
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


The Land of Water, Kirigakure.

Beside a serene lake, a young man with green hair and purple eyes, a stitched scar under his left eye, stared at the mist hovering over the water. Suddenly, a tall and burly ninja with long orange hair appeared behind him. This man, wielding the Samehada, was one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist - Kisame Hoshigaki.

"Mizukage-sama!" Kisame knelt on one knee. "We have received information about the conflict between Konoha and Cloud Village."

"Report," the boy replied, his expression heavy, though his eyes were gentle. Despite his youth, he was the supreme ruler of Kirigakure, the Three Tails Jinchūriki, and the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura.

"The front line of Cloud Village has been completely decimated. Nearly all of their ninja forces were killed, totaling more than 200 casualties," Kisame began. "Furthermore, they deployed both the Two Tails and Eight Tails Jinchūriki, but both were defeated by a single Konoha ninja."

Yagura's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Cloud dispatched two Jinchūriki, and both were defeated? Did Sarutobi Hiruzen himself intervene?"

"No," Kisame replied, hesitating. "It wasn't him."

"Jiraiya then?"

"No, Mizukage-sama, it wasn't Jiraiya either."

Yagura frowned. "What happened?"

Kisame gritted his teeth. "It was a Konoha Anbu operative named Kazuya Nohara. He fought both Jinchūriki alone and seriously injured them. With the Jinchūriki suppressed, the Cloud forces were swiftly defeated, allowing Konoha to secure a decisive victory with minimal losses."

Yagura was silent, struggling to comprehend. "An Anbu operative taking down two Jinchūriki? This seems impossible. If Konoha's Anbu were that powerful, there'd be no need for the other villages to exist. We'd all be under Konoha's control."

"Mizukage-sama, the information is accurate. It has been verified through multiple channels," Kisame insisted. "This Kazuya used a Lightning Style jutsu to directly injure the Eight Tails Jinchūriki. His power is overwhelming."

Yagura's expression shifted. "I've heard of a special Anbu from Konoha from Terumi Mei and Ao. Could this be the same Kazuya?"

"We are still investigating the details," Kisame replied. "But we must remain vigilant. This concerns the fate of Kirigakure. We cannot afford any mistakes."

"Understood. Ensure the envoy sent to Konoha has arrived safely," Yagura instructed.

"They have," Kisame confirmed.

"Very well. You may leave," Yagura dismissed him.

As Kisame departed, Yagura finally allowed his disbelief to show. An Anbu operative, even stronger than he was? It seemed impossible, yet the information was undeniable.

"When did such a powerful Anbu emerge?" Yagura muttered to himself, eyes filled with unease.

At the same time, the news reached Konoha, leaving the Third Hokage and the village's leadership in shock. Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, Nara Shikaku, and the clan leaders were all astounded by the report.

"Kazuya-kun managed to crush the Jinchūriki of Cloud Village by himself, achieving an unprecedented victory on the battlefield," Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen marveled.

In Hokage's office, a high-level meeting was convened. "I propose we promote Nohara Kazuya to the captain of Anbu," Third Hokage suggested.

"Agreed," Nara Shikaku immediately raised his hand, followed by the others.

With unanimous approval, Third Hokage smiled. "Prepare for the handover before Kazuya returns."

Utatane Koharu commented, "Hiruzen, Kazuya-kun reminds me of your younger days. His mastery of ninjutsu is extraordinary."

"Indeed," Mitokado Homura agreed. "His rise is crucial for the village, especially after Orochimaru's defection. His strength is invaluable."

Konoha vs. Cloud Village had caught the attention of the entire ninja world. The news of Kazuya Nohara's feat spread rapidly, causing a sensation.

Anbu Kazuya had crushed two Jinchūriki, earning a fearsome reputation. In Cloud Village, the Fourth Raikage vowed to kill Kazuya, further amplifying his name.

In every major village, from Konoha to Rock Village, Kazuya's legendary feat was discussed. His name was now synonymous with power and skill, and many began to compare him to the legendary Sannin.

Kazuya Nohara's record was undeniable, and the ninja world would never forget his name.