
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Third moves

"Good," Kazuya said calmly, his expression remaining unchanged.

"Then Captain Kazuya, I'll be waiting for you at the training ground," Sarutobi Shinnosuke said before turning and leaving the office with a grim expression.

Kurenai Yuhi, who was seated, quickly got up, as she was also a Jōnin and naturally wanted to join the action. However, just as Kurenai stood, Kazuya pushed her back into her seat.

"Kurenai, your work is not finished yet. Stay in the office," he commanded.

"But..." Kurenai pouted, looking aggrieved. With no outsiders around, her cute and delicate demeanor returned.

"No buts," Kazuya said sternly. "Now, I am your boss. Just follow my orders!"

Feeling both aggrieved and a little frightened, Kurenai obeyed. However, she couldn't help but play out a dramatic inner monologue.

"Too domineering! Kazuya-kun, you've changed! You used to be so gentle! Men!"

Kazuya, unaware of Kurenai's inner drama, maintained his calm exterior but felt excitement inside. Judging by Sarutobi Shinnosuke's demeanor, it was likely that Orochimaru had caused trouble. He couldn't let Kurenai face such a dangerous opponent.

On the training ground, five Anbu teams had already assembled: Sarutobi Shinnosuke's three teams, Kakashi's eleventh team, and the twelfth team. Kazuya's team was mostly out on missions, leaving only Kurenai's and Uzuki Yugao's seventh team, who he deemed less critical to bring along.

The gathered Anbu included ninjas from the Hyuga, Uchiha, Nara, and Aburame clans, among others. The presence of Hyuga and Aburame, who were skilled in scouting, confirmed Kazuya's suspicion—it was indeed the Orochimaru incident.

Kazuya gave the command, "Set off!"

"Yes, Captain!" The twenty Anbu members instantly disappeared, sweeping out of the Anbu base toward the Hokage building.

A few minutes later, on the roof deck of the Hokage Building, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen awaited them in combat uniform. His gloomy expression and powerful aura made the arriving Anbu feel tense.

"Lord Hokage!" they greeted in unison.

Third Hokage scanned them with stern eyes and commanded, "Shinnosuke, Kazuya, each of you take a small team of Anbu with me. The others will follow the scroll's order to monitor Root and the Uchiha clan. Until I return, Root's men are not allowed to leave the base, and Uchiha's men are not allowed near the mission area."

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" The Anbu with the scroll left quickly.

Kazuya's eyes narrowed. Monitoring Danzo's Root organization was expected, but the Uchiha clan's inclusion indicated the rising tension between them and the village's leadership.

"Shinnosuke, Kazuya, let's go!" 


"Yes, Lord Hokage."

Several figures quickly disappeared. The Anbu following the Third Hokage felt heavy-hearted. Even the Third Hokage himself was taking action—who was the enemy this time?

Could it be something related to the Nine Tails seal again? The Anbu's hearts sank further, recalling the last time Third Hokage made a move during the Nine Tails' attack, which had caused massive casualties among Konoha's Anbu.

Fifteen minutes later, the group entered the Forest of Death, Training Ground No. 44, where Naruto took the Chūnin exam in the original plot.

"This is youth..." Kazuya thought with a sigh.

Ahead, several Anbu ninjas were forcefully breaking the mechanisms of an underground experimental base, the sound of explosions echoing.

"Neko, what's the situation?" Third Hokage asked seriously.

"Lord Hokage, the mechanisms and barriers at the entrance have been destroyed. We can enter at any time," replied the Anbu wearing a white cat face mask.

"Good," Third Hokage nodded. "Neko, Shinnosuke, Kazuya, you three come with me. The rest block all exits of the underground laboratory. Don't let anyone escape! Also," he added in a low voice, "the target is Orochimaru. Be careful and try to capture him alive."

Orochimaru? Capture him alive? The Anbu's pupils widened in shock. Orochimaru, the Sannin and Third Hokage's favorite disciple? This mission felt like a death sentence. Still, out of loyalty, they accepted the order without hesitation.

Beside them, Kazuya's expression under his mask turned peculiar. The Anbu named Neko was known to be a loyal follower of the Fourth Hokage and was infamously known for his commentary during the Konoha Honkai project, where he narrated instead of aiding the Fourth Hokage.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!" Third Hokage quickly formed a seal, releasing a massive fireball that obliterated the last wall blocking their path.

"Follow me!" he commanded, rushing in without waiting for the smoke to clear. Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Tenzo followed immediately.

Kazuya casually dropped a special kunai and quickly joined them.