
Robbing Deku?

I'm excited to finally be back in the city. Living in mountains was cool and all but I prefer the city. What can I say I'm a city girl.

Walking on the sidewalk I do get a few stares. It might have something to do with my towering heigh and ancient-looking clothes… Just maybe. I could do something about my height with my shrinking ability but it feels super weird so I'm just gonna use it when necessary and these clothes are sick so I'm not changing out of them. It's their fault if they assume I'm a hero.


First on the agenda is getting money, getting a phone, and finding a home. Now, how am I going to get this money? By doing what pirates do best of course… Steal!

Maybe I can get a two for one and rob the mugger and the victim… What? I'm a pirate, not a hero.

Activating my Observation Haki I sense what appears to be one man and woman robbing a boy. 'A three for one deal! Today is my lucky day.'

Ignoring the alarmed yells I jump on top of a building and start dashing from roof to roof quickly reaching the roof above the ally that the muggers are in. 'Hmm, how should I go about this? Ah, I know!'

Jumping down I land right behind the two.

They look behind themselves and I see two emotions on their stereotypical thug faces. Anger then fear as I activate Conqueror's Haki to make them feel like I'm the incarnation of death but carefully using enough so they don't pass out.

"W-who are you? Are you a hero!? If you are you better l-leave before you get hurt " Thug 1 says looking up at me, trying his best to act threatening in front of my towering height.

'Oho, we got a brave one here.'

I put my hand out to which they flinch at and say, "Give me all your money." I don't know if that sounded threatening enough so I added the classic, "Or else…" With a boost in my Conqueror's Haki.

That seemed to give them enough incentive as they quickly start scrambling in their pockets pulling out their wallets and handing them to me.

"Alright, you can now," I say to them. I don't think they heard me though since they were already halfway outside the alley as I said those words.

Looking down at the shivering mess of a kid I notice his green hair.

'No way… I'm about to rob Deku.' This truly is a momentous day, not everyone gets to say that they robbed the future number one hero.

He gets up barely standing on his shaky knees, "T-thank you for saving me miss." he bows still shaking like a leaf.

"Yeah, yeah… Wait. Did you say, miss? I'm fifteen you know!" I say angrily, just cause i'm tall doesn't mean I'm old!

He starts stuttering like a madman, "O-oh S-s-sorry I didn't mean to assume it's just that your so tall but that height might have something to do with your qui-"

'Oh god, he's started mumbling.'

"Enough, just hand over you're wallet too."

He looks at me confused, "Eh?"

"You heard me."

"B-but you're a hero(or vigilante) right?"

"I never said that. Just hand it over man I got stuff to do you're holding me up."

"S-sorry. Here." He hands me his wallet. Did he just apologize to his mugger? Never mind, I take out the money and throw it back at him.

"I'll see you around… One for All."

He shows a shocked expression and tries to run after me but Im already roofs away.

'Judging by his reaction I'm either at the training arc or sometime early U.A. Anyway time to buy a phone and a home.'


After getting my sto- hard earned money I buy the latest phone. The person that helped me set it up was gawking at my height for a bit but they regained their professionalism. They showed me the newest and nest phone for tall people like me. Now I'm walking out of the store with a new phone in hand.

'Alright, check the list for that now I need a home. Let's try this.'

Going onto the search engine I look up 'High rise ceilings for people with tall mutant Quirks'

After searching through the results I find a good one. It seems nice for its price. It is an apartment with one bedroom, a bathroom, living room, and kitchen, plus it's nearby.

'Alright, this is the best place! I need just a little more money though…'

"This is the room you want?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay then, the pay is monthly and please try not to jump too much. I don't need holes in the ceiling."

Walking into my new apartment I gander at how nice it is. But I do realize something… 'There's no food.'

Looks like I have to go shopping now.

As I'm walking home with bags full of food a villain as big as me grabs me and holds me in a chokehold. I look around and see the surrounding civilians in a semi-circle around us… Filming.

'What is this? A street performance?'

"You better leave hero or this girl will get crushed like a can." Big boy villain says.

'So I'm in a hostage situation now. Also how is this guy gonna crush my with those thin arms? Must have some strength quirk.'

"Leave civilians out of this!" Goody two-shoes hero responded.

"Can you guys shut up already, you're too loud!" At that moment everyone looks at me like I'm a crazy person.

"Oi tall girl [A/n: yikes] do you not understand what's going on here?"

"No, no, I do but could you like get another hostage? There's plenty over there" I motion to the crowd, "Because I got frozen foods in my bag so I gotta get home quick."

"You stupid or something? Everyone leave now!" He tightens his hold on me.

"What are these noodles arms gonna do. Crush me?" And try to crush me they did. I just hardened my neck making it quite the embarrassing site for the villain.

"Annoying." I sigh, activating Conqueror's Haki. I limit the radius only to cover the Villains. Don't want ot cause a commotion now do we?

The crowd gasped and quickly erupts into murmurs at the sight of a bluish green [A/n: Not sure Yamato's haki color so just gonna go a mix of their two hair colors.] dome with lightning here and there encompassing the two. With the Villain shortly passing out.

"Whelp, I did your job for you hero. Good day," I wave and start walking home.


I look back obviously angry, "What do you want?"

"It's illegal to use you're Quirk unauthorized I'll let you off this time but that was really da-"

"Spare me the lecture, as I said I have places to go." I quickly run home leaving the hero in the dust.

Little did I know that the video of me taking down the villain without moving spread across the internet reaching a certain white rat,

"She's is very powerful. Judging by the video she appears to have two Quirks, one that allows her to harden her body, the second we aren't too sure about. According to the villain, he said that he felt like he was suffocating from her presence. We aren't sure of what that means but we can infer that it allows her to make people pass out. Dk you thin All For On is involved?"

"I don't know. Young Midoriya said that same girl saved and then mugged knew the name of his Quirk. If this girl truly knows about the secret of OFA she can not be ignored. We need to figure out who she is and what side they are on." All Might says with a grim face

"That's the problem. We searched through all the files with her description but the results came up empty." Nezu responds.

"What?!" All might abruptly stood up, "Someone that stands out as much as she does should be in some sort of record. Is she in any security cameras or pictures?"

"The most recent, and only, footage is of her shopping," Nezu says pulling up footage of a towering girl trying to decide between a brand of chips.

"Then we can assume she lives nearby. Let's approach her soon, but keep it non-threatening. We don't want to cause a scene." All might said getting ready to leave.

"Agreed," Nezu replies looking at the footage again, 'Just who are you?'


Your "more" has been answered.

Enjoy this low-tier chapter. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this story just making it up as I go. But I guess that's what's so fun about writing it.

Anyway, Good Night ಠ_ಠ

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