
In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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279 Chs

Chapter 241 : Finale Coming 3

Naruto saw his brother getting devoured by the Gedo Statue, well at least he believes that that happened.

And now Obito was ready to become the Jinchuriki of the 10 Tails.

He didn't yet absorb Naruto or Killer Bee but he got the 8 tails chakra before when Itachi went to capture Killer Bee Nine Tail Chakra was still not captured but there was no time anymore.

Though he was lacking power but its not like he can't take this power after he becomes the Jinchuriki of 10 tails.

He could fight but its clear that he was in a disadvantage here. 

He alraedy had enough power to transform himself into the Jinchuriki of Ten Tails.

After all although he didn't absorb either of the nine tail from the brother its doesn't mean that he didn't get Nine Tail Chakra at all. He did, just not the entire Nine Tail.

As the battlefield trembled with the unleashed power of the Ten-Tails, Obito stepped forward with a resolute gaze. The dark energy emanating from the Gedo Statue enveloped him, and his form underwent a chilling transformation.

The Tailed Beasts' chakra, now fused into a malevolent force, surged towards Obito. The once-human Uchiha became the focal point of this overwhelming power, a vessel for the might of the Ten-Tails. His eyes glowed with an eerie intensity as the transformation took hold.

He started to look like those Otsutsuki.

Obito's body contorted and convulsed, shrouded in an ominous cloak of chakra. The once-distinguishable features now obscured by the dark aura, he ascended into the form of the Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki. 

With a haunting roar, Obito emerged as the harbinger of the Ten-Tails' might. His eyes, now reflecting the ancient power within him, revealed the magnitude of the transformation. Obito had become the vessel for a force that transcended the boundaries of human and beast, a living embodiment of unparalleled power.

"I don't have time to waste on you anymore," Obito who was already a little short on the grey matter before now became completely mad. 

He just now wanted to activate his plan and thus he flew off toward where the giant tree was.

Be wanted Nine Tail from inside Naruto but there as no time anymore. Madara was alraedy revive, Obito was no fool, he knew that right now he needs to get that power otherwise there is always a possibility that Madara will take that away from him. 

The only way to do that is to activate his plan, he can later on get Nine Tails if he has to anyway.

That's the place where he can activate his Moon Eye Plan.


On the other side, all the kages looked horrified, Madara pulled a trick and ended up absorbing the same chakra of Hashirama. '

Although till now the fight was going pretty equal now it was not the case. 

So, like, Madara and Hashirama were having this big ninja showdown, right? And Madara, being all sneaky, decided to play a trick on Hashirama. He pretended to be all tired and on the verge of losing which is impossible considering both of them were edo tensei.

So Hashirama thought, "Oh, maybe it's the time to use talk no jutsu, Kirito said its only effect after kicking the enemy's ass right."

Hashirama was totally surprised and caught off guard.

This let Madara win, and almost right on time considering Obito was coming towards them.

The horrors in the faces of others.

But Madara didn't even bother fighting other shinobi or kages. He was not there to kill them, never.

He was here to activate his plan and save the world. That's why he was there.

His eyes saw Obtio coming and a smirk appeared on his face.

Black Zetsu was ready on the other side, this time around Obito won't even get time to experience the power of 10 tails.

Madara acted in the cannon just because he didn't want to hurry, not to mention he wanted to fight Hashirama.

But here, he already has fought Hashirama and won. Now it was his time to revive and take the power of 10 Tails from Obito.


While this was happening,

"Ha, Kirito kunnnnn" 

"You are too rough aha"

Kirito's eyes twitch, why this girl is acting like this, he was just drinking her blood to regain his energy.

He saw Karin rubbing her legs together while also breathing heavily.

'Man, why the hell I am here doing it. Well I had to way to handle this as well but I rather not use it until its absolutely necessary,' Kirito muttered to himself and sigh, just hoping to get healed and rejoin the war.


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