
In MHA: The Lion Hero

(First time writing, please be gentle...) REINCARNATED IN MHA, WITH OP QUIRK. Might or might not be harem. Leaning towards not. I can make a compromise if you lot want harem though.

Donquixote_Doffi · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

(3rd Person POV) [Author Note: I'm testing it out]

A boy slept peacefully in his room at King's Orphanage. His bed faces directly at the open curtained window.

The boy looked like a 6-year-old. He had messy black hair, brown-tanned skin, and a lithe body. (He's six. He'll bulk up.)

As soon as the light from the rising sun hit him, his eyes opened, showing his normal white sclera, amber-gold iris, and vertical black pupils which was unusual as the boy should have lion features. (Cats have vertical eyes like a dagger but large cats like lions and tigers have round pupils.)

A yawn immediately escaped his lips. A long and satisfying stretch followed.

His eyes blinked repeatedly like it was adjusting to the light entering the room. The ears atop his head twitched once or twice as he scratched his stomach under his tank top. He stood up and went out of his room, his tail flicking a few times, showing his irritation at having to wake up.

The lion-boy went and did his morning rituals in the bathroom and went back to his room to change into his workout clothes. A black hoodie atop a plain black t-shirt, gray joggers, and white sneakers.

After tying his shoes, he went towards the orphanage's kitchen and stop in front of a huge fridge. Looking up, he saw the keys to the door that lead to the playground behind the building. There was, however, no way for him to get it. No climbable areas to reach it, no chairs or things to use as leverage.

Fortunately, he was not a normal child. A quick leap that almost made his head bump into the ceiling did the job and he was quick enough to snatch the keys as he fell.

The boy then proceeded to open the doors in the back of the orphanage before putting the keys back where he found them. At the open area of the playground, he started stretching and doing warmups before jogging around the whole perimeter.

1 lap. 2 laps. 3 laps. 4... 5... 8... 15... he continued running around until he reached his goal.

'100. Easy.' The lion-boy thought without a single sweat. Not even slightly winded. It wasn't like the playground was small. No, it was quite big as it needed to accommodate a lot of kids that lived in town and the orphanage.

After he finished his 100th lap, the boy did squats, pull-ups at the monkey bar, burpees, planks, push-ups, sit-ups, and the whole shebang. All numbering in the hundreds. By 8, when the rest of the kids normally wake up, he was done and none were the wiser.

One of the caretakers wondered if she forgot to lock the door to the playground last night before she slept.




"Then she went "BAM!" Transforming into her Minatour Form and stopping the Villains' car! It was so cool!" A blonde girl with two curling horns and cow ears excitedly gushed at the lion-featured boy.

The two sat at a table in the cafeteria with the lion-boy directly under the sunlight coming from the window to his back. The boy had a carefree smile on his face as he listened to the blonde telling him about a video of her mother when she was still a Pro Hero.

"That does sound cool, Clara."

"I know right?! And then the Villains fired off their Quirks at her but she-"

She was halted by the sound of the bell ringing, meaning that their break was over.

"Awwwww! I wasn't finished! We're continuing this later, Le~o!"

The boy just nodded at her words as he stood up. "I told you, it should be LI-O, not LE-O. My name's spelled L.I.O.N.E.L, not L.E.O.N.E.L."

"But I searched the spelling of your name and it said it should be Leonel! It's derived from-"

"Yes, yes, you're right. C'mon, let's go back."

"Hehehehe! I knew I was correct!" She replied with a giggle as they went their separate ways and back into their classrooms.





"Ow!" A boy with huge and long arms shouted in pain as his omega-super-strong-finisher-punch met the mutant's hand. This resulted in his arms becoming normal.

*Sniff* "H-How did you do that, you weird Mutant!?"

*Sigh* 'Ugh.....' Instead of responding, the "mutant", Lionel, looked the brat that kept messing with him in the eyes. Using a teeny-tiny bit of his SL, he moved it up to his eyes which made them glow in a color similar to sunlight.

The bully froze in fear, shaking in his shoes. A putrid and foul smell came from his pants, making Lionel scrunch his nose in disgust. 'Yuck. Did he just shit and piss himself?' His question was answered as a wet spot formed on the brat's shorts.

Lionel scoffed and walked away.




Just kidding. Lionel hated bullies. With the loudest voice he could muster, which was very loud (Lion, remember?), he shouted at the top of his lungs "EW! Did you just peed yourself?!!"

And then he walked away. The bully looked at him in shock and confusion before turning into fear as loud exclamations of What and Where came from around him. Not even a minute later, the bully became a laughing stock and will be remembered as the 10-year-old who pissed and shat himself.




"LEO! Did you hear what happened!? I heard that a grade 5 student peed himself!" Clara said to Lionel as the two of them walked among their peers towards the school gate as classes for the day finally ended. "Everyone heard what happened, Clara. It's too bad we didn't see it."

"I know right? I'm just wondering why he did though. You think he's okay?" Clara responded with a worried expression. 'You're an angel, Clara.' Thought lion-boy.

"Clara!" Their conversation was interrupted by a shout of Clara's name. Standing by the school gate amongst the parents and other guardians waiting for their kids was Clara's mother, Cow Lady, and Clara's elder sister, Stella.

They headed towards where the two waited. Cow Lady smiled at her daughter's friend and introduced herself. "Hey there, kids. You must be the friend my little calf has been talking about! I'm Stelar Smith. It's nice to meet you."

The boy shook her hand and also introduced himself to the mother-daughter pair. "It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Smith. Clara told me a lot about you. I'm a fan." Before he turned toward Clara's elder sister. "You must be her sister. It's nice to finally meet the two of you. I'm Lionel King."

A light of recognition came upon Stelar's eyes as she heard the surname King. She turned towards her eldest daughter and urged her to introduce herself as well.

"H-Hello, I'm Stella. Clara always talks about you."

"H-Hey!!" Was Clara's response.