
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Shocking Uncle Danzo

The Root ninja led the way through the dimly lit corridor. Kazuya followed closely, navigating the winding path. The lights hanging on the walls cast eerie shadows, and the corridor descended into a seemingly bottomless darkness.

"This place is exactly what I'd expect from the Root organization," Kazuya thought with a sigh. It was his first time inside the Root's base, and the oppressive atmosphere was palpable.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, the Root ninja stopped at a door, bowing slightly. "Captain Kazuya, Lord Danzo is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you," Kazuya replied with a nod.

"No need to thank me, Captain Kazuya. You are too kind," the Root ninja responded, his tone now polite. Despite being trained as emotionless killers, even Root operatives felt fear in the presence of true strength. This one, in particular, was visibly shaken by Kazuya's aura.

Kazuya opened the door and entered the room. Inside, a man in a black robe, his body covered in bandages, knelt on a tatami mat, his gaze intense.

"Welcome, nice to meet you, Kazuya-kun," Danzo said, his voice tinged with a cold edge.

[You picked up 200 points of Chakra]

[You picked up 200 points of Chakra]

[You picked up 100 Chakra points]

[You picked up 100 points of Wind Style talent]

[You picked up 100 points of Wind Style talent]

[Your Wind Style talent has been upgraded to lv5 (0/1000)]

As soon as he entered, Kazuya absorbed 500 Chakra points and boosted his Wind Style talent to level 5. It was a significant gain, befitting the presence of a powerful character like Danzo.

"I'm glad to meet you too," Kazuya replied sincerely.

Danzo frowned slightly, sensing an odd joy in Kazuya's voice. It was inexplicable.

Beneath his mask, Kazuya's expression was one of anticipation. "Should I make a move? Spar with Danzo?" he pondered. Shimura Danzo's one-handed Wind Style ninjutsu was renowned. A fight could enhance his Wind Style talent further. It was tempting.

As Kazuya considered his options, Danzo suddenly produced two scrolls from his sleeve and placed them on the tatami.

"Kazuya-kun," Danzo began with a feigned smile, "you and I are both men who aspire to great things. I'll be direct. I admire you!" He gestured to the scrolls. "One is the Forbidden Technique: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique. The other is my letter of recommendation."

He continued, "If you join my ranks, I'll recommend you for the Konoha Administration Department. Within five years, you'll replace Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura."

The Konoha Administration Department was an influential body, advising the Hokage and liaising with the Fire Country's Daimyo. A position there was highly coveted.

Danzo's offer was attractive, positioning Kazuya among the Konoha elders. However, Kazuya, well-versed in the series' plot, knew Danzo's ruthless ambition. His supposed admiration was likely a ruse.

Under his mask, Kazuya appeared thoughtful. Danzo's eagerness was suspicious. Was he simply trying to win Kazuya over? It wasn't that simple.

Kazuya realized the root of Danzo's sudden interest. His rapid rise and close ties to the Hokage's circle had likely alarmed Danzo. Perhaps the Third Hokage had done something to align Kazuya with his faction, causing Danzo concern.

Danzo's true motive might be to drive a wedge between Kazuya and the Third Hokage. Even if he failed to recruit Kazuya, sowing seeds of doubt would still serve his purpose.

Kazuya smiled slightly. "This time, while fighting Orochimaru, I gathered some information."

Danzo's expression darkened. "Information?"

"Yes," Kazuya's voice turned stern. "Shimura Danzo, I suspect you are involved with Orochimaru's rebellion. You need to explain this to the village and Lord Hokage. Now... surrender!"

Danzo's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't expected such a bold accusation. Before he could react, Kazuya lunged at him, aiming for his throat.

Danzo barely managed to flip the table between them, narrowly avoiding the strike. "Damn it!" he thought, realizing Kazuya wasn't playing by the rules.

In an instant, more than a dozen Root ninjas rushed into the room, surrounding Kazuya.