
In Naruto: Pursuit of Truth

The soul of a Researcher, because of his work in his previous life gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Naruto with some treasures of his choice. Follow him as he climbs from the bottom in Pursuit of the Truth and Immortality. ------------------------------------------------ Some things may not be according to canon. ------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing, please be forgiving. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). PS: I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message.

SilverFlame · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter – 21: Tsunade leaves Konoha

[Third person POV]

It was the next morning when Tsunade woke up.

"Mmm," when she wakes up and tries to sit, a hand grabs her shoulder and she hears a familiar voice.

"Don't move, you should rest."

"Sensei," she says in a dull and tired voice.

"What happened?" Hiruzen asks with anger, not directed at her of course.

"What a joke I have become, I lost even before I could fight!" she says mocking herself.

"What!" Hiruzen exclaims. Even a starving camel is bigger than a horse. It is already unbelievable that one of the Sannin's was defeated by someone, much less without even being able to fight at all! He didn't think her phobia would become this bad.

"Although, his hiding skills are definitely top-notch. Sensei, I think he's better than even you in that aspect!" she drops another bomb. One must know, he is called the Professor, the one ninja who has the most knowledge about Ninjas and Ninjutsu.

"How?" was the only word he managed to speak.

"Yesterday when I was heading towards my room, I suddenly sensed someone behind me. It was like he directly appeared behind me! I would have suspected it to be jutsu similar to Flying Raijin if not for the fact that there were no chakra fluctuations," she says.

"You might be able to guess what happened next, he took blood from a storage seal and splashed it all around and I lost consciousness."

"Did he do anything to you? can you check yourself and see if there's any change?"

"I am a medical ninja sensei, that's the first thing I did after waking up! And no, I am perfectly alright, if you can call me alright that is," she lets out a mirthless laugh.

"That's good. Can you identify him?"

"No, he was covering himself from head to toe, he was even wearing a weird mask, like an oni."

"Do you think it could be Danzo?" he asks worriedly.

"I don't know, honestly I don't care! Also, sensei, I will take Dan's niece and leave Konoha for a while."

"WHAT! No!"

"Sensei, I am not asking. Because you are my sensei, I am just telling you beforehand," she says offhandedly.

"You do know I can declare you a missing-nin, right?"

"Go ahead, then I don't need to return here after leaving. I can also try joining another village, Raikage would be delighted to have me, right?" she says with a laugh.

"Alright, alright, you win, but please take care of yourself," he says with hands up while sweating at the thought.

There is something she hasn't mentioned to him, although she doesn't know what that masked person did to her, she is sure that he definitely did something. It's like her subconscious is yelling at her that something definitely happened to her and all this wasn't just to confirm if she had blood phobia.

As she didn't want to needlessly worry her sensei or worse make him adamant about stopping her from leaving, she didn't mention this to him.

** Origin space **

Rei also just woke up, almost at the same time as Tsunade.

[Rei POV]

'I now have all the experiences of one of the greatest ninjas of the time! these should significantly increase my abilities.' I think while grinning from ear to ear.

'A. I chip! how long will it take to transfer all the information to me?'

[Beep! Estimated time: 8h 32m 19s]

'Schedule the transfer for later tonight.' I say as I cannot skip today's training.

[Beep! New task scheduled.]

With that my training for the day started. It was late evening when I finished with everything.

Soaking in hot water, I started analyzing the impacts of my actions. I had already planned for everything, even for the small details of what my actions could change.

'Everything went according to plan, in fact, it went better than expected. Let's hope the changes it causes to the canon are minimal,' I think, as knowing what will happen in the future is part of the most expensive purchase I made from Sophos and I have no intention of losing this advantage.

With this attack, I believe Tsunade will leave the village earlier than canon along with Shizune. I don't think it will be an issue as she would have left any way by the end of this year.

Danzo is already on his way to sow chaos and cause the Third Ninja War. He would be delighted by this 'attack', but nothing would change because of this.

The only major change I think this caused is, Tsunade's blood phobia might have worsened because of the Genjutsu I made at the end. She will for sure be affected by it for a long time as I exploited her most vulnerable state. I don't know if Naruto will be able to cure it in the future like the canon. I have one more doubt, is Naruto's Talk No Jutsu really effective?

I don't know if Kishimoto-sensei exaggerated his bullshitting prowess. But I need to keep an eye out just in case it fails. I cannot allow her to die in Kabuto's hands. But they are way into the future, there should be no immediate changes to the story, I breathe a sigh of relief.

If because of some issue while executing the plan, I changed the story, I would have definitely regretted it. But thankfully everything went fine.

'Although not sure what, she must have noticed I did something to her,' I think, 'It's all good as long as they cannot be traced back to an insignificant Uchiha like me.'

'It's time to open the most amazing gift I have received in this world. I had to do a lot to earn it, I hope it's worth it,' I grin.


So, continuing from the last chapter, here are my picks for the Seven Deadly Sins.

Three Sannins:

Jirayia: Sannin of Lust (Ero Sennin)

Orochimaru: Sannin of Envy (Envies all those who have Kekkei Genkai)

Tsunade: Sannin of Greed (Gambling addiction)


Uchiha and Hyuuga: Clan of Pride

Nara: Clan of Sloth

Akimichi: Clan of Gluttony

Kaguya clan and Jugo's clan: Clan of Wrath

- Silver.