
In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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274 Chs

Chapter 223 : Departure To The Front Line 3

Finally, after the cheers died down, the entire army was ready to mobilise. All four companies got ready and started following their company's leader.

All captains took their official place right the front of the entire company and started their march as the mighty army of Shinobi followed them.

The first company was led by Darui, and they were going towards the rocky plane to stop the march of the enemies from there. The idea was to not let any more powerful enemy move towards the other party.

The second company was led by Mifune, which was directed towards the mountain area to again block that part.

The third Company was Kakashi and he was with Guy. They were moving towards the forest area to clear the road until they met Company 1 of Darui in the coastal area.

And lastly, it was Kirito who was marching with his company towards the desert area, the most important area as it's close to the base of Akatsuki.


Darui led the First Company of the Allied Shinobi Forces to the rocky plains, a battleground against the impending white Zetsu onslaught. The air was thick with tension as they braced themselves for the approaching enemy.

As the first rays of dawn broke, the earth trembled, and the ground cracked open, revealing a horde of white Zetsu emerging from the depths. Darui's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand, signalling his troops to prepare for battle.

"First Company, hold your ground! We can't let these Zetsu overrun us!" Darui shouted and 

The white Zetsu, eerily reminiscent of twisted trees, closed in with a menacing pace. Darui, a master of the Lightning Release, weaved through the battlefield, leaving trails of afterimages. His black lightning danced across the rocky plain, striking down Zetsu after Zetsu.

This was the first time, the shinobi were fighting something like a white zetsu and clearly, it was not like any traditional enemy.

However, the unexpected happened. From the shadows of the rocky terrain, Edo Tensei began to emerge—a fallen ninja from different eras, reanimated to fight once more. The First Company faced a new challenge as the battlefield became a clash between the living and the dead.

This was a twist as although they were told that Orochimaru would be using the Edo Tensei technique against them it was still hard to fight someone dear to them who they lost long ago.

Darui, undeterred, faced the Edo Tensei with his signature black lightning-infused kenjutsu. He parried the strikes of legendary warriors from the past, each clash echoing through the rocky expanse.

His First Company, though initially taken aback, followed Darui's lead. They fought valiantly against the Edo Tensei, their resolve unwavering. Darui's strategic brilliance shone as he coordinated his forces to counter the unrelenting waves of adversaries.

Although quite more in numbers white zetsu did not have as skills as the battle-hardened shinobi. But while they lack in the pure power or skills. They fill that gap with their regenerative powers and the fact that they can imitate any shinobi on the battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, Darui's Ranton (Storm Release) jutsu illuminated the battlefield. Arcs of powerful lightning surged through the air, cutting through both Zetsu and Edo Tensei alike. The rocky plane became a spectacle of elemental clashes and intense combat.

Darui's voice cut through the tumultuous battlefield:

Their objective was to completely cross the rocky plane and then move towards the coastal line as soon as possible.


Mifune was the leader of the samurai and a stoic and seasoned captain of the Second Division, led his elite company to the mountainous terrain, a critical location in the impending clash against the formidable enemy forces. The towering peaks presented a strategic advantage, and Mifune intended to nullify it by securing the high ground for the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Although the mountain range was nowhere close to the main hideout of the enemy it was an important key position which the shinobi alliance had to defend.

As the Second Division ascended the rugged slopes, Mifune's piercing gaze surveyed the surroundings. The wind whispered through the mountainous crags, carrying a sense of anticipation. His company, a well-disciplined group of skilled warriors, followed his lead with unwavering determination.

The rocky terrain echoed with the unsheathing of swords and the clinking of armour as Mifune's company assumed their positions. Their eyes remained fixed on the ascent, vigilant for any signs of approaching adversaries.

The enemy, well aware of the strategic significance of the mountainous region, soon emerged from the shadows. Mifune's analytical mind quickly assessed the situation, and he signalled his company to hold its ground.

"Maintain formation. We won't allow them to claim this vantage point," he said with much determination.

The clash began as the enemy forces attempted to scale the mountainside. Mifune's katana flashed with precision, cutting through the opposition. His leadership inspired the Second Division, and they fought with a synchronized grace, repelling the enemy's advance.

Mifune's strategic brilliance unfolded as he directed his forces to exploit the natural chokepoints of the rocky ascent. His company utilized the terrain to their advantage, turning the mountainous battlefield into a fortress that thwarted the enemy's attempts at a coordinated assault.

As the battle intensified, Mifune's unwavering resolve and tactical acumen resonated with his soldiers. The mountain echoed with the clash of steel, the shouts of warriors, and the rhythmic footfalls of the Second Division holding their ground.


Under the dappled sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, Kakashi Hatake, the future Sixth Hokage, led the Third Division into the heart of the vast forest. A seasoned tactician, Kakashi's strategic mind was complemented by the presence of his eternal rival, Might Guy, at his side. Together, they sought to utilize the intricate terrain to their advantage in the unfolding conflict.

This was again a very cannon-like situation where both Kakashi and Guy were sent to the same division because both knew each other well and had learned from each other before.

As the division moved deeper into the forest, the air thickened with the scent of moss and the distant murmur of leaves. Kakashi's single eye darted around, assessing the natural features that could be leveraged against the impending enemy forces.

"Keep your senses sharp. The forest provides cover, but remember that the enemy is more adapted to the forest than we are," Kakashi said.

Guy, sporting his customary green jumpsuit, grinned with unbridled enthusiasm.

"Fear not, Kakashi my friend! With the power of youth and your strategic brilliance, victory is assured!" Guy added from his side.

Kakashi smirked, appreciating Guy's unwavering optimism even in the face of battle. Although he never showed up to others he cherished this friendship of theirs.

The Third Division navigated through the labyrinthine network of trees and underbrush, maintaining a formation that spoke to Kakashi's tactical prowess. Guy, ever the energetic warrior, encouraged his comrades with uplifting words and a contagious spirit.

As they progressed deeper into the forest, the enemy forces revealed themselves—masked figures moving stealthily among the trees. Kakashi's Sharingan whirred to life, and he signalled his division to prepare for engagement.


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