
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Forced to take Action

A terrifying sea of snakes poured out of Orochimaru's mouth, slithering towards Jiraiya with a menacing hunger. The sight was eerie and unsettling, causing even the Konoha Anbu to feel a chill. Orochimaru's own followers were equally horrified.

Uzuki Yugao's expression twisted with unease. Though skilled, she was still young and not yet inured to such monstrous spectacles. Compared to this writhing mass of serpents, she would have preferred the grim task of dealing with corpses.

Meanwhile, Kazuya observed the scene, gathering golden light from Orochimaru's unleashed power.

**[You picked up 300 Chakra points]** 

**[You picked up 300 Chakra points]** 

**[You picked up 100 points of combat talent]** 

**[You picked up 200 points of Chakra]**

Orochimaru was clearly pulling out all the stops, and Kazuya could sense the vast amount of chakra being released.

He sighed, feeling a pang of regret. If only Tsunade had defected, the spoils would have been even more rewarding. 

In an instant, Kazuya appeared beside Jiraiya. The Anbu wouldn't last long without his intervention.

"Kazuya!" Jiraiya said urgently. "Let's do this together!"

"Got it!" Kazuya responded.

Jiraiya's presence changed as he activated Sage Mode, mysterious lines appearing on his face.

"Sage Mode, open!" he declared. "Fire Style: Big Flame!"

Beside him, Kazuya quickly performed hand seals. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Two enormous balls of fire, each tens of meters in diameter, hurtled towards the sea of snakes.

"Impressive," Jiraiya marveled, noting Kazuya's fire ninjutsu rivaled his own enhanced by Sage Mode.

The fireballs collided with the sea of snakes, igniting an inferno that erupted skyward. The swamp was turned into a blazing pit, illuminating the area for kilometers around. The sheer force obliterated the snakes, leaving a deep crater.

**[You picked up 500 points of Sage energy]** 

**[You picked up 500 points of Sage energy]** 

**[You picked up 300 points of Sage talent]** 

**[You picked up 200 points of Sage talent]** 

**[You picked up 300 points of Fire Style: Flame Bomb skill experience]**

Amidst the dissipating smoke, a cloud of golden light converged on Kazuya. The Sage energy he gathered was powerful, equating to half the chakra of an Elite Jōnin.

Jiraiya's face turned serious. "Orochimaru, if he tries to escape, I'll chase him down."

"Leave it to me," Kazuya assured him.

Jiraiya nodded and disappeared, determined to bring Orochimaru back to the village, even if he had to break his legs to do it.

Kazuya turned his attention to the remaining renegade ninjas. The battlefield buzzed with a tense energy. Orochimaru's followers felt an inexplicable chill.

"Kazuya!" Kurenai called out, relieved to see him unscathed. Despite the numerous enemies, her battle was far less dangerous than the main confrontation.

"Captain Kazuya!" Uzuki Yugao echoed, her fatigue momentarily forgotten at his presence.

Under their watchful eyes, Kazuya leapt into the air, kunai in hand. He spun mid-air, releasing a barrage of kunai that rained down with precision.

"What's he doing?" Orochimaru's followers sneered. "Does he think kunai alone can defeat us? Even a Kage-level ninja wouldn't rely on such tactics!"

As they readied to intercept the kunai, Kazuya vanished, reappearing in a flash of white light.

Within a heartbeat, scarlet blood sprayed from the throats of the seventeen remaining renegade ninjas. The speed and precision left them clutching their necks in horror, unable to halt the loss of life.

In mere seconds, the swamp was littered with lifeless bodies. The efficiency was breathtaking, leaving the Konoha Anbu in stunned silence.

"Kazuya," Kurenai whispered, awe-struck. It was nothing short of a miracle.