
In My Dreams

I keep dreaming. About a boy. I am never able to see his face. Its always hidden. One day when i wake up will he be there standing by my side? (i wrote this book in 6th grade so there are going to be a few errors here and there..ill edit it eventually)

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6 Chs

Chapter 4

He stood up and walked in front of me, took a hold of my arm and forced me onto the bed. He pinned me down and kissed me, his lips felt like winter turning to spring then summer except so much faster. I pushed him away frightened my how much I wanted him, for him to touch me, for his lips pressed up against mine it all felt so... so....right. NO. This is all wrong so wrong. What was I doing? This person was my ex-best friends boyfriend for goodness sake! He tried to kiss me again but I wouldn't let him, I pushed him off of me and off of the bed. "What are you....!?" he said startled. "I cant do this" I said my voice sounding shaky as I tried to hold back the tears. I got off the bed and started for the door. "E-Estella wait!" he exclaimed hesitantly. Dammit! right when I was about to open the door and run into the bathroom and cry until my eyes got red and puffy. I stopped.