
In Naruto With Saitama's Power

Mc reincarnates in the Naruto world as Itachi with Saitama's power. Think about what would happen if Mc has the brain of Itachi and the power of Saitama, it's the fusion between Itachi and Saitama. The novel will be overpowered, if you want to have growth from weak to strong then this is not your novel. I am okay with any good criticism of the novel so provide good feedback for the novel.

Owl2317wisdom · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Taking help from the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance for the betterment of Uchiha.

"Through some coincidence, I have come across a really old text which was is in very bad condition, I tried to restore it but I was only able to acquire some knowledge from it and was not able to restore is. And in it mentioned the teaching of the sage of six paths as 'Ninshu' " said Itachi.

"Itachi where did you find that old text?" Asked Fugaku.

"In the Konoha library, I found that text. I searched around the library thinking there might be other text also but it was just one copy which had come from where even the librarian did not know that " said Itachi.

"In what conditions is that text in now, " asked Fugaku.

What conditions there is no such text I only wanted to use the future knowledge of Naruto so I lied about the text and the lie about the library can be easily covered up because when I am bored up or don't have anything to do I would go to the library so it can be covered up easily that's why I mentioned the library.

Itachi thinks for some time and says " that text has been destroyed by the cats when I was trying to restore it".

"Ok, leave the text aside for now and tell us what is Ninshu and how ninjutsu is a weaponized form of it????" Asked Mikoto.

" Ok, so Ninshu is the religion and the peaceful precursor of modern ninjutsu created by the sage of six paths, the first one to understand and teach the mystery of chakra. The teachings of ninshū were meant to give people a better understanding of themselves, as well as others, and lead the world into an era of peace. Ninshū would eventually come to be known as ninjutsu, a more weaponized version of Sage's teachings." said Itachi.

"Itachi ok that was the concept of ninshu but how did they practice ninshu??" Asked Mikoto.

"Ninshu was practiced by distributing the chakra to other people, meant to 'connect' people's spiritual energies with one another. It would allow people to understand each other without communication and pray for one another's safety. " said Itachi.

"So how are you going to use this ninshu to make a powerful S-rank shinobi??" Asked Fugaku.

"Otou-san it's quite simple through the ninshu we can have temporary S-rank or even higher level shinobi by connecting the spiritual energies and physical energies of all the clan members and focusing it all on one of the experienced and powerful shinobi to handle the high amount of chakra to perform the ninjutsu and battle the enemies, with ninshu and small team's of shinobi can use their own power to defeat an even stronger enemy than themselves," said Itachi.

"That's quite good but how are you going to connect the spiritual and physical energies of shinobi with each other??" Asked Fugaku.

"It's quite simple you have to do just two steps to connect the shinobi with each other and they are also quite simple. The first one is using the 'Chakra transfer technique' to connect the physical energy of the body and the second one requires the help of the Yamanaka clan as they specialize in the field of mind which helps connect the spiritual energies of the shinobi with one another. The only downside or problem is that when you connect someone's spiritual energy with others then they can feel or see the memories of the person whose spiritual energy is connected, this problem can be solved by the Yamanaka clan members if they develop any new method or they already have such method with them" said Itachi.

"For the first problem, we have to convince the Akimichi clan for the funding the chain restaurants, and for the second problem we need the help of Yamanaka to connect the spiritual energies of shinobi with each other than in your solution for solving the third issue we will have to ask or do something with the Nara clan. So you plan to use the Ino-Shika-Cha trio alliance completely" asked Fugaku.

"Otou-san you are right about this as the Ino-Shika-Cho trio are not powerful individually but their combination is perfect and they are well respected in the village by other shinobi clans, non-clan shinobi, and civilians. They are also involved in the administration of the village Nara Shikaku is Jounin's commander, Yamanaka is in the intelligence department and they are neutral and only follow the rules of Hokage. So what's wrong with working them there is a saying that 'sometimes the donkey has to be father'¹ and they are also fellow villagers there would be nothing wrong with working them and they are not members who would backstab any fellow villager or a clan." said Itachi.

"So how exactly are we going to solve the third problem with the help of the Nara clan??" Asked Mikoto.

"This is the main and important reason which will convince the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and also the way to get into the administration of the village and the key part of the chain restaurants plan," said Itachi.

"All the chain restaurants would act as a checkpoint for the shinobi to rest and restore their energy, they will act as an intelligence gathering base which will collect all the intelligence in its 5-10km radius of it as a center by this we will able to get and collect even the minute occurring in all over the Fire nation and easily take out any spies from another village even before they enter Konoha, for this we will station our shinobi's in the restaurants they will regularly give reports to the Konoha through the summoned animals and we Uchiha have the ninja cats as our summoning partner which will make easier to carry out the information gathering as no normal people will suspect that the cats are ninja cats and the one who will be wary of cats can be confirmed as shinobi of other nations if they are not in the database of our village shinobi. The reports can also be passed easily and swiftly through reverse summoning the cats all the intelligence collected by the chain restaurants can be attached to the cat and the cat be reverse summoned in the Konoha by this method we will have very strong control over all of the Fire Nation and not to mention with this we will be able to easily watch over the black market and bounty hunters of the black market and control the rogue ninjas causing harms " said Itachi.

By carefully watching the bounty hunters and the black market we can easily get the information on the 'Akatsuki' because of 'Kakuzu' is a well-known face in the black market circle as he collects highly rewarding bounties and his obsession with money and the black market is the only source of his income as a rogue ninja. If we monitor very well then we might get some lead on Kakuzu and through him, we will know about his partner Hidan and if we capture him most of the information he knows can be taken out of his mouth or simply we can branch out through Kakuzu to find the other members of Akatsuki, as this time I will be not the part of Akatsuki then it is better to keep the track of this organization because it is the most powerful organization all over the continent there is no other single organization powerful them even the five villages. As Akatsuki members died separately from one another, think about what would happen if all the Akatsuki members attacked together and think about carefully what will happen if only their two-man was capable of capturing the tailed beasts. If we backtrack the Akatsuki then the shadow leader will be Obito who is controlled by Madara and who is manipulated by Black Zetsu and who in turn is a subordinate(son) of Kaguya, so Akatsuki is indirectly related to the progenitor of chakra. It is a must to have the intelligence and present knowledge of this organization even if I know many things from Naruto it is not good to only rely on that knowledge, if I do some activities which are not in line with the main storyline then it might get changed through the butterfly effect so it is necessary to have other sources of information other than the Naruto.

"So we cooperate with the Nara clan and let them analyze all the information collected all over the Fire nation. And promote this plan to Hokage through the Nara clan, that is what you want to say Itachi " said Fugaku.

"Yes otou-san," said Itachi.

"That's quite a genius plan," said Mikoto.

"This evening I will arrange the meeting with the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and talk with them about your plan and with the help of the trio we will implement the plan as fast as it could be possible" said Fugaku.

"Yes, otou-san just don't forget that you'll have to take a well-known restaurant to make franchise out of it and Ichiraku is the best option for it so after the plan is confirmed by the hokage discuss it with Teuchi-san also," said Itachi.

"Don't worry about it Itachi, I will take care of it" said Fugaku.

Fugaku carefully studies the plan once more so that there are no mistakes when convincing the trio.

In the evening inside the Yakiniku-Q.

Uchiha Fugaku enters the store and sees the trio seating over one of the empty seat talking about their marriage life and Choza Akimichi was gobbling down mouthful of barbecue and talking with the other two Shikaku Nara and Inochi Yamanaka. Fugaku moves towards them and greets them as he was the one called them it was not good to be late but it seems that the trio has also came just 5 minutes before and there is still 5 minutes to the agreed time. Fugaku calls the waiter and order to prepare the separate room for the four of them, the three move to the separate room and Choza brings his barbecue with him to the room. All of them are now settled down.

"Fugaku-san weather is quite nice on such delightful day what made you to do such troublesome work " asked Shikaku.

Ah this laziness of Nara clan members is quite troublesome to deal with.

Inochi was quietly sitting over and listening and Choza was still globbing down barbecue down his throat.

"It is nothing troublesome, I wanted some help from the three of you " said Fugaku.

"What does the chief of the prestigious Uchiha clan who had turned down the position of Hokage need help from the three of us??" Asked Shikaku.

Being a jounin commander he is able to acquire the information of me taking the name out for the candidacy this fast.

"Being Hokage is not possible by anyone and I am not suited to that post I am powerful but not that much powerful to take the mantle of Hokage. The person who can become Hokage and the person who is Hokage are two different people" said Fugaku.

"Well Fugaku-san you are quite humble and modest today, if other nation shinobi would hear you speaking like that they might even think you are a fake amateur who is not able to blend as the Wicked Eye" said Shikaku.


1 sometimes donkey has to be father is a proverb translated from the Hindi muhavara called 'Kabi kabi gade ko bi baap banana padta hai'

And it has a beautiful story behind it that will make it easier for you to understand.

Once upon a time, there was a forest full of herbivores animals like rabbits, deers, monkeys, etc. They were all living peacefully and happily. There was an abundance of grass and water and the animals lead a content life.

A lion from the nearby savannas happened to come across this forest. In the savanna, there was less water and lesser prey upon which he could feed. So the lion decided to enter the forest where he could eat to his heart's content.

But when the lion tried to enter the forest, all the animals stopped him saying that only herbivores can live in the forest. The animals never saw a lion before and asked him about his ancestry. The lion looked around and asked the animals to give him some time to tell them his ancestry.

That night, the lion went around looking for animals that might agree to come forward as his amcestors. He found that nearly all the animals were instinctively afraid of him and denied having him in their family tree. Almost as the sun came up, the lion saw a donkey that was grazing and braying loudly.

The lion went to the donkey and said, "oh beautiful one, your skin shines like the grey rainy cloud, your voice is so sweet that it is killing me from inside and your gaiety is so perfect that I cannot even imagine walking beside you. Yet, I feel that if I am related to anyone in this forest, it has got to be you".

The naive donkey looked at the Lion's magnificent mane, it's tall stature and it's powerful appearance and thought that everyone would be afraid of the donkey if they knew the lion was related to it. Marvelling stupidly at this idea the donkey agreed to tell everyone that he was the lion's ancestor.

The lion gained passage into the forest and enjoyed his life there, killing and eating to his heart's content.

So they say that when necessity arises, even the lion has to call the donkey as his father to maintain diplomacy for achieving a higher means.

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