
In Naruto:Born as Nagato (Completed)

The Mc will look like the man in the poster. it's the story about nagato how he will change his destiny of being a pawn to becomeing a king and saving people around him and stoping anyone and everyone one from destroying his planet. I ended the fic in the last chapter there is whole summery but not detailed summery anyone wants to write this fic or story using my plot can write it enjoy. I'm really bad at synopsis and it's my first fan fiction grammar is okay, I guess story telling is not great so read it on your own risk . this fanfics characters does not belong to me and neither does the poster of the fanfic

Reaper_2985 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Beginning

As I wake up I thought was it a dream that I was in naruto world as nagato uzumaki

But it wasn't a dream was it .  I was in the room of nagato that I slept  yesterday.

Guess I have no choice but live as nagato

It's just such a drag I mean it's so much work. Looks like I have to deal with one day at a time.

Let's start with a bath then small breakfast there was food stored in kitchen because nagato parents knew the second shinobi war was going on so they stored lots of food in house it should suffice me for

a while.  So I don't need to worry about food but need to concentrate on building up my chakra and practice in chakra control.

I know how Chakra is a combination of spiritual (mental) and physical energies that ninja draw forth and combine in order to produce ninjutsu and genjutsu.

But if that's the case I should have more spiritual energy because of my soul merging with nagato .That explains why

I was crying when I saw nagato parents dead . But I have to be careful and supress my Chakra in order for me to not get notice by any sensory type ninja.

After that I started my chakra control  exercises trying to waking on walls This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a walls or trees without using one's hands and after that I started to do it  with my hands mastering wall walking in a week .let me tell you something it is fun to use chakra and my body is far superior body form my past life.

I also start meditating so I could  feel and try to activated rinnegan the feeling that I had was power destruction and resolve that felling was freedom but whenever I got close my chakra reserves would start to get empty.

      But also something else happened my sensing ability got activated and at first I didn't sense anything but I continued because I knew nagato could Sense whole village of amegakure when he was in his thirties i am nine now at least I should be able to sense one kilometer.  At best so at the twelfth day I started to sense chakra from exceptional distances in great detail.

I only have rations for four days I guess I should start packing.

I made a seal on my hand that could store

Four scrolls which I don't need right now

Ryuken, advanced fuinjutsu, family stuff. and last one which had money I would need after i get out of the hell hole .

I packed every thing I need in a bag

To find konan and yahiko but to find them so let's see what do I know about them

Konan have special ability with paper so she must have a special chakra  and they also steal from shops in markets so I need to find the market and with that I started

My journey.

        I have to do everything to survive in this  time period after all if i die now what would be point of being given second Chance in life.