
In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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274 Chs

Chapter 122 : War Is Here (Rewrite)

The Uzumaki did not even bother to reply to the demands of the third Raikage and other Kages.

In fact, they were working hard to prepare for war. Thanks to Kirito's intervention, the Uzumaki Clan is far more prepared to defend itself from an invasion than it would have been in the cannon. This alone gave a good ace to the Uzumaki. This was just improved by the dismissal of help from Konoha.

This way the Uzumaki people know that they can't rely on anyone else but themselves.

But maybe the biggest difference between the invasion which happened in the cannon and this time was the presence of Kirito himself. The Uzumaki had no idea how big the role Kirito was going to play in saving them and their land.

In the entire Naruto world, there are not many people who can be said as a one-man army. There are only a handful of names.

Names like Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, and to some extent third Raikage and Obito too. But maybe the most famous feat of defeating an army in the Naruto series was Minato's.

Kirito has all the intention to walk in his father's footsteps. In fact, he was looking forward to it.

Kirito at this time was meditating. Using a special breathing technique taught to him by Kashin. Apparently, it helps him to increase the flow of his chakra inside his body.

There was much more Kashin told him about the benefits of this hard yet powerful breathing style. But he just tunes that out for actually learning the thing and being done with it.

By the time Kirito was done with his meditation, he heard an alarm going off. There is no doubt that this alarm denotes the fact that the Land of Whirlpool is finally under attack.

Not like Kirito did not sense the marching army already.

The reason he was meditating was to make sure that he was mentally ready for the upcoming fight.

He then directly teleports to the highest position of the village and gets a bird's eye view of the situation.

"Hmm, my estimate is that there are around 20 thousand people. That's almost half of what the fourth great ninja war." Kirito muttered to himself and was a little surprised honestly.

"Why did they send this many shinobi to attack the land of Whirlpool," Kirito asked himself.

Were Uzumaki sealing techniques really that priceless that they would immobile this big of a force? Or they just ended up gathering this big of a force to complete the siege faster, afraid that Konoha would send reinforcement.

If it was the latter then they don't know what really going on in Konoha's higher-up minds.

"This is very much like Danzo's schemes. He manipulates others to think and act like they are doing what they want but in reality, they all are just puppets" Kirito said and sighed.

"Anyways, If I am generous here and say that I can take down 5000 shinobi on my own. There still left 15000 others and the Raikage." Kirito thought to himself.

"The current fighting power of Uzu is not more than 3500 shinobi, In which only 2000 are really ready for an all-out war. The Uzumaki still have to practically face 10 times their numbers here even after me being here and handling 5000 on my own." Kirito thought.

He was not afraid. He himself had many secret trump cards he prepared for this war. But this time around he was not sure what are his winning chances.

He closes his eyes and calms his nerves. Tying to find out all the powerful shinobi among enemies and taking care of them before others.

Raikage was naturally not among the army. And not all the 20 thousand shinobi were deployed either. They only send 5000 for the time being.

A good number for Kirito to work with. It was the right time to activate his traps and reduce as many enemies' numbers as possible.

While Kirito was planning the entire war and how it gonna go. There was another person who was staring at the incoming army.

Another person who was looking at the incoming army of Shinobi was the No Name Girl who still refused to tell her name to Kirito.

She obviously looked worried. But she with many of her friends and family members was ready to fight for their lives.

Ashina at this time was in his office giving the final order to the Uzu forces.

He was now a little overwhelmed after seeing an army of 20 thousand shinobi. All the other higher-ups in Uzu were the same and internally they knew that they would not be able to survive.

But fight they must, and that only they intend to do. Die fighting then lowering their heads.

While this was happening in the land of Whirlpool. All the information was received by the Hokage and the advisers.

But unknown to them, there was one more person who got all this info. It was none other than Uzumaki Mito.

She has been spying on the Hokage and Danso for years now. But never happened to take action. Even today where her own clan is being betrayed and plotted against these bastards, she remains calm.

But internally she was cursing her position. She can't act because that will directly affect the peace of the village. She is no ordinary old woman.

She is the Princess of Uzushiogakure and the wife of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju. And she is also the Jinchuriki of nine tails.

No, she can't take action. She now can only put her truth in her clan and the exceptional boy she met and had a fun time teaching seals.

"Maybe that boy from the future really can save the Uzumaki. Maybe that's why he is here. " Mito thought and sigh.


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