
Chapter 23


Over the years I just saw in him the shadows until I finally saw things. I closed that sad chapter of my life.

I let go of Marcus and focused on getting better and finally fixing my broken life. Letting him go was a total nightmare I cried until all my tears finally dried up.

I felt like a living but one day I just snapped out of depression and focused on my future.

I grew up.

I worked out more often and took a lot of therapy. Talking to someone had helped me let of the anger and pain I was holding.

Maybe it wasn't just meant to be, I just accepted my fate.



I stared at my reflection in the mirror and straightened my black tie.

A sly smile curved my lips.


When I glanced back at the bed Terra rolled in the silk sheets and revealed her naked back.

I normally don't have the women I got with share my bed but I had to make an acceptation for Terra.

She was too drunk and wasted.