
In Naruto With Gamer System

A man that never found his purpose in life even at his last moments in his deathbed with his family surrounding him, he still felt an emptiness in his heart, and with deep regrets, he finally closed his eyes for one last time.. or so he thought. ---------------------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ---------------------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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299 Chs

Just a normal day

You can support me and read up to 12 chapters ahead of the current releases.

- link https://www.p@treon.com/Bakorio

Additional releases :

- If this novel reaches top 15 in the rankings I will release one additional chapter.

- If this novel reaches top 10 in the rankings I will release two additional chapters.

- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


In the past week many things happened , I reached level 15 and gained a lot of real fighting experience, I also learned many jutsus from the Uchiha library and minato like the substitution jutsu and the fire ball jutsu and some Genjutsus.

I also asked minato to teach me the Rasengan since he was the creator of this jutsu so there's no one better to teach it than him. I made some progress in training it but I still couldn't use it making me realize just how difficult this ninjutsu is and I gained some respect for its creator.

I was also progressing very well with the seals art and I was close to mastering the basics thanks to Kushina wholeheartedly teaching me everything she knew.

They also made some progress in making the seal needed for Kurama so that it became harder to manipulate him but it's still going to take a long time for it to be finished.

I also made sure to visit the orphanage many times with Naruto and Sasuke bringing with us all sorts of food and clothing for the kids which they appreciated a lot and it brought a genuine smile on my face..

In the Uchiha clan I made sure to teach the workers the recipes for the pastry shops and the Italian restaurant until Fugaku bought the shops and he just brought me the good news today as we were having tea together.

"Bakorio , I finally settled the shops matter , thankfully we got some help from the Hatake clan and made it easier to get them but if we want to expand in the future it might be even harder" Fugaku said.

'Yea yea just stop acting like my secretary you old creep' I thought while looking at the serious man in front of me " great news and don't worry about this , the main thing is how is fixing the attitude of the police force going on right now?".

Fugaku looked at me helplessly and said " I investigated deeply in the matter and I found that a lot of people are acting that way including some captains in the police force making it hard to weed out the problematic people".

I frowned at this since I didn't expect the numbers to be this huge " and did you find the reason behind their behavior?".

Fugaku nodded coldly " during the nine tails incident we were stopped from interfering in the battle by Danzo and tasked with protecting the civilians , but after the incident , Danzo used this same reason and accused us of not wanting to help and even said that we might have a hand in the attack ending with us in this current situation. Now those people are blinded by rage and instead of directing it at Danzo they think that the people are ungrateful for their help and they started acting like this as some sort of payback".

"I see , I understand so what are you planning to do now?" I said.

"I plan on firing them but it will cause a huge dissatisfaction in the clan and leave the police force lacking in personnel" said Fugaku with a frown.

"You need to be decisive , you are the clan head , you rule them not the other way around and if they keep causing trouble make sure to punish them accordingly as for the lack of personnel , I think you should consider hiring workers from other clans" I said with a serious look.

Fugaku shook his head and said "We can't give up on our last political power".

I couldn't help but laugh at him mockingly causing his stoic face to twitch a little" what political power when Danzo can order you around however he wants, plus they are using something stupid like this to keep us from getting really involved in the village. Can't you see it ? This is the same as putting a leash on a dog".

Fugaku was angry to the point his eyes started turning into Sharingan but he calmed himself down while thinking the kid in front him must have a reason to say this so he sighed and said" so how is hiring people from other clans going to help"

And I couldn't help but smile at this man's temper and how he doesn't let his pride and anger control him " big clans won't be interested in joining the police force since most of them has better things to validate their authority but the same can't be said for the small clans like the Inuzuka or Izumo clans for example and by accepting them inside the police force they will benefit a lot from it , and we will have more allies to rely on since we will always be in control of the police force"

Fugaku eyes lit up " Indeed , you only get something by giving something else back and with us in complete control over the police force , they can never take it away from us".

I nodded at him with a smile and said " just pick the clans you want to invite wisely and everything will be fine. By the way how are the renovations for the shops going ?"

"They should be over in no more than 5 days according to your requirements " Fugaku responded.

"Good" I said, before I remembered something and asked " how is Itachi doing in the ANBU?".

"He's doing well plus he's working under Kakashi Hatake sometimes so he's going to learn a lot" he said.

I took a sip of my tea while deep in thought ' so he didn't go on that mission like in the original huh' before I said " indeed , Kakashi is really talented , if only life wasn't that cruel to him".

Fugaku with sadness in his eyes replied to me " this is the life of a ninja , suffering is inevitable"

"No it's just the life of a human" I said with a tired sigh before I continued " I need to go now, we will talk when the shops are ready".

"Okay." Fugaku said while looking at the back of the kid in front of him while thinking ' just who are you' because for a long time he felt that this wasn't a kid from his mature view of the world and ideas but what makes him sure of it is the indifferent look in his eyes he always has and he doesn't even try to hide it. They say eyes are the windows of the soul , but behind those eyes there's only emptiness , a very scary emptiness..


Meanwhile at Naruto's house, my clone started noticing that some people were watching him even more closely these past few days and it only starts when he reaches Naruto's house and according to my senses and map they hide all around the house to listen in to what's happening.

The previous people watching over Naruto were still hiding in their usual places and watching from a distance so these new people can only have one identity. 'Root huh' I though.

'Knowing how careful Danzo is , it's impossible for him not to send many sensor ninja Tch , this is going to be a pain to deal with' and I started pondering how to deal with this situation.

Creating a shadow clone won't work since they can sense multiple people inside and normal clones won't be of use as well since they could easily be differentiated from a real body.

'You want to play it dirty? Fine by me Danzo' I thought with a ruthless smile plastered on my face.