
In Naruto With Saitama's Power

Mc reincarnates in the Naruto world as Itachi with Saitama's power. Think about what would happen if Mc has the brain of Itachi and the power of Saitama, it's the fusion between Itachi and Saitama. The novel will be overpowered, if you want to have growth from weak to strong then this is not your novel. I am okay with any good criticism of the novel so provide good feedback for the novel.

Owl2317wisdom · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Awakening Sharingan.

Seeing the child going towards Fugaku and standing right beside him as if saying I am not some weak child who needs his father's protection, I am fully able to protect myself and kill my enemies.

Itachi asks again Iwa shinobi that " on who's coffin are going to put the final nail" with blood-red Sharingan having a single tomoe.

Seeing the blood-red Sharingan the first jounin immediately tells his senpai " senpai, we will not allow the Konoha to have another Tiger, kill the Tiger cub when it is young I will keep Fugaku in check for 3 minutes in that time please kill the Tiger cub and retreat without looking back".

The jounin with burn marks agreed that it is better to kill the Tiger cub here and now than let it to grow.

In the meantime, Fugaku was getting excited and was happy as his son has not only fought his first battle but he had won and came back alive killing his enemies and even awakening the Sharingan at the young age of 4 which is unprecedented in the whole shinobi world.

Fugaku was in his own world but seeing the Iwa shinobi coming toward himself he immediately fires off Fire style: Fireball at the Iwa shinobi and sees that the other shinobi is headed toward his son, he activates his Sharingan and puts the Iwa shinobi with burn marks into genjustu, but the genjustu was not strong enough as it was cast in hurry just to slow down the shinobi, the jounin with the burn marks was easily able to distinguish that he is fallen for genjustu and he distrubs his chakra to get out of genjustu, Itachi just needed a small slip of time to deal with the jounin, seeing the chance Itachi immediately arrives in front of jounin with burn marks by taking big and strong leaps, as soon as Itachi arrives in front of the Iwa shinobi, he had broken himself out of the genjustu and he sees that in front of him his prey has just walked over itself to get fed by the Wolf and he grins, he immediately takes out kunai from his holster of kunai and shuriken, he plunges the kunai directly to forehead of Itachi, but Itachi side steps and avoids the kunai by single hair distance and gets even closer to the shinobi as with his 4 years old body his reach is very short compared to the adult so to land a proper blow, Itachi gets closer to the shinobi by risking his life on the edge of kunai by barely dodging it by single hair distance so that he does not have to waste more energy as his 4-year-old body is not suitable for combat having less reach and low stamina, so he immediately moves front whenever he gets the chance but the jounin knew what Itachi is trying to achieve, even then he allowed Itachi to come closely inside his attacking range because he was confident that he can easily kill the child in front of him in less than 2 minutes, so he wanted to know what is going to happen even if he lands a punch, a single punch from childd would only amount to tickle so there is need to cautious of it but instead the moment he punches it will give the juonin perfect chance to counter attack Itachi and kill him, just as Itachi and juonin wanted Itachi came really close to the jounin to the range of attacking and Itachi punches, with nothing special in it, it seems just like a normal punch to all the observers but in that punch Itachi had put 10% If his total power, as Itachi had gotten the wish of Saitama's power but he had not gotten all the power at once the power is getting adjusted to his growing body just like how he grows more on time the power is also acclumating inside his body, by now he has acquired around 40% of the Saitamai's power the remaining power would eventually come with the onflow of time.

The moment when the punch comes in contact with the torso of Iwa jounin his upper body bursts into many small fleshy bits flying here and there by the force of the punch the jounin was not even able to know how he died because of the moment the punch lands on him all of his consciousness and his body parts both flew of just like the previous wall which was burst open by Itachi.

Seeing the ending of his senpai the first jounin was very shocked at the super strength of Itachi and he was thinking how can a child have this much power to blow away an adult into fleshy bits scattered all over the place, he is not a tiger cub but fully-fledged tiger who is capable of hunting any of his prey, the first jounin gets terrified by the punch of Itachi as even if die he did not want to die in a way was even his body parts are not intact and even in his death, he wants to fight and die by the hands of a man rather at the hands of a monster he screams at Itachi " You monster!!! how are capable of wielding that much power in your tiny body?

Due to the shock of the deaths of his companions, the Iwa jounin has a slight moment of slip in his concentration and is not able to clearly see that from his backside Fugaku is rushing over him and brands his tanto and cuts his head off from his body so fast that it all happened just in a single moment that Iwa shinobi was not even able to defend himself as his head was flying upwards for some time after it came rolling down to the ground, even in his last moments the eyes of Iwa jounin was only staring Itachi asking how he can wield that much power?

Seeing the gaze of Iwa shinobi on him Itachi slowly whispers to the jounin " Why not ask that question to the God ". As the whisper of Itachi ends at the same moment the head of jounin lands on the ground and closes its eyes for all eternity.

As the last Iwa shinobi breathed his last moments, Fugaku with a happy smile and excited expression comes toward Itachi, Itachi gets a mild shock as he has never seen the stubborn Fugaku showing a smiling face, it is the first time he had seen the smiling face of his father from his time of birth.

" Ah, my genius boy well done, you are truly my son!!! To able to awaken Sharingan at this early age and how are you able to wield such super strength? " asked Fugaku.

"Father it seems that I am born with super strength, and I awakened Sharingan in the fight with the Iwa shinobi who were after me," said Itachi.

Hearing the last part Fugaku appeared sad, as because of his mistake his son had to risk his life.

Seeing Fugaku sad Itachi tries to cheer up his father by saying" see father I have awakened Sharingan, now you have to teach me about genjutsu and the uses of Sharingan, by your teaching I will become more stronger and better shinobi so there is no need to make sad faces" Itachi eyes for few seconds turns into 1 tomoe sharingan but the chakra was still rising in his eyes as if to show more tomoe but Itachi quickly stops the chakra flow to his eyes making the sharingan return to normal eyes.

To Fugaku the Sharingan chakra of Itachi seems unstable as he thinks it is not possible to awaken the sharingan this early but Itachi had awakened due to life threatening situation so it will take some time to get it stabilized.

"Itachi, your sharingan is not stable yet so don't use it, after it gets stabilized come to me than I will train you till than you have to promise me that you won't use sharingan" said Fugaku so that Itachi don't suffer from side effects of unstable sharingan.

In the mind of Itachi

Father you don't have to worry it's just that I am not showing you my full sharingan of 3 tomoe for that reason you are seeing a unstable one at the previous fight the moment I killed the chunin with my punch and scattering his body just like the jounin all the stress, trauma and good emotions all rushed from my subconscious to my eyes even the emotions and memories from my previous life surged from my subconscious to my eyes as black hole is sucking out all my good and bad memories and emotions into my eyes and I had a headache much worse than ever I had experienced in both of my lives in that time my eyes awakened sharingan from 1 tomoe to fully mature 3 tomoe sharingan in just moment of time and without knowing I cast genjutsu on both the genins with the remaining sharingan chakra, making them kill each other just like anbu under Itachi killed each other in the original work when Itachi went rogue from Knoha.

"Ok, father I would not use sharingan till it is stabilized but you will have to teach all other stuffs related to shinobi" said Itachi.

"Itachi I was thinking that I would teach you about the basics and sharingan related stuff but for your advanced teaching I am thinking of making Tsunade as your teacher because she has trained in super strength which will help you in training your super strength" said Fugaku.

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