
In Naruto as Kokushibou

Our Mc dies and meets God, he reincarnates in Naruto but like Kokushibou, without weakness to sunlight. Oh, he was also adopted by a certain green beast of the leaf, he also had some books containing information about certain breaths. See how he creates his own samurai clan, while he gets a certain Yamanaka as a companion. '' Sorry Sai, but Ino is mine '' I do not complain Naruto not even Demon Slayer, all are works from their respective authors.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: Noble and Canon Starts

Negotiations were successful, Kokushibou managed to buy the land in the southernmost region of the country, for a price of 80 Million Ryo, in addition to 10% of Might Company Shares, the Daimyo envoy was surprised with the offer and when he delivered a letter to his master, warning of what had happened, the Daimyo quickly responded, not taking a week.

Kokushibou cried because of the money that was coming out of his hands, but it was worth it as he is now officially a Land of Fire nobleman.

The agreement they made was as follows:

1 - The Region under the command of Might Kokushibou will have full autonomy, having its own laws, culture, and armed forces, the Regional Government will not need to pay taxes for 2 years in order to improve the local economy, after this period of time the Regional Government must pay taxes annually.

2 - The Regional Army will have a limit of 19,000 Soldiers, ranging from Shinobi to Samurai, Kokushibou may also have a Personal Guard with a limit of 2,500 people.

Those were the main parts, there were other things written down, but these were the ones that mattered the most, the limit of soldiers that Kokushibou could have was in the same group that the Great Nobles of Land of Fire had, except for Daimyo who had a samurai army of 27,000 men.

The population of the region now known as ''Shadow Lands'' was 600,000, which for Kokushibou was enough for now, but he will need to come up with plans to increase its population and ensure that no one among the people is a spy.

Now we can see Kokushibou, along with his Akira, Hana, several Protection Squads, and Kakushi at the gates of Konoha, Kokushibou was saying goodbye to his friends and acquaintances, besides enduring a strong hug and crying from Hinata and Ino.

''Ino-Chan, and Hina-Chan, calm down, I'll only be gone for 6 months to make sure the Shadow Lands are stable, I promise to come here to visit you guys,'' said Kokushibou while trying to calm the two girls down, even though he didn't say that, Kokushibou started to worry about the two girls in earnest, so it hurt a little to see them crying.

''Y--you promise you'll communicate with us?'' Hinata asked as she tried to choke back her tears, after all, she was sad that the person she liked was leaving for a long time.

''I promise, don't worry,'' Kokushibou replied as he kissed the young Hyuuga on the forehead, causing her to blush all over.

Ino pouted for Kokushibou to kiss Hinata, so as not to be left behind, she grabbed Kokushibou's head and placed a kiss on his lips.

'HA, take it Hyuuga, Koshi-Kun's first kiss is mine!' Ino spoke in her head while looking at Hinata with a mocking look, not only Kokushibou but everyone present was surprised.

Kokushibou tried to answer, but his face was not only red but he was just stammering, when he was about to get a word out, he felt a murderous intent directed at him and when he saw where it originated, he was sweating bullets.

Inoichi was with his guns drawn and ready to attack our protagonist, if not for the comrades holding him, probably Konoha would be known because a noble was killed by a leader of a Shinobi Clan.

Seeing that soon Inoichi could be released, Kokushibou ran as if his life depended on it and it really did, his troops went after him.

Time Skip No Jutsu- 6 Months

6 months have passed since Kokushibou became a Land of Fire Nobleman, when he arrived in the capital of Ewhor Region, Yamakita, he soon put the order in that town, the mayor who was corrupt was killed, the town's security forces were corrupt, and abused their power were tried for their crimes, in addition to starting a full-out hunt for criminals on their land.

Depending on the crime, the person could be sent to the ''Gulags'' that Kokushibou created, at first Hana and Akira did not understand the meaning of this word, but when they saw what it was, they couldn't not nod, as they agreed with what your Young Master did.

Kokushibou wanted to rebuild the famous Soviet forced labor camps, with the intention of sending criminals there, when the first Gulag was created it was almost full, which didn't make our protagonist angry, but rather happy to have free labor.

Recruitment for the Regional Army had also started, Kokushibou decided that half would be Samurai while the other half would be Shinobi, Yamakita was also fully renovated, thanks to the builders that Kokushibou had hired.

The hunt for criminals in Ewhor took a little while, but thanks to the spies that Kokushibou had within these groups, they managed to locate them, as well as sabotage their equipment, this caused most of them to surrender and be tried for the crimes.

Our protagonist was also given a title, everyone now calling him ''Bloody Vortex'' because of his exploits in one of the battles against a criminal camp at night, Kokushibou who had managed to master the Fifth Form: Geppaku Saika, used this form against his enemies, carrying out a local slaughter.

Regional Army recruits, along with members of the Protection Squads who became officers, said they only had Kokushibou standing on the battlefield, while all criminals who were caught in the vortex of crescent moons were killed, their limbs slashed and severed. , while Kokushibou was painted red from the blood that splashed on him, only his six red eyes with yellow pupils glowed at night.

The criminals managed to survive and were sent to the Gulags and began calling Kokushibou the ''Bloody Vortex'', which was later overheard by the guards who spread it to their comrades.

Kokushibou also had ancient concrete roads built, as well as having built a Shinobi-Samurai Academy in Yamakita to teach children the Samurai and Shinobi ways because when our protagonist creates his Nation, he will need to have his academy so that his future armed forces are trained.

As for Kokushibou's Personal Guard, it doesn't have many members yet but it's already clear how much of each it will have from each of Shinobi and Samurai, 1,500 will be Samurai, while the rest will be fully Shinobi.

The samurai who are part of Kokushibou's Personal Guard will be people who wore heavy armor but at the same flexible temple, the samurai would be both 1 sword and 2 sword users.

(AN: Image here)

The Personal Guard Shinobi would also wear a different uniform than the rest of their shinobi forces, they would wear white clothing that would cover the entire body and face, leaving only their eyes showing, while wearing light armor together.

(Image here)

The Regional Army samurai would be equipped with light equipment and katanas produced by the blacksmiths Kokushibou hired, all of whom were undergoing more difficult Hashira training, as well as being trained in swordplay and breathing.

(Last Image -_-)

Akira helped Kokushibou in the administrative part of their lands, in addition to going to each village and town to find out the conditions of each one, thanks to his charisma it was easy to convince people to accept Kokushibou as their new leader.

Hana also helped take care of victims of bandit attacks, along with her Kakushi it was easy to save several lives that were on the verge of death.

Koushibou also began his plans to improve the local economy, in addition to starting his Political Purge, killing or sending to the Gulags various corrupt mayors and councilors from towns and villages within his territory.

Besides benefiting the masses more than the Upper Class, for the merchants, he created laws against the big stores and companies that had a monopoly within his territory, some families that had been in darker schemes had a horrible end by the iron fist. from Kokushibou.

They had all the assets, legal and illegal, taken by the State, besides being responsible for their crimes, some being sentenced to death while others went to the new Gulags, this made the Upper Class stay quiet, putting fear in their hearts.

The population was quickly accepting their leader and worshiping him, as he was ensuring that their way of life was better, as well as making those people who were at the top and abused their power, pay for their crimes.

Might Guy visited his son from time to time with the Hokage's approval, he was even part of the groups that hunted criminals, he also talked about the news in Konoha (which wasn't much)

Now Kokushibou was finally at the gates of Konoha, how much he had to do was difficult, 6 months can go by quickly, but for someone who has gone days and days without sleep, it has gone much slower.

His eyes were redder than usual, and there were dark circles under each of his six eyes.

Akira, Hana, and some Personal Guard samurai were with him, you could see that Akira and Hana were also tired, they regretted having gone out together with their Young Master, not even the shadow clones were enough to take care of everything.

''Young Master, do we have to go somewhere or can we go to our old house?'' asked Hana yawning at the end, totally tired.

''You can go, I'm going to Shinobi Academy to see the girls' promotion to genin, I want to surprise them,'' replied Kokushibou, as his companions waved and left for their homes in the Might Complex in Konoha.

As our protagonist was heading towards the Academy, many people recognized him and bowed their heads, as everyone knows the six-eyed boy who created a clan that is now a Noble Clan of Konoha, as well as becoming a noble of the Land of Fire.

Clan Might's status in Konoha was quite high, even more so now that Kokushibou has become an official nobleman within the Land of Fire through the Daimyo, so no one dares to mess with the members of that clan, not even their allies.

Soon Kokushibou arrived at the gates of the Ninja Academy along with his samurai, all the people who recognized him soon bowed their heads in respect, the members of Might Clan were the first to recognize their Young Master.

After waving to everyone, Kokushibou looked for Hinata or Ino, he soon found Ino along with Shikamaru and Chouji, but he couldn't find Hinata, which meant she was probably taking the exam.

Coming up behind Ino, Kokushibou hugged her around the waist and put his mouth close to her ear. ''Did you miss me, Ino-chan?''

Ino was startled when she felt someone hugging her from behind, but when she heard her beloved Koshi-Kun's voice, she was quite happy, turning around she saw those same six red eyes with yellow pupils looking at her lovingly.

Hugging Kokushibou as if her life depended on it, she yelled ''Koshi-Kun!''.

After holding each other for a while, they finally broke apart and Kokushibou started talking to the rest of the group, the samurai stood by to make sure no one dared bother their lord, but then they heard a round of applause, they then saw a little black haired girl with pearly eyes coming out with a Konoha bandanna around her neck, obviously, it was Hinata.

Hinata soon saw someone waving at her, focusing more, she saw a boy with black hair with red tips and six eyes, quickly recognizing who it was, she ran towards him and then hugged him, the samurai were about to push the girl away, but Kokushibou waved a hand for them to stop.

''Kokushibou-Kun, you're finally back!'' Hinata yelled as she hugged our protagonist to the point where there was some crackling in his back.

''Yes Hina-Chan, I'm back'' Kokushibou replied while hugging Hinata, Ino who saw this got jealous and decided to hug Kokushibou from behind, taking our protagonist by surprise.

What followed was a verbal war between Hinata and Ino, and Kokushibou trying to appease the two, but Kokushibou's attention was soon turned to Naruto, who came out all depressed from the Genin test, which made Kokushibou smile as the canon finally began. , and their expansionist plans will finally begin.