
In Mushoku Tensei

A boy transmigrated in Mushoku Tensei with a system.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 001 - Transmigration.

In the middle of the forest a huge density of mana began to converge but the animals and the passing monster didn't seem to notice it and acted like everything was normal.

After a while the mana and other forms of energy compresses into a human-shaped body.

The glowing body gradually loses its shine revealing a 3 year old male human body.

The unconscious child is dressed in a brown shirt tucked in his shorts with black hair and golden eyes.

[Creation of body success, Please wake up host.]

The child slowly opened his eyes and seeing the unfamiliar surrounding his eyes instantly showed panic but a mysterious aura quickly enveloped his body and the panic disappeared.

`Weird, I am in the hospital when I fall asleep but now I am in this child's body in the middle of god knows where,' The child thought then memories of his past life suddenly flooded his brain.

This child is Wynstan, He was previously 18 years old and he's been inside of the hospital all of his life. He has a very weak body and needs supplements around the clock just to stay alive.

Thankfully his parents are rich and can afford all of this hospitalization and they love him very much and visit him almost everyday.

That is the unconditional love that his parents gave him, but Wynn knows how hard it is for them to do that.

It made him feel guilty, for 18 years his parents gave him life, gave him more than enough time bonding with him, but he knows he will not get better. 

In this case he will continue being a leech and give negative energy for the rest of his life, he got enough love and support, he wanted them to have a normal life.

So when he found out that his mother is pregnant and he will have a little sister, The only gift that he can give them, his death.

It's not even a drama to say that he is also tired of the same scenery everyday and the fact that he knows more nurses and doctors than having friends.

Taking the fact that he only met 3 nurses and 2 doctors Wynntan can only say that more than 1 is many.

Well, Let's fast forward, he tampered with the hospital equipment, overdosed on medicine, and successfully pissed every nurse off then successfully killed himself.

Extreme disclaimer, the author does not endorse killing yourself under any circumstances.

'Yikes, I need to chill down man,' Wynstan thought as he stumbled slightly while standing up.

Knowing that he succeeded in operation unaliving himself he can only deduct that he transmigrated to this place unless heaven is actually a forest with floating blue screen in front of him.

[Please choose your starting skills, 0/3]

It seems the system of some kind wanted him to pick 3 skills from the list.

[Choose 1]

[Swordsmanship Talent (Passive, God)]

[Magical Talent (Passive, God)]

[Healing Talent (Passive, God)]

[Pickle Rick (Active, God) - Summon the almighty pickle]

The system informed him that the hierarchy of power is the following: beginner <  Intermediate < Advance < Saint < King < Emperor < God < Pinnacle.

Wynstan tries to recall his past memories and this power level seems a little bit familiar to him, except the Pinnacle which shouldn't exist.

Seeing the choices, Wynstan knew that this moment would be his foundation so he had to choose carefully.

Wynstan quickly dismissed Pickle Rick because he thinks that is the most useless thing. I mean come on what is he gonna do with a pickle?

The system must have put that option for the daring people, the gamblers, and the daredevils.

After some time of thinking Wynstan finally decided to choose [Magical Talent (Passive, God] for a simple reason, He wanted to wield magic.

Being a swordsman is fun and all but magic seems more attractive for Wynstan.

[Magical Talent (Passive, God) Obtained]

[Next please Choose one, (1/3)]

[Water Magic (Active, Intermediate)]

[Fire Magic (Active, Intermediate)]

[Earth Magic (Active, Intermediate)]

[Wind Magic (Active, Intermediate)]

[Necromancy (Active, Beginner)]

[Water God Style (Active, Intermediate)]

[North God Style (Active, Intermediate)]

[Sword God Style (Active, Intermediate)]

The list goes on.

Seeing the choices, Wynstan immediately recalled an anime he watched in his past life, Mushoku Tensei. 

He got excited then afraid then excited again…it's complicated.

When Wynstan saw necromancy he wanted to choose it but…yeah no butts, he chose necromancy even though it's highly condemned in almost every world there is.

[Necromancy (Active, Beginner) Obtained]

[Please set a trigger word to reanimated/revive a target (Default: Onii-chan It you don't get up Imma kiss you.)]

Wynstan was dumbfounded and quickly changed the default to Arise.

["Arise" was set as trigger word to reanimated/revive]

[Please set a trigger word to summon a resurrected creature (Default: Come to mama and defend her.)] 

Alright, now Wynstan was pretty sure that the previous user of the system with necromancy skill set all these weird defaults

Wynstan sigh then set the default to "Come Forth" he had the feeling that necromancy is similar to Solo Leveling where he will extract shadows instead of corpses.

["Come Forth" was set as a trigger word to summon extracted corpses]

As the system is absolute in its description Wynstan might be wrong to assume that he will extract shadows instead of corpses, maybe he can level up the necromancy skill cause corpses are rotten and smelly.

[Necromancy (Active, Beginner), Preserve corpses limit: 5]

[Necromancy subskill, Corpse Extract - Arise Obtained]

[Necromancy subskill, Corpse Summon - Come Forth Obtained]

[Second Phase Complete]

[Please choose your final free skill, (2/3)]

[Physical Resistance (Passive, Beginner), -10% Physical Damage Received.]

[Magic Resistance (Passive, Beginner), -10% Magical Damage Received.]

Considering that there are more warriors than mages Wynstan quickly picks the physical resistance.

[Physical Resistance (Passive, Beginner) Acquired.]

[Done distributing free skills, To check your status please say or mentaly command 'Status'.]

'Status,' Wynstan mentaly said.

[Name: Wynstan Blur.]

[Age: 3]

[Physical Resistance (Passive, Beginner), -10% Physical Damage Received.]

[Necromancy (Active, Beginner), Preserve corpses limit: 5, Corpse Extract, Corpse Summon.]

[Magical Talent (Passive, God).]

After seeing his status, Wynstan dismisses it with a nod.

[Quest: Find Civilization!]

[Reward: System Inventory.]

[Failure Penalty: None.]

[Accept? (Y/N).]

Of Course Wynstan accepted there's literally no downside to this quest.

[Tutorial Completed, The invisible barrier that is protecting you will now be uncasted.]

As the system declared Wynstan saw the surrounding space slightly crack then a shattering sound was heard.

'Well fuck…' Wynstan thought as his 3 year old body shivered from the cold. He might be slightly nervous or it's really cold here.

Wynstan wishes that he won't encounter any monster right now as he doesn't have any attack related skills.

He Began walking while he kept watchs of his surroundings. His little limbs are making this hard as he easily stumbles and his stamina is the stamina of a 3 year old.

If this goes on Wynstan was pretty sure he will run out of stamina before he can reach civilization and he's pretty sure if he encounters a monster he can't out run it.

He needs to resort to magic.

So even though it's dangerous to practice magic in these circumstances he has no choice but to try it. After all, he had a talent for magic and it's God rank.

If he can remember each spell has various variables to execute, He needs to create, set its size, set its speed, then activate it.

That's the most basic spell process for silent casting. Most people can't Silent Cast or shorten the spells' incantation at all.

Wynstan carefully looks around to find the safest spot in the forest. After a few seconds he found an average size tree then started cross sitting under its shade.

With a deep breath Wynstan tried to find something different in his current body. To his surprise he quickly felt it running inside his body, in his veins, like water in the river.

With enough concentration he can easily control it to flow faster, coat a certain part of his body, and even envelope his entire body with it.

When Wynstan coats his whole body with mana he can feel a dramatic difference in strength. Like he can jump higher, run faster.

This must be the battle aura of the warrior that they unconsciously use when they are fighting.

[Battle Aura (Active, Beginner) Obtained.]

'Nice,' Wynstan thought as his survivability rose because of this new skill and the fact that his mana is barely used, thinking that he has a high mana capacity.

Next, He wanted to try some elemental magic, Maybe wind to get high places.and scout where the heck he is right now.


Suddenly a small monster that looks like a boar entered Wynstan's field of vision.

It's small but still two thirds of Wynstan's body. It's a sure death situation if he did not learn battle aura.

Wynstan calms himself down, The boar is still measuring him, It's like it's measuring him so he has time.

He raised his chest and tried to make himself bigger hoping to intimidate the monster while circulating his newly acquired Battle Aura.

The monster then violently dashes towards Wynstan but Wynstan dodge just at the moment of impact. 

The monster hits a tree and makes the monster dizzy and stumbles.. The tree took some damage, showing that getting hit by that monster is not a joke for an inexperienced Wynstan.

Seeing that the monster is still regaining its stability, Wynstan hurriedly controlled his mana and focused it in his eyes.

In his mind, to create a powerful and useful offensive magic it should be systematic.

First he wanted instant damage, where the enemy would have almost no time to dodge. The best thing he can think of is flowing his mana through his eyes and connecting it to the other person's mana making it a fuel for some kind of fire magic.

After thinking and imagining it, Wynstan quickly tried to fire the spell. His iris glows red then fire shoots out from it like a flame thrower.

His aim is terrible as he scorches the trees and bushes but not the boar.

'Damn it, I swear I was lagging, High ping! I promise my mouse is broken,' Wynstan thinks of a bunch of excuses for failing to hit a still target.

In his real defense the spell is kinda wrong. It should instantly combust the boar and not shoot out from his eye like a flame thrower.

The monster regains its mind and quickly runs towards Wynstan again but this time at a faster speed.

Wynstan braces his mind and focuses again, this time he will make the spell right.

His brain is working faster than normal as he was thinking of what went wrong.

'I see!' Wynstan gains enlightenment as the monster is half way and only a few seconds far before hitting him.

Wynstan makes eye contact with the monster as his eyes glow red again.

With eye contact an invisible connection was made as the boar's body instantly combust in flames and die.

After the battle the system prompts him 2 notifications.

[Flame Thrower (Active, Advance) Obtained.]

[Flame Thrower - Focus your mana in any part of your body and release a continuous current of flames]

[Flame of Setsuna (Active, Saint) Obtained.]

[Flame of Setsuna - If activated anyone or anything that made eye contact with you will combust in flame as long as the target has mana.]

A sweat drops from Wynstan's forehead as he feels half of his mana is gone.

The God rank magical talent is clearly showing its effect right now as he easily created 2 spells without any book as a guide.

Now that he has a unique fire spell with saint classification  in his arsenal isn't he considered a Fire Saint now?

Wynstan wanted to try his necromancy on the boar but that seems to be impossible now because the monster's body turned into ashes.

Wynstan decided not to invent more spells at the moment because he is not sure about their mana consumption when he uses them. 

Coating his body with battle aura, He climbs the tallest tree he can find as the battle aura mana consumption is really low.

After some time of scouting he found traces of the civilization so excited to walk towards there.