
In Naruto: As Noble

The title is self-evident. This is mostly for bored people who don't expect much from a story. ------- Okay guys... this will not be finished, kay? It is already dropped. ALSO: and this is important!!!! If you see something resembling a chapter of this story in my other works... know that I indeed did rewrite that chapter and used it because it was fitting for the scenario. This is a draft, so to say, so I might have used it elsewhere. Or I might even use a chapter from this it in the future, just a bit different in another work. Only if it is fitting though *shrug*. I was working on this before I started In Naruto: Reborn with Talent and this is what made me sure I suck at first-person POVs and huge harems. I am adding it here only for those interested in some more of my work and honestly... I just want to see what kind of comments this would produce. I am also dumping all chapters I have on this as I am 99% sure I will never write another chapter for this story. BTW don't point out all grammar mistakes... I am aware they are there because I didn't really go through it a second time as I usually do with my other stories.

KasiCair · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 20: The real mission and leaving Mizu.

Our group was currently camping, sitting around a fire. It was the evening of the second day since we left the Kiri and it was time to spring the shitstorm on these 40 unsuspecting jonins. Mwhahahaha!

"Okay guys, listen up!" I shouted, making everyone turn to me.

Kagura suddenly gained a really bad premonition as she stared at Rei's sharp grin.

Oh, boy, was it a delicatesse for my eyes to see the unsuspecting looks of my shinobi guards. I gave a scroll with Raikage's seal to Kagura and enjoyed how her eyes started to slowly widen until they were darting between the scroll and me, hoping I was joking. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

"Let me get this straight." Kagura slowly stated. "You want us to..."

"Raikage wants you to..." I corrected her but she didn't care and just continued.

"...to make eight squads of five and try to recruit the bloodline clans for Kumo?"

As she said that I could see the shinobi around me stiffening. Whelp. They are in a wartorn country filled with poverty. Which begets banditry. Then they have an important person to escort who can NOT be harmed. And now they are told to go and save people hunted down by shinobi of said country. This was WAY beyond a simple S-ranked mission.

My smile widened and I just innocently nodded at Kagura who was speechlessly looking at me.

"And how exactly do you think we would escort them to the predetermined port town!?" She burst out and I just handed her a small box.

Taking it, she inspected it and her eyes started to shine. "What is it? Some kind of seal? What does it do?" She started to fire questions at me.

"Ah, it is my Dimensional Seal. There is living space inside the cube. Approximately one hundred people can live inside one for two months. There are enough supplies too. Each squad gets a list of clans and ten boxes, just in case." No way we are approaching clans like Kaguya. Those bloodthirsty shits can go stuff themselves! "Also, the seals you received at the start of our little trip should have been a clear indication something bigger is going on... pfft. These are tailored for being deep behind the enemy lines and coming unscathed and undiscovered out of it, after all."

The shinobi scowled at me for that... Glad to see they are on such friendly terms with me they can show their displeasure. I had to be the adult it seemed... I scowled back!

The shinobi were perturbed but resignedly agreed.

Me, Ringo, Mei, and Shizuka finally were alone.

The carriage was sealed into the scroll and we enjoyed our trip with a leisure pace. Ringo was also keeping her promise as the girls tried hard to make me 'happy chap' almost every morning and night. While we didn't progress further than some petting and blowjobs the girls started to get progressively better.

Add Ringo into the equation and... oh, disaster! She was as horny as Inuzuka in heat!

I really needed some new 'jutsu'!

Anyway, both Mei and Shizuka had a few years training under their belt. Now that they ate healthy hearty meals three times per day alongside Chakra Enriching Seal and its nature energy absorption and body strengthening, the two girls stopped looking like starwed homeless kids and instead again started resembling gorgeous women.

Mei looked like in anime... just younger and with shorter hair, she promptly announced she intends to grow out after I commented I like longer hair.

Shizuka... she was getting beautiful too. Her face filled up and held some kind of cold demeanor with aristocratic features. For a battle junkies Kaguyas really had beautiful women.

Her icy-blue eyes brightened, her pale complexion gained a slight shine and whitened even more, almost to strangely sickly but very sexy skin tone. Ringo said it had to do with her bloodline because some bone dust is actually mixed with her skin, making it more durable...

Anyway, her naturally red lips were still thin but very soft. I can vouch for that! Shizuka was also very conscious about her neck-long white hair as when he heard me saying I like longer ones more, she instantly promised to let them grow. Silly girl. I often kissed her small nose for her stoic cuteness.

I noticed that the ever-stoic Shizuka actually compared herself to Mei when she thought nobody was watching and showed quite a bitter and depressed expression afterward. The girl was always comparing her small bust to Mei's. Needless to say, the reason for her depression was obvious...

Alas, the days of our travel passed by as it took us entire six days to reach the port... Eh, well, could do it in ten hours at shinobi speed but... Ringo wanted to make sure the girls are properly bloodied... ah, let's just say the number of bandits decreased along our way.

For me though it also meant I had my first kill. I... didn't really know how to feel about that? I thought it was disgusting. The blood. The gore. The... corpse? But... I somehow didn't care. Ringo said it is due to being trained from young age in taijutsu. Pain and mental barriers are easier to shrug off. That I was unknowingly led to be prepared by my senseis. I didn't even notice but it had some merit...

Say what you will... the woman WAS horny bitch that needed a good pounding every day, with penchant for being a battlejunkie of horrid proportions but she knew her profession well. Not only swords. She was VERY good with shurikens, kunais, wire, and lightning release. She even managed to further MY understanding of the element even though I was almost on the level of Brother A, the 4th Raikage thanks to my over-use of shadow closes.

I also started to notice that... her battle craze fell somewhat in the recent days. She didn't join the battles against bandits even though her eyes looked longingly at the blood spilled by Mei and Shizuka. The girls were completely indifferent to human life and it pleased Ringo to new heights. Alas, her lust for battle transformed to lust for me. Poor me! Ringo was VERY high-maintenance woman when it came to se-, ahem, everything.

And so, with the copious amount of killing, pounding my petite apple, and enjoying the mouthful care of Mei and Shizuka, the short trip stretched to days. Well, at least my lightning release improved a lot in precision. After all, I had one excessively horny woman and two teenage girls to please...

We finally came to the port town only to find seven jonin squads already there.

They greeted me and reported their ' success', well, some did.

First squad:

46 Yuki clan members who decided to leave the main clan before all goes to hell...

6 Kagyua clan female members who apparently fled from their clan and were bunking with Yukis, serving as 'sexual relief' and promised to mix the bloodlines for protection from their clan. Well... They also jumped at the opportunity, running away from Yukis with the deserting members. It was all staged during night with none the wiser. That particular squad had quite the adventure!

Apparently being kind of a baby factory for the Yuki clan was MUCH better than being a female of Kaguya clan. Sad truth as Shizuka admitted her own treatment wasn't much better, her only saving grace as female was she was too young to be... used. But her upbringing... The stoic, impassive, and obedient nature was literally beaten to her from young age of two.

I even gave opportunity for Shizuka to stay with Kaguya women for some time but she promptly refused stating it is her duty to stay close to her master for my convenience... whatever that meant. On the other hand, one jonin was already starting a budding relationship with one Yuki woman... They were certainly very loud... sigh.

Second squad:

The next addition were entire Nezirawa clan... some weak bloodline that was not even really hunted by Kiri for being far too weak. But there were 142 of them and they HAD a bloodline. So... all was well.

Third squad:

Then there were 16 Hozuki members. It was actually sad to see that was all the squad found alive of Hozuki clan.

Fourth squad:

These came empty handed from the location the spies pointed out. They would try to search more but it was getting too hot to stay as Kiri shinobi started to look around too.

Fifth squad:

They brought only two eight years old kids who had ability to change color of their hair, eyes, and their facial features. Their clan was apparently massacred a day before the squad turned up...

Sixth squad:

Empty handed, found only a village razed to the ground. All in all, it at least showed it was high time to hightail it outta Mizu no Kuni.

Seventh squad:

They had more luck as they found 66 members of Zuruki clan. These people were no shinobi but instead, focused on forging and metal 'bending'. They had even a bloodline for it and it helped immediately in their craft. Alas, they were swept by the trend of 'Harry Hunting - Mizu no Kuni edition'.

Alas, good for Kumo!

Eighth squad:

This one was led by Kagura and came quite close to the deadline. Only few hours were left before the ships had to leave when they finally turned up. I was of a half mind to send Ringo look for them...

These champs surprised everyone though. They hit major grouping point of bloodline clans and brought quite the haul with them.

120 members of Yaruza clan.

55 members of Karawatari clan

10 Hoshigaki 'fishes'

94 Lanzuro clan.

And various small numbers of straglers with bloodlines who didn't have anywhere to go. Even a few estranged Yukis, Hozukis, and other clan members came with them...

Alas, the ship boarded us, the Mizu no Kuni not even knowing they just lost hundreds of Bloodline holders as they were safely stashed in my Dimensional Seal.

Well, the trip to Mizu was success indeed! I had three women willing to do anything for me when I went there to claim only one! Ain't that some mighty luck, right there!?

And as side-objective I secured quite a lot of bloodlines for Kumo! Ehehehehe, I can already see my paycheck! Even the shinobi who escorted me was giddy when I told them the pay is basically the same as if each of them completed 3 top-tier S-rank missions! They even stopped glaring at me for being dragged into such a dangerous mission!