
In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit

Reborn in Naruto world with the More More Devil Fruit ability.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


Hiruzen appeared and approached Danzo "What's are you doing Danzo?" Danzo replied "As you can see, I'm curbing the threat to the village." Hiruzen frowned "Danzo, I told you to not do anything stupid." Danzo snorted "Hmph! You know as well as I do Hiruzen, you cannot control them if they get stronger and will eventually be a threat to the village. As you can see, the Jinchuriki is much stronger than we imagined. Also the Uchiha kid is growing and will be a threat if he comes to know".

Hiruzen started thinking. He was also surprised seeing the chakra cloak and the slaughter done by Naruto. The chakra Naruto was releasing was much much higher than himself. He then looked at Kakashi and Gai and then back at Danzo and said "Let's stop this madness. You leave and go back Danzo. Kakashi, get your team to my office and we'll discuss this matter". Naruto frowned and said "Hokage, what's the meaning of your words? Danzo attacked us inside the village and you are letting him leave just like that?"

Hiruzen looked at Naruto and said "Danzo is an elder in the village Naruto. I'll take appropriate action. First let's stop the fight and come to my office." Naruto shook his head "Hokage, today Danzo attacked us. If it was the other way around, will you let us go just like that? Attacking fellow leaf Shinobi is a mistake that warrants punishment". Hiruzen started contemplating again and said "Naruto, everyone does some mistakes. Don't take it the wrong way. We don't want internal conflicts between ourselves."

At this time, Danzo spoke "Hiruzen, listen to me. Even if they are kids, look how difficult it is to control them. Give me the Uchiha and the Jinchuriki. I'll train them to be the perfect tools to protect the village." Hiruzen yelled "That's enough Danzo." Sasuke at this time spoke "Quit dreaming Danzo, I'll never become your tool. I'm not foolish like my brother". Danzo was surprised and wanted to say something, but Hiruzen spoke "Leave now Danzo. I'll take care of the matter. You give me proper explanation on what you did".

Naruto shook his head "Hokage, you want Danzo to leave after he attacked us, I think you are dreaming." Hiruzen looked at Naruto "Let's stop fighting against each other Naruto. Tell me what you want and I'll try to fulfill your request." Naruto replied "I want Danzo to be publicly executed for attacking fellow leaf Shinobi. Otherwise I'll leave the village." Hiruzen was surprised and said "That's not possible Naruto. He's an elder of the village. It will bring the village under chaos."

Danzo spoke hearing Naruto "See Hiruzen, now it's too late to go back. The kid will not be loyal to the village anymore. Let's capture them together." Hiruzen shook his head "Danzo, why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to go?" Hiruzen then looked at Kakashi "Come with your team to my office Kakashi. We'll settle things there." Naruto looked with a ridiculing smile "So, Kakashi sensei, tell me whose side are you on?" Kakashi just shook his head "I'm in neither side Naruto. I'll protect the village. That's all."

Naruto replied "I see." Then looked at Hiruzen "What about you Hokage? Do you want to protect Danzo so bad?" Danzo hearing this scoffed "Listen here kid....." he started speaking, but was interrupted by Hiruzen "Danzo. That's enough. Now leave. It's an order". Danzo had already lost his common sense when he attacked Naruto and Sasuke. All he wanted was power and Sharingan. He didn't think of the consequences as he didn't get the sharingans when he killed the Uchiha clan and when he was ordered to leave by Hiruzen, he lost his rational thinking.

He then started walking and at the right time jumped to attack Sasuke and pluck out his eyes. Hiruzen shouted "No Danzo" and moved to stop him, but was too late. At this time, Naruto took out his special Kunai and threw it in front of Sasuke. Then he teleported in front of Sasuke and swung his sword, slicing the right hand of Danzo. He then kicked Danzo away. Hiruzen and Kakashi has surprised looks on their faces. Hiruzen mumbled "Flying Thunder God. He learnt it too". Kakashi was just too surprised to say anything.

Naruto didn't let out and followed up his attack on Danzo. Hiruzen came out of his trance and yelled "That's enough Naruto". But Naruto didn't care and started attacking Danzo. Seeing this, Hiruzen also followed to block Naruto, and the Anbu also followed the Hokage to intercept Naruto. Seeing this, Naruto scoffed "So you all want to attack me". He then jumped back and took out several special Kunais from his bracelet and scattered them. Seeing this, Kakashi knew what was going to happen so he rushed shouting "No, Naruto Don't. They are innocent Anbu. Not root".

Naruto didn't care and used flying thunder god and started his slaughter of the Anbus. Danzo came next to Hiruzen and spoke "Hiruzen, let's join together and control the Jinchuriki. It's too late to go back now and don't waste time thinking". Hiruzen gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He then saw Naruto slaughtering the Anbus and nodded to Danzo and made his move. Kakashi also came to stop Naruto. Gai opened six gates in order to restrain him. Seeing this, Naruto laughed. "So, this is your choice Kakashi. Good very good. Thank you for the betrayal. I didn't expect this from you".

Kakashi wanted to explain himself and wanted Naruto to stop killing, but Naruto just jumped back and did some hand signs and slammed his hands on the ground saying "Summoning jutsu - Reanimation". A coffin appeared from the ground and opened. Inside the coffin, there was an yellow haired man wearing white Hokage cloak. Kakashi was the first one to respond saying "Sensei". Hiruzen yelled "What did you do Naruto?". The yellow haired man got out of the coffin and looked around.