
In Naruto: Pursuit of Truth

The soul of a Researcher, because of his work in his previous life gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Naruto with some treasures of his choice. Follow him as he climbs from the bottom in Pursuit of the Truth and Immortality. ------------------------------------------------ Some things may not be according to canon. ------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing, please be forgiving. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). PS: I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message.

SilverFlame · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter – 79: Cloning complete

[Rei POV]

Two days later, my clone arrives in Ame.

'This place is as gloomy as I had imagined…' I think looking towards the clouds that seem to cast an everlasting shadow over the land.

'Now, where should I look for Yahiko…'

'However, I am not exactly sure when they started the Akatsuki… all I know about their so-called 'Organization' is that they are from Ame…'

'Anyway, I still have a few months before the Third Shinobi War begins… and even after that I would still have many opportunities to find him… so I have all the time in the world…'

Two months later.

'In a few months, I will be Ten ha…' I murmur.

The last two months have been pretty profitable for me. Firstly, all my stats have broken through to the Kage level! Now, just based on stats, I can proudly say, I am one of the top powerhouses of this world; for now.

Second, after a month-long excavation of the Uchiha cemetery, my efforts finally bore fruit and I found the 25th gene! It was a kind of surprising discovery actually. For years now I had been unable to find the last six genes until I found three in Fugaku's blood sample. After that, even after searching high and low inside the Uchiha clan, I couldn't find the last three. Therefore, I theorized that only in someone with Mangekyo do I have the chance of finding the last three active genes and this was further strengthened by the fact that I found one more a couple of months ago in someone with a mangekyo again. The surprising thing was, the 25th gene that I found a month ago was found in a guy with only one active gene or in other words one tomoe sharingan! Well, I was more than happy to be proven wrong in this particular case actually…

And finally, my clone in Ame was able to get Yahiko's blood pretty easily after locating him, using one of the ultimate taijutsu techniques I invented some years ago, "Making kids fall and get injured no Jutsu!" Although I did get his blood sample, I wasn't in a hurry to start cloning as I was waiting for the cloning of the Uniques to be completed. Speaking of the uniques…

'Finally, it's time…' I exclaim looking over the nutrition chambers.

'Mmm?' I frown suddenly, 'So, these two are a failure, ha?'

Among the six clones that I have been trying to create, only four of them have succeeded; Uchiha-Senju, Uchiha-Kaguya, Senju-Hyuga, and finally, Hyuga-Kaguya. The other two Senju-Kaguya and Uchiha-Hyuga have failed.

'If I think about it carefully, it does make sense… both of these failed clones lean towards either pure Yin or pure Yang… it should be that when there is a major imbalance in Yin-Yang they fail... as only Uchiha or only Hyuuga can still be cloned...'

'It's fine… let's see the four successful ones for now…'

The more I study these clones, the more I am blown away. These clones, just like I predicted, are completely independent of me, and therefore, my plan to use the Seal of Ouroboros to create multiple Mangekyo abilities is completely feasible! The more interesting thing is, they even have their own aptitudes and limits!

'Mmm… that is a bit concerning as I never did any research on how to activate Sharingan by oneself… all my research till now has been focussed on activating more genes after reaching the limit…'

'Anyway, let's check their aptitudes…'

This time I am not using the crude way in which I tested myself, instead, I am using the talent analysis seal that I was able to copy during the chakra assessment on the day of the academy entrance exam. Not just that, with A.I chip, I was able to upgrade it to show how many genes the person being tested can activate. However, first I need to control the clone and inject its chakra into the seal to test its aptitude.

Currently, I can control seven clones. Excluding the ones in Kumo and Iwa, all the others have already returned to Konoha a few days ago. Now, to control these four, I have sent the Fugaku clone and the clone I sent to Ame back to the storage, and together with the slot that I never used, I now have three control slots available.

'I am one short, ha?'

'Can't do anything about it… once one of these two awakens their Sharingan, I can have them take the place of the main clone… that should free up a slot…' I think looking towards the two clones with Uchiha genes in them.

With that thought, I start using the Soul Descent Technique on three clones. In these months, although I was able to optimize the technique to remove the first-time headaches, I am still not able to increase the number of clones I can control. Anyway, that's still research in progress.

'What the ****'

Though I expected the aptitudes of these clones to be higher than mine, I didn't think there would be such a big difference. The clone with Uchiha-Senju genes has the highest potential according to the seal with a limit as high as 25 genes and the Uchiha-Kaguya one is not far behind as well, it has the limit of 21 genes! In addition, this is only speaking of their talent with the Uchiha genes and the Sharingan… for the other ones, I have no idea how they are developed as I haven't performed any tests on anyone from these clans…

Even with the other ways I have already found to achieve the same results, the disparity in aptitude still brings a sour taste to my mouth. I now understand a little bit of how Hiruko must be feeling.

'I want to try Shikotsumyaku but I don't think I can… so let's check the Byakugan instead…'