
Chapter 1

"Augh" "Toru!!" 'splurt' In a well sized room you could see a young man in his early 20s sitting on a gaming chair that gives its user a tactical advantage against enemy players. He seems to be starring at a female school uniform on his monitor "Phew, that was the 57th time" The young man said as he wipes sweat that accumulated off his forehead and grabbed tissues to clean himself

"They said it couldn't be done, that it was impossible" he said with a grin like he accomplished something "F#ck I'm thirsty" "Guh!" as he was getting up to get a drink from the kitchen he fell to the ground seen grabbing at his chest where his heart is 'what they said was true, why'd I even go through with this?'

Feeling intense pain he couldn't even move or call for help, well it's not like there was anybody that cared for him to begin with.

As he was slowly succumbing to the pain, he thought about his life until now 'Such a shitty life i led, well its not like it's my fault, it's my luck that I was born in a boring and shitty world' "ahhhh!!" 'F#ck!, the pain got worse!'

As he was taking his last breaths due to the pain, he thought 'how

Nice would it be, to be born in a world with superpowers' he was an avid anime watcher, and often he would fantasize about being in the world of his favourite anime; My hero academia. Not long after that, he lied on the floor lifeless.


"W-What? Where am I? Why is it so bright? Why am I glowing?!" Oh, that's right I died. As I looked to my surroundings trying to grasp the situation.

There was nothing but endless light. "What the hel-" before I could finish what I was saying, a loud voice boomed in my head that scared the living shit out of me.

['Hey, we don't use that kind of language here'] said the unknown being with an authoritive tone.

"holy shit!!" I yelled on my toes trying to figure out where that voice came from. ['Hehe, sorry for scaring you'] said the being in a playful tone.

['Anyways, about why you're here. It's nothing special really, I just saw how pathetically you died and couldn't help but pity you']

"How I d-? Oh god" I said covering my face with my glowing hands. Argh, I'm such an idiot! Well it's not like I wanted to live any longer in that world. But how I died was another thing.

['Well lucky for you! I'll give you the choice of reincarnating to any world of your choosing. And also I'll give you one wish, so use it wisely']

"Huh? Reincarnation?! And a wish?! Are you being for real?!" I said making sure I wasn't being tricked.

['Of course I'm being 'for real' there's nothing for me to gain by tricking you, so what world are you picking? It can be anything you want']

What world am I picking?! Of course there's only one world TO pick. "My hero academia!" I yelled while raising both my arms in the air, as I couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

['Hmmm, good pick. And now for your wish?']

I thought for a while since I only had one wish and I didn't want to waste it. And after confirming what I wanted I said "I wish for a system with infinite system points" I said not sure if they were gonna accept it

['Granted, I'm gonna be reincarnating you now. Goodbye and have fun!'] "What!? That fast?!" Was what I could say before everything went dark.

Musutafu Japan 7:00pm

In an alley surrounded by old buildings. Rain could be seen falling on what looks to be a baby wrapped in cheap cloth that has been soaked with water

Huh? Where am i? Crap it's freezing. Huh? How come everything seems so big? Wait, aren't I just small?!

I tried to move around but was restricted by some cloth I'm wrapped in. As I looked at my body closely, I was surprised to see that I was a baby. ROB didn't tell me anything about this. Actually they didn't tell me anything. They just sent me on my way.

As I was thinking about my current situation, I thought about how cold I was. I wanted to try something. 'System?' I thought in my head since I can't talk

[yes host?]

Wow! I really do have a system! Let's see what it can do. 'System, can you make a skill that resists the elements? I'm really cold right now.'

[Sure host. 'Temperature resistance' skill created]

[Temperature resistance(passive)-Grants the user high resistance to heat and cold(lvl1/10)]

Awesome! So it can create any skill that I want. And can make however many I want since i have infinite system points.

But it's only lvl1/10. Hmm, that means I'll have to level it up. Ah! I just got a crazy idea, I hope this works. I thought in anticipation.

'System, create a skill that can make me instantly understand something to its fullest extent'

['Instant comprehension' skill created]

[Instant comprehension(passive)-user is able to understand anything to its fullest extent just by seeing it once]

God damn! This skill is op af! My resistance skill became lv10/10. I don't even feel the cold anymore. Now with this I know the system has no limits

(A:N so what'd you guys think? Lmk in the comments)