
In MHA With a Dimensional Trading Quirk

In a new life a few years before the crisis, a young man finds himself with nothing to face it but a trading system.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 82

I was at the top floor of a building, staring at the humanoid white bear-like man, who gave a slight bow to me, saying, "Mr. Rikiya is waiting for you inside," in a soft voice.

'I should hire him. He could be a mascot.' I kept that idea to myself as I entered, finding a tall man standing by the window, donned in an orange suit.

"Mr. Kenshiro. I wonder what a busy man like you has to have a sudden meeting with a support tech like ours," said Rikiya, pointing to an empty chair opposite his desk.

"You could have delayed the meeting. But you agreed to meet today," I replied, taking my seat and placing a leg over another.

I could just start beating the terrorist in front of me to repent. But honestly, it'd be a waste.

As most of you know, I have people in the National Diet.

These politicians need not just money, but votes.

Rikiya seemed to have a whole city obeying his command, starting from the heroes working around to every citizen.

'Game is a game.'

Rikiya chuckled slightly, "I usually would. But honestly, I'm mostly curious about the uproar you brought to the world of quirks. A shot that gave the normal human super strength. And it came to my ear that you've been admitted to human tests on your recent project."

"Quirk cloning," I mused. It seemed that he had a good inside source.

Why didn't I have those guys? Sure, I have Rin, who could spy into information that could be revealed in the future. But for now, I felt that I'm lacking something.

Rikiya smiled slightly. "I must say, I'm quite curious. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't planning to come for a visit. Maybe, make some deals. Maybe getting some shots."

"I'm pretty sure that my stuff is expensive. Yet you want them."

"We could come to a deal, an exchange maybe. And besides, it could have helped our citizens and people. I want them to enjoy life without getting tired from work," he said.

"That, and you want to see if it could increase their power. And those who didn't have quirks could have them and participate in your glorious rebellion," I said.

With each word I said, his smile pursed down until it became a full frown.

"Sorry, I'm not following. What did you say?" he asked.

"I'll repeat myself. The rebellion you're leading," I said, standing up and walking to the window, looking down at the city. "Citizens smiling, heroes walking by. From the surface, one wouldn't be able to tell that these people are trained combatants. It can't slip from your eyes, since you are the mastermind behind it all. The only one who could possibly not know about it is the panda."

There was a long pause from the other side.

"Kenshiro San. Do you have a quirk enabling you to read minds?" asked Rikiya with a hint of nervousness and killing intent in his voice.

"You're not the only one with insiders," I replied, turning to him and leaning on the wall. "What's taking you so long? Not going to attack me?"

"Seeing that you came here and not the Hero Commission or someone from their side, I believe there is something that you want to talk about."

"Keen intelligence, I like that."

"So, what brought you here?"

"Let me tell you something. Enabling the freedom of quirk using, I like that. But your methods are quite stupid," I said, "All of this city you have, and you didn't think of using them to vote?"

"What are you suggesting?" he asked.

"Work under me. In the future, I'm planning to pass a law of quirk license. Obtained after people trained their quirks. It could turn the economical wheel."

You know, with a stronger economy comes more money circulating in the financial market – something for Rin to snatch. Talking about Rin, it seemed that her quirk was quite unique that only she and Night Eye could use it. Others were unknown. Well, if they were known, there were so many uses for them. For example, predicting natural disasters, which could save many lives.

"You, pass a law? You're just a company owner," he scoffed.

"I have contacts," I shrugged, "and your ways will harm my usual lifestyle. You're in or not."

"Too bad. We could have been good friends," he replied without hesitation.

His hands wrapped around my neck, trying to choke me.

I kept staring at his hands, and then, I stared at his eyes, full of determination to take away my life.

He then looked at himself, confusion taking over his facial expression.

"You're wondering why you're able to use your quirk," I dismissively said.

His hands and legs started shaking.

"You know, the best way to become powerful is to find a way to nerf everyone else. You're quite tall, let's make this face to face." I grabbed his hand, activating my Overhaul's quirk, modifying his bone structure, breaking his legs and bringing him to my face level.

"Wait! Wait! We can talk about this," he said, wincing in pain, legs shaking in fear.

"There is nothing to talk about." I took off his hands. With that being said, I activated my Sharingan, which happened to be a stacked Sharingan that I fused with Madara's eyes.

Believe it or not, I had 5 tomoe in the basic form.

"Don't worry, as an idea, you'll not die," I muttered, holding myself from doing him any more harm. "But you'll live as another person, with no memories."


After I looked through almost all of Rikiya's memories, I erased his memories with the Sharingan and replaced them.

Then, I created a shadow clone, who then transformed into Rikiya.

He looked at me and smiled, "So, all I have to do is to enjoy life as a support tech company owner and make everyone vote for our side."

"That's the idea," I said. Looking at the unconscious previously Rikiya, who is now looking more like a teenager with a different face and fingerprints, I added, "find him a place to live here. Don't let him outside."

"Don't worry," said my shadow clone, "by the way, I have a question, since I'm going to stay here for a long time."

"Yes," I nodded.

"If using clones at sex with your woman is considered self-cucking, then, a shadow clone sleeping with other girls isn't cheating," my clone said.

For the first time ever, I wondered what's wrong with me.

"What the hell… Just do your job," I narrowed my eyebrows before walking in the door's direction. 'He got a point though. Well, If I were temporarily existence, I may have thought the same.'

At any rate, I had more important business to deal with now. I was going to make the world a better place for everyone.