
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit! ( finished)

Qian Yu crosses Mist Shinobi and becomes the Snow Clan who will be exterminated. Start off with Frozen Fruit and develop to Ultimate! 100 levels of Ice Age, freezing the entire Kirigakure! 200-level frozen space, even time-space ninjutsu cannot escape! Level 500 freezes time, stops the flow of time, and the world of ninjas is at my disposal! Bai: Compared with my brother's Ice Escape, mine is not worth mentioning at all. Terumi Mei: Bastard Qian Yu, Mizukage is yours now, let me go! Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: Why can't I move? You, what do you want to do? ! ______________________________________________ Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting . join my patreon if you want to read chapter in advance and Support me ↓ patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

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Hi, currently I am uploading

1. Double Comparison Start With Revolutionary Army.

2.Naruto: Broadcasting start with kaido

3.Uchiha Giyu

I hope you read them too.