

'At least my privileges for the 2-hour leave weren't banned,' I thought as I walked on Main street, holding hands with Hoki.

We had decided to spend their time together and Hoki of course was enjoying it, I was engrossed in thoughts about the memories I received from the Shadow Clone Spy I sent to the Greyrat family home.

'So there's another Reincarnator? So apparently, She doesn't know the plot of the Mushoku Tensei world because she didn't watch it neither read the manga,' I thought, 'As long as she doesn't know the plot, She won't freak out considering Rudeus nearly died against Orsted, no fuck that, He died against Orsted but was brought back to life by the magical power of that Dragon god,' 

I smiled a bit.

'Also, She looks cute… Rudeus was handsome when he grew up so she should be beautiful too,' I thought.

Hoki pinched my hand and I let out a yelp of surprise.

"Welcome back to the world of the living," Hoki said with sarcasm dripping from her voice, When did she become like this? 

"Did you enjoy thinking about another girl?" Hoki asked with an accusatory glare.

"I wasn't thinking about another girl," I said and frowned, "It's just that, What's with that guy up front?"

From appropriate estimation, He looked 10, Just two years older than the current me and he had peculiar looks and from the confidence laced in his steps, Bro looked to be a Noble.

He wasn't particularly tall but he was at the average height of a ten year old but his clothing practically leaked out noblehood, He wore incredible red robes and had a short sword in his hand. His hair was brown and reached his shoulders.

'Looks just like a Young master from one of those cultivation novels,' I thought as I saw two bodyguards, wearing a similar robe albeit black walk beside him. 

I didn't like anything about these guys that were from Noblehood and loved picking on the commoners, just because we were born different but the next words the boy spoke shocked me to the core, as soon as his eyes met ours…

"Bring the girl for me," He ordered and the Bodyguards seemingly vanished.

'IS THIS GUY INSANE? HOW COULD HE JUST PICK A RANDOM COMMONER FROM THE STREET?' I thought as I grabbed Hoki's waist and flung myself back, dodging the grabbing motion made from the first bodyguard.

My eyes locked with her's as the street suddenly became filled with commoners running, Fearing the Kidnappers… Whatever you call them.

As I secured Hoki, Another one appeared behind me, his eyes letting loose a crimson glow as he brought his fist down in an attempt to grab Hoki from me but once again, I was faster pushing toward the right and dodging the grab.

They seemed to be obeying that dude's orders, Although they didn't want to hurt me in the process.

'Now this is the reason I hate young masters, Got people that are paid to do things you want and if you disobey them, They instantly report to their parents and change some things up,' I thought.

"Boy, I don't want to hurt you," The brown haired man with crimson eyes said but I waved him off.

"No one is going to take my friend from me," I said with fierce determination. In the next moment, His figure blurred revealing that it was a mere afterimage.

He appeared in front of me, aiming a punch at me but alas I was one step ahead, He was shocked to see that I jumped off his fist.

'Even though he's just a child, He's incredibly skilled. This kind of speed… Is he even human?' He thought as his eyes flashed and he realized I was right above his head, aiming a kick.

He raised up his hands to defend but the kick to the head never came, instead a powerful kick landed on his stomach making his eyes roll. 

'Come on Bro, That was a fake-out,' I thought and then spun around, kicking him again and sending him flying.

No one was around right now but of course, Drew would be here soon since he was one of the Adventurers available… Maybe Roxy too? Of course, It was all once they heard the news.

I eyed the fallen Bodyguard, his back deeply engraved into a house some meters away. I looked at my foot.

'So I am getting stronger, huh?' I thought and then narrowed my eyes at the other one, His black hair gleamed in the sun as his blue eyes contrasting to the other bodyguard's eyes glowed.

He let out a chant and summoned a powerful blade made of thick water, which was heading to me… But seriously, The time he had used to complete his chant… I had already gathered enough energy to escape.

Why choose the Escape route? It was simply because, I could sense Drew's magical energy heading over here… I dodged the blade of water, watching it shoot past me and then smash upon the road, creating a huge slash mark on the ground.

Dust spread all over the makeshift battlefield and the Mage coughed, by the time the dust had cleared, I had made my way back to the Orphanage and in my place was a blond haired man, his hair rustling in the wind as he reached for his Sword.

"You were trying to kidnap innocent children," Drew said, his sword unsheathed as he pointed it to the Bodyguard, "In Broad Daylight, Shameless!"

At the Orphanage, I was clearly sure that Drew would charge into battle without listening to an explanation and his sense of Justice would start shining… They shouldn't come anywhere near Hoki again.

I stared at Hoki who looked at me with confused eyes, We were the only ones in the backyard.

"When did you… become so strong?" Hoki asked.

"I've been training," I replied while puffing out my muscles, they were not as big as I wanted to be though.

"And the fight was dangerous," Hoki said, "You could have gotten hurt,"

'Those guys didn't pose any threat, Apart from the dude with crimson eyes being a combatant and the other guy being a mage, There was nothing more to their power and the Young master should be far weaker,' I thought with a shrug, 'As long as they don't try to take Hoki away,'

"Ahh, For the first time in my life, I trust Drew did good work," I said while lounging in the living room area with some other kids.

The door suddenly opened and I looked at Drew enter with a smile on my face, only for him to hold the door open… WTF!

The two bodyguards I had fought entered, bowing slightly to Drew who returned with a smile. And then the Blond haired noble entered…

As their eyes locked with mine, One of the Bodyguards entered an attacking posture.

"That won't be necessary," Drew said as he looked at me, "That boy over here is the weakest here with no magical talent at all,"

Their eyes widened at his assessment as the Young brat wanted to speak but the one with Crimson eyes stopped him.

"Please let's see the girl," The brown haired man with blue eyes said and Drew nodded, leading them deep into the Orphanage to see Granny.

My eyes flickered a bit, with a growing fury… The first time I chose to trust in Drew's abilities… He had failed me miserably.

I followed them, a growing sense of unease filling me as the older boy cast a confident smirk to me… Something I really wanted to respond to with a punch filled to the brim with Cursed magic, Unfortunately I couldn't.

They reached Granny's office, She usually sat down in the office most of the time making sure that she was able to tally the expenses of the children that were at the Orphanage.

As Drew opened the door and they entered, Granny instantly knew something was up… Adoption!

Her eyes turned to Drew with an enquiring gaze.

"They want to adopt the girl, Hoki," Drew said with a smile and I had a shocked expression on my face… Drew, You just didn't say that right?

Granny's eyes fluttered as she turned to me, seeing my pitiful state. She turned to the Bodyguards who bowed and then the one with Crimson eyes stood up.

"As Mister Drew has said, A Brown haired girl with blue eyes caught our interest as we passed down the main street of this wondrous town," He said, "Our Young master, Dennis Elrok is very interested in her,"

At the mention of Elrok, Granny's eyes shook with a little bit of fear. I looked at her with confusion.

"You mean the son of Sword King Elrok?" Granny asked and I looked at the older boy with surprise, You mean that sword on his back wasn't for show… He was the son of an actual real life Sword King.

'That was a strategically placed card,' I thought in dismay, 'With the mention of a Sword King, Granny can't deny. After all, This is an orphanage and the children here are meant to be sold off one way or another… She can't refuse such an influential figure for my sake,'

Granny's eyes fluttered in denial as she clenched her fists, feeling powerless in the current situation.

"Okay, But what do you want to use her for?" Granny asked.

"A wife," was the boy's reply and I felt the indescribable feeling to Punch the dude… He couldn't just take Hoki from me like that… We were meant to be together.

I clenched my teeth as I stared at his smug face, Drew called in Hoki and when the news was broken to her… She remained strong.

The Bodyguard with the blue eyes handed her a small pouch full of gold asura coins, A clear testament to the amount of influence they had… It was disheartening to see Granny reluctantly take the money and keep it under her desk.

Hoki was soon led away and she wasn't even allowed to say a Goodbye to me… We parted ways silently; tears flowed down my eyes as I stared at Drew's smug face.

"You see Mom, Told you that the money you'd get in return for these Kids that you waste money on will be-"

Drew couldn't finish his words as he sensed something that made his skin crawl, Instinctively he turned to me and reached for his sword… My palms were trembling but he could see it, Blue aura wrapping around my fists.

'So he has an affinity for magic after all but I haven't sensed this kind of magic before,' Drew thought. 

I pushed off the ground, soaring to Drew in a burst of instant movement. I drew my right hand back and propelled it forward, a billowing wind blow as my fist made contact with his sword that was quickly drawn out for protection.

The blade didn't seem to last long as the amount of cursed magic kept on increasing and increasing before the sword inevitably met it's end, Now with nothing to protect him, Drew lay completely helpless to the devastating power of my punch.

Suddenly, A barrier formed in front of his face which was my target and sensing the magical energy from this barrier was akin to Granny's energy, I drew back my fist…

"Stop!" Granny screamed out, drawing my attention to her face. She had tears profusely coming out of her eyes, It all felt surreal.

"I didn't want Hoki to be sold too… And I don't want my children to fight with each other," Granny took a step forward and wrapped me in a warm embrace, "So please Light, Don't fight,"


Author's Note:

Sorry, A Sadistic Author's gotta do what Sadistic author's gotta do. I know it was wrong to separate them but I want a more pressing Reunion and you'll see what I have planned for that.

Next chapter