
In Naruto with the power of One Piece.

So what if they have Byakugan or Sharingan, my observation haki is better. They want to chop me down? Bamm Arnament Haki. They can use different ninjutsu and defeat me? So what it's not like i can't use ninjutsu. I am going to be the strongest and live my life freely. https://www.patreon.com/coolestnerd

Coolnerd · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Clan Head

Luna nodded her head. "That's fine, you already know 4 ninjutsu which is more than what some genin ninja know. As for genjutsu, it has never been a strong point of our Inuzuka clan.

"You have really impressed me with your progress. So tell me if you need anything I will talk to the clan head and provide it to you."

"I am planning to leave the village and gain different experiences to temper myself, so, please teach me shadow clone Jutsu and some offensive ninjutsu."

Luna got worried when he said he was going to leave the village. "Yama, it's wartime so the situation outside the village is incredibly dangerous are you sure you want to leave the village now?"

Yama nodded his head. "Yes, the main reason I am planning to leave the village right now is because of the war. I want to experience war and I don't want to be a shinobi for the village and forced to fight. I want to experience the war on my own accord."

Luna hesitated a bit but finally nodded her head. "If that is what you want go for it but make sure to be careful. I will talk to the clan head and provide you a few ninjutsu and other materials that you might need."

Yama hugged his mom and smiled. "Thanks, mom you are the best."

Friday who was standing on top of Luna's dog also barked excitedly.

"Are you going to take Friday with you?"

"Yes, he is my partner after all."

"If you are going to take him I think you should learn cooperation ninjutsu."

"I will be honest, I think our clan ninjutsu is not that strong and I don't think there is any point in learning it but if you want to you can give me the scroll I might learn it if I am bored."

If it was any other Inuzuka clan members they would be angry but Luna knew there was some truth to that statement, Inuzuka's had never produced any Kage-level shinobi in history and that was because their clan jutsus were not strong enough.

"I will talk to the clan head about you and award you few ninjutsu."

"Thanks, mom."

A day passed.


"Are you insane, how can you allow your Yama to leave the village during the war. If what you say is true and he is really as strong you say then we should protect him and train him not let him leave the village alone during the war. " Clan head of Inuzuka clan screamed.

"He is strong because I let him be independent and do his own thing. We have tried to train geniuses before and how has that worked out for us? Let me remind you they all became slightly above average Jonnin at best."

"Yama is different he is more talented than all of them."

"Wrong, my son is more hardworking, independent, smart, and creative than all of them combined that is why he is strong. Let me cut to the chase, either you award him the ninjutsu, weapons, scrolls, and money so that he becomes grateful to the clan and help the clan in the future.

"Or I can provide him everything he needs and he won't have any sense of responsibility or feelings towards the clan. You can choose what you want to do but either way my son is going to do what he wants."

"Why are you so stubborn, I am your brother, I only want the best for my nephew."

Luna got up and started walking away. "Two hours, if no one comes to my home to give him the rewards then you know what's gonna happen."

Takauji sighed and shook his head. After his sister left the room he called one of the clan members and told him to prepare everything quickly.

(Takauji is an OC.)

An hour later Takauji himself went to Luna's house.

*knock knock*

Luna opened the door, there was a smile on her face when she saw her brother there.

"Where is Yama?"

"He is in the backyard training with his partner."

Takauji nodded his head and walked towards the backyard with Luna. In the backyard, Yama was playing fetch with Friday.

"Is this his training?" He asked Luna

Luna replied. "He does what he wants and trains how he wants."

He sighed again and walked towards Yama. He cleared his throat to get Yama's attention. Yama had already noticed him when Takauji reached the front gate.

Yama turned around greeted him. "What brings you here uncle Takauji?"

Takauji was caught by surprise. He thought Yama would be nervous to meet the clan head but he was relaxed and he even greeted him as the uncle and not the clan head.

"I heard from your mother that you have been working hard and have made huge progress in Taijutsu. The clan has to take care of young genius like you so I am here to give you few rewards for working hard and making good progress."

He took out the four ninjutsu scrolls, a scroll containing many shuriken, paper booms, and Kunai. He also took out 100,000 Ryo and gave it to Yama.

Yama bowed down a little. "Thank you clan head for your generosity."

Takauji had made it clear that he had given those things to him as clan head and not as his uncle so he had to thank him as clan head.

"I also heard from your mother that you intend to leave the village is that true?"

"Yes, I plan to leave the village within the next couple of days."

"As a clan head and your uncle, I suggest you stay in the village, you are just a young kid and do not know the dangers of war and how hard it is to survive."

"I greatly appreciate uncle showing kindness towards me but by taking risks and experiencing war, I believe I can grow and mature quickly and I am confident in my ability to survive."

"Sigh seems like you are as stubborn as your mother." He touched Yama on the shoulder and looked him deep in the eyes. "Stay safe my dear nephew."


Thanks Scorpio for Joining my P@treon. If you want read 16 extra chapters join my P@treon.


Also if we reach 100 power stone, I will release a bonus chapter.