
In Naruto As An Uzumaki

A guy named Yuki, who was mostly average except for the fact that he had a photographic memory, worked as an accountant. He lived alone and had no family or friends. One day after work he gets visited by truck-kun as he was crossing the street. Naturally, he dies and I think you know where this is going He finds himself in Uzu as a baby, right before its destruction. That isn't good. . No romance for Yuki is planned, so don't be disappointed about something, later on, the amount that left shocked me I'm trying to revive this story after a couple of months of inactivity I will be copying this story to Wattpad to branch out, I'm Onade123 there I'll try to make this 'realistic' in the sense that the mc isn't a dumbass as much as possible, though please criticize with solutions in mind so I can change it appropriately

AnimeLemonade · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: War

(4 year timeskip, 12 year old Yuki)

(1st POV)

''Kushina Uzumaki!'' The teacher yells from the door into the class full of chatter. He is holding a clipboard.

Kushina runs out, excited

Today was graduation day, finally. The classroom was full of joy for those who passed and sadness for those who didn't

I decide to chat with Minato a little bit

''You still haven't tried talking with Kushina? Just do it already'' I say to Minato who was in the row behind me

He gets embarrassed, as he does every time I bring it up.

''It's just not the right time, alright?''

''Sure sure'' I say nonchalantly

I have become friends with Minato, with his likable personality and smarts, it was easy

''Oi, Yuki, you sure you're going to pass'' An arrogant female voice sounds behind me as I turn around to face Tsume Inuzuka looking at me with a grin

''With flying colors.'' Tsume is what you expect from an Inuzuka, need I say more?

''Heh, in your dreams'' She turns back around seeing that Kushina entered with a headband on

''I did it!'' She says happily

I give her a thumbs up ''Nice''

''Yuki Uzumaki!'' The same teacher yells into the classroom yet again but this time it's followed by snickering.

I walk toward the door and out, not caring at all

After going through a hallway, we reach a spacious room, It looks like an empty classroom with wooden floors, a window/wall to the left, and a single table at the back where headbands along 2 teachers were seen. There was also a wooden log.

''Alright, showcase the transformation technique'' One of the teachers say as I form one hand seal


A perfect copy of the teacher who talked

''Good, now the substitution jutsu'' Forming one hand seal, I disappear from my spot in a cloud of smoke and appear where the log used to be.

''Finally, any clone technique''

I form 3 shadow clones

''You pass, take a headband'' I take a headband and head back towards the classroom

When I walk into the room, they break into fits of laughter, seeing that I had no headband around my head.

I just show them the headband in my hand as they fall silent

I walk back to my seat where I am congratulated by Kushina, Minato, Mikoto

Tsume just looks at me with disbelief




All that followed was a speech, and we are supposed to meet back at that classroom in 3 days.

(2 days later)

(3rd POV)

''You know I'm not cut out for this teaching stuff'' Jiraiya whines

''Every jonin has to be a teacher at least once, you are no exception'' The third Hokage, Hiruzen responded

''Just look at these files'' Hiruzen says as he put 3 files on the table

Jiraiya goes and reads through them one by one

''So, I got some yellow-haired genius, an impulsive girl who had even been dubbed Red-Hot Habanero, and a dead last? How are these three supposed to work together?'' Jiraiya asks

''They'll surprise you'' Hiruzen says with a chuckle as Jiraiya just sighs.


(1st POV)

The teams were announced and It was just as I expected

I sit in the classroom with Minato and Kushina with me, waiting for Jiraiya

A few teams had already left

I had sensed Jiraiya coming, my chakra sense being at 524 meters now.

As he stepped through the door, he yelled out ''Team 7, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and Yuki Uzumaki. Meet me at the hot springs'' He then turns into a cloud of smoke

(Of course...) I think as we begin walking out and toward the hot springs

On the way ''Kushina, try your best to not punch him''


I don't elaborate, I just keep walking

When we reach the hot springs, we see Jiraiya peeping at the woman's bath

Ignoring my previous statement, she moves immediately to punch him

Though Jiraiya just easily dodges

''Now that you are here, we can talk'' Jiraiya says as he moves to sit on a nearby rock

I just sit down on the ground with Minato and Kushina to my sides, Kushina was still angry at him, I deducted seeing that glare.

''Well, let's introduce ourselves.'' He stands up ''I am Jiraiya, the great toad sage of Mount Myoboku!'' He strikes a pose




''Well, I'm Yuki Uzumaki, a student of the great Jiraiya'' I say while Minato and Kushina look at me weirdly

But Jiraiya has his chin up ''Yes! You know my greatness, Hahaha'' He laughs

Meanwhile, I'm dying inside trying to keep a straight face

(Exactly what I expected) I shake my head with a smile

''I suppose I'll go next, I'm Kushina Uzumaki, I guess I could say my likes, I like spending time with Yuki, I like ramen, I guess I like training too. But above all, I want to become Hokage.'' Kushina says after Jiraiya stopped laughing

''Then I'm Minato Namikaze, I like training, sparring. I want to become recognized and respected, that's why I will become Hokage.'' Minato says with a passion

''Well Yuki, what do you dream of?'' Jiraiya asks, sitting on the rock

''I will become strong enough so that the disaster of Uzu doesn't happen to my cla- no my family ever again,'' I say with resolve

''I wouldn't know what I'd do if all three of you wanted to become Hokage bwahahaha'' Jiraiya jokes

''But, now that the introductions are over, tomorrow, at 9 am, we will meet at training ground three for a test because you three aren't officially genin yet since you haven't passed a jonin's test, my test,'' Jiraiya says to the surprise of Minato and Kushina

''See you tomorrow'' And with a final wave, he disappears

''Cool, anyways, I'm free today, you wanna go eat something?'' I ask the two as they nod


I turn in bed as the sun's rays shine upon my face


I stand up and go towards my wardrobe, after picking out clothes and putting them on, I look in the mirror

I had gone through a growth spurt, now I was standing at 163cm

I was wearing black shinobi sandals, black anbu pants, a mesh shirt with a black open jacket that had a white inside alongside an Uzumaki symbol at the back

With black fingerless gloves and a kunai and shuriken pouch at my sides, I was looking like a real shinobi.

Tying the headband to my left upper arm, I head out of my room to eat breakfast

(A/N Maybe someone can somehow find something similar to this for reference)


I walked through the streets toward the third training ground, it was still somewhat early so the streets had few people going about.

The rising sun never fails to be beautiful

Walking into the training ground, I see that I am the first to arrive.

Without anything to do, I walk around the area, It was mostly empty with trees surrounding it, the only things here are three stumps and the memorial stone.

While looking at the stone, I sense Minato approaching

Deciding to mess with him, I disappear from my spot and appear in a tree, right behind the walking Minato

I watch him walk into the training ground and sit by the stumps

Seizing the perfect opportunity, I vanish from my spot and appear above him, silently

''Boo.'' I simply say as he jumps

He looks behind and sees me standing on the stump

''Could you not?'' I see him ask, annoyed

''Well, what if I was an enemy ninja, you would have been dead by now. Consider this training'' I say as he just sighs

I hop down and sit next to him

''When we pass this test, we'll most likely have to fight in the war, the only reason we weren't taken out of the academy early is that we are in a winning state. You should be more alert at all times, even while you sleep, especially then because we'll have to sleep outside the village where enemies could appear at any time'' I tell him, he just nods

''The villages were created to make sure children don't have to die young in war, but if Konoha were to be losing at a rapid rate, they would send children who had just started the academy out. *sigh* We have to make sure that that doesn't happen'' Minato says grimly, I nod

''Agreed, I definitely wouldn't want my little brothers and sisters going out to fight in a war,'' I reply

We talk until Jiraiya arrives last

''Alright'' He takes out a clock and places it on one of the stumps, he walks back in front of us while taking out 2 bells ''You have to take these bells from me, if you get a bell, you pass, if you don't, you're going back to the academy. You have 3 hours, come at me with the intent to kill. Begin!''

All of us disappear from the area into the woods.

I go towards Minato through the trees, silently

When I appear behind him, he actually senses me and turns around quickly with kunai in hand

''Oh, Yuki, what is it?'' Minato asks

''Follow me, rather not talk twice'' I tell him as he just follows me through the woods toward Kushina

When we reach Kushina, I start telling them my plan

(3rd POV)

Jiraiya looks around the area, waiting for them to attack him

(Well, if they're not coming to me, I'll come to them) He thinks as he starts walking in their direction

Before he could get to the trees, dozens of kunai and shuriken fly toward him but he dodges easily

He sees all three genin in the trees

''That won't be enou-'' He is cut off by a hand bursting out of the ground but he jumps out of the way

He however didn't expect the hand to go a lot faster and actually grab onto him

Minato and Kushina quickly jump from the trees to take the bells but Jiraiya regains his footing and blocks their advances

Chains burst out of the ground and almost latch onto him but he substitutes away, the Chains only holding a wooden log.

The Chains disappear as Yuki jumps out of the ground

''Almost got him'' Yuki says as Jiraiya looks at them from afar in a tree

Jiraiya chuckles

He is however forced to move when he senses three people behind him about to hit him

He jumps into the area as three more of them appear

The new Yuki goes through hand signs

-Fire style: Great fireball-

A giant fireball flies toward Jiraiya who moves away easily

(Not bad) Jiraiya thinks as all of them gang up on him

He starts blocking and punching all of them with ease, their coordination not being the best, as soon all of them turn into clouds of smoke

(All of them were shadow clones) Jiraiya thinks, standing alone in the field

Just then, 12 more genins appear in the field

They try to fight him to no avail

As Jiraiya goes to punch a Yuki, the Yuki dodges as Jiraiya then realizes that the only three left were surrounding him in a triangle formation

Minato and Kushina reach for the bells and they are able to touch them but Jiraiya disappears yet again before they could get them.

Minato and Kushina sigh, the real ones this time

But Yuki does hand signs

-Storm release: Converging beams-

Multiple purple beams shoot out of his body as they go in a single direction

Jiraiya was surprised but managed to jump away

He was even more surprised when he saw the beams turn in mid-air and start to chase him

(Storm release?!) Jiraiya yells in his mind as he runs

Unexpectedly, another beam appeared in front of him but instead of piercing him, the beam cut off the bells from Jiraiya as Yuki appeared, took them, and disappeared

The beams die down as Jiraiya jumps into the area where he sees a shocked Minato looking at Yuki alongside a happy Kushina

Walking towards them he says ''Well, Yuki, who are you gonna give the bells to?''

''Both of them'' He says as he throws the bells at them

''Are you sure? You will go back to the academy''

''Cut the crap, we all know it was a teamwork test, wasn't it?'' I say to his surprise

''Heh, cheeky brat. Then you all pass with flying colors''

Yuki's plan was simple

The first plan was to trap him with chains alongside some clone distractions

If that failed then try to overwhelm him with Kushina's and Yuki's shadow clones, some transformed into Minato and catch him off guard with the real 3 mixed in

If that failed, then surprise him with Storm release and then take the bells with Swift release.

Yuki is very proficient in both but not on the level to for example send swift release chakra through his nervous system. He had only unlocked them a month ago

''Now, how about we celebrate?'' Jiraiya says to the three as they nod

(Sometime later)

''You know, when you told me that they would surprise me, I didn't think they would surprise me that much'' Jiraiya says to Hiruzen in his office

Hiruzen chuckles ''That boy surprised me a lot of times, especially the fact that he has 2 Kekkei Genkai.''

Jiraiya blinks ''Wait, two? He has another one?'' Jiraiya asked confused

''Yes, I asked him about it once, he calls it Swift release, put simply, it makes him very fast'' Hiruzen explained

Jiraiya remembered the time Yuki had caught him and the time he took the bells. He was almost a blur.

''He's going to grow up to be very powerful''


(Time skip, a few months later)

(1st POV)

(Jiraiya went to Amegakure, looks like he's getting the Sannin title, though I won't see him for 3 years. Nagato... shouldn't it be very easy to take his Rinnegan? He is just a child right now. No, I don't want Black Zetsu or even old Madara coming after me, definitely later though, just a free pair of Rinnegan) I think while eating breakfast in a tent

I've been at the front lines for weeks, waiting for either Sunagakure to attack or for the order to attack them. If we can capture the major point, the war with Suna here is as good as over.

There are two main battlefields against Suna, one in Ame and one in the land of rivers, near Tanigakure

I am in the latter

After finishing my breakfast I stand up and go out of my tent

There I see many tents all around in a forest

(About 1000 of us are here, the rest are in Ame)

I start walking around

(Minato finally told Kushina his feelings, took him long enough, Kushina even reciprocated them.)

Speaking of

''Hey, we gotta go, the order has been given'' Minato said as he ran toward me

I nod and follow him to the main force

(Hours later)

I walk alongside hundreds of shinobi in a barren land

From the distance, hundreds of sand shinobi were seen

Both sides stop moving







Both sides start rushing at each other

I rush with them and after a few moments, jutsus start getting sent out




Explosions all over the battlefield of jutsus colliding

I stay meters apart from the main force as I bite my finger and go through hand signs

-Summoning jutsu-

I slam my hand against the ground as a giant array spreads out




2 large phoenixes appear with a third larger one in the middle of them, with me standing on the latter

''Our first battle with the summoner! Let's give them hell!'' the phoenix to my right shouts, flames bursting out, that was Hiroto

''Yes, we shall'' the one to my left says, he was Haru

''Indeed'' The one whom I was standing on said, he was Asahi.

(A/N Chose phoenixes because of their reborn or rebirth ability at the end of their lifespans and I thought that went well with our reincarnated Yuki who was living his second life.)

The three phoenixes fly over the friendly forces as they start raining down fire toward the sand shinobi who try their best to block the fire with earth techniques.

I jump off of Asahi and land on the ground in front of the army as I go through more hand signs

-Storm release: Pierce of a Thousand Needles-

Hundreds of purple beams shoot out of my body, raining down on the sand shinobi

Some even started to retreat, scared of the phoenixes and now lightning beams heading their way

Mind you, there were 1700 of them here

Those unlucky got pierced in vital spots such as the brain, heart, or lungs.

Meanwhile, the Konoha shinobi were standing agape at the power of the 12-year-old in front of them.

Stopping my attack, I coat my body in Swift release as I speed towards the opposing shinobi while doing hand signs

-Wind style: Great Sphere-

As the name suggests, a giant sphere of condensed wind appears around me and after a few seconds it gets released, destroying everything and everyone within 50 meters

800 have died already

Many Konoha shinobi had also joined in.

They try to fight back with wind-style jutsus but I create barriers all around with my Chains, leaving no casualties from those attacks.

Their numbers have reduced to 500

''RETREAT!!!'' I hear yelling from their side as they all begin running

We all stop and watch them run, blood, bodies, and scorch marks are all that were left on the field

There were only 34 casualties on our side, and that was from the first contact

Meanwhile, they suffered at least 1200 losses

The three phoenixes land in front of me

''You guys were awesome, thank you'' I tell them

''Hey! You're our summoner, you passed the trials, you deserve to summon us!'' Hiroto says enthusiastically

The other 2 nod

I just smile




They all poof away

(Those trials were tough... I should be proud that I finished them) I think as I remember what happened a year ago


-Cliffhanger no jutsu-

(A/N Boom! Just like I promised, 3k words minimum. I wanted to also talk about the phoenix's trials but decided not to since that would mean another day of waiting for yall. I haven't talked about power stones for days so, do it, vote. Word count: 3130)