke after a while.

"Tsunami san it's time for me to go then. Kakashi San and the rest would be waiting for me." I said controlling my urge to spend more time with her.

"Alright" She nodded with a hint of melancholy on her face. "If possible do come here when you get time in the future." Tsunami said.

"Ofcourse I will." I said and then made a shadow clone of myself in front of her.

"You know what to do." I told my clone

"Yep, I'll take good care of her" my clone responded while smiling as he made eye contact with Tsunami San.

Tsunami was embarrassed when she heard him say that...

"Goodbye Tsunami San." I said as I gave her a last hug and left.

When I came out I made another three clones and told them to hide near Tsunami's house and discuss things with the last other clone when they can.

I also did this to ensure that if anyone of the clone dissipates I have enough time to send another clone here.

With all this done I finally left the place with a relieved mind and went back to the group who were waiting for me.

"That sure too you a while, what did you even forget." Kakashi asked lazily.

"My teddy" I smirked as I showed a teddy bear to the group which made them speechless....

"Should I gift him a teddy..."

only Sakura mumbled something inchorent which I was not able to hear but Kakashi and Sasuke heard it loud and clear cause she was just beside them...which mad them look at me even more weirdly.