
In MHA as Mahito

Reborn in MHA with Mahito´s powers and sadistic tendencies. The mc likes women. Neither the mc´s template, the cover, nor the mha universe belong to me, each belongs to their respective owners.

Vitamin_F · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

As expected, his first action is to attack withers much power as possible and freezing the entire building, which is actually very good. As strong as he is, Todoroki lacks the capabilities of using a move so big and precise several times, after all he only froze the surfaces and our feet, he didn't try to actually hurt us.

And Koda is already panicking, sigh, well whatever, I just need to wait until they enter the room, knock Todoroki and then fight Tokoyami.

[ 3rd pov ]

In the viewing room, many couldn't believe what just happen, for someone to freeze a building with such ease... to them it was completely unexpected.

"There is no way for the villains´ team to win now"

"Is this the power of a recommended student?"

As the heroes´ team made their way to the top of the building, searching through the frozen rooms to see where the bomb was, the villains´ team did nothing.

"Shouldn't they be trying to get out of the ice? Or are they giving up already?"

"I don´t know Kaminari, while Mahito didn't strike me as the type that would give up so soon, it may be possible that he doesn't know how to win this"

Meanwhile, the villains´ team finally reached the floor where the bomb was located, taking a look inside they saw Koda and Mahito unable to move due to the frozen feet.

[ Todoroki pov ]

´As expected, he may have been first in the quirk apprehension test or in the entrance exams, but I am the strongest. Now I will simply touch the bomb and prove that the number one here is me.´

I feel a bit of excitement build inside my chest, as I get closer to the bomb I can´t help but feel a small corner of my lips rise. However, as soon as I pass Mahito-



W-What?! No way

I am losing consciousness

Damn it

[ Mc pov ]

And that boys and girls is why you don't get cocky, heh it was even easier than I expected, one hit to the neck with enough force and anyone would go down... except me, I ain´t going down with some lame neck-hit hahaha.

Now time to deal with Tokoyami.

I see a black shadow, over twice my size launch itself in my direction, of course dodging is no trouble, once I do that I rush towards Tokoyami only to be hit from the side and thrown across the room.

´Well the shadow is fast alright, now lets see if it is fast enough for me to practice a bit´

I change the shape of my legs into horse legs and use them to impulse myself forward, faster than before, much faster than what he could have reacted to, immediately he tries to call his shadow back while rising his arms to protect himself, however that is not enough, I punch him in the gut before his shadow manages to return and instantly place the band on his arm.

´Looks like it wasn't fast enough to even help as a dummy trainer, whatever, now I just need to put another band on Todoroki and I wi-´

Ice, an absurd amount of ice rushes I my direction, even though I successfully dodge it, a piece manages to attach itself to my left arm

´Tsch, I am sure I knocked him out so why the f*ck is he back up? Sigh I bet he had one of those anime flashbacks that make all injuries go away and take someone back to full power... great, well if you want to annoy be by getting flashback power-ups I will annoy you by giving you some flashback power-downs or whatever they are called.´


´And he froze, hehehe totally nailed the Endeavor impression right now, well lets beat him up´

I close the distance and punch him in the side of the face, he tries to react but it is already to late, after all this time I won't be waiting for him to get up again.


He looks a bit confused huh, "Hey who might wanna check your left wrist" ´Look at me being so kind, going as far as to tell him where I placed the band while I hit him... sigh I really am awesome´

"W-When did you do it?!"

"When I hit you just now" I say while shrugging my shoulder ´Not my fault you lost, well technically it is my fault since I defeated you, but there really is no reason to care about the opinions of the weak right?´

"w-wow, that was a-amazing"

Well, time to put on a smile for this idiot "Thanks Koda, though I got lucky that I was able to fight them separately"

As soon as we get to the viewing room people start congratulating me, I naturally get the MVP title and all, it would certainly be better if I actually received something useful instead of some empty words but whatever.

The next battle starts, Momo and Aoyama vs Kirishima and Mineta. Honestly this battle was pretty interesting, it was for all intents and purposes a fight between Momo´s brain and Kirishima´s strength, but still it was no bad at all.

Watching Mom set up an absurd amount of traps and Kirishima tank them was quite fun, the guy´s quirk is pretty underrated, he basically carries around an absurdly resistant armour without having to suffer from lack of mobility due to the weight.

In the end Momo won by knocking him out using gas while Aoyama bought time firing his quirk at them. Mineta was completely useless since he fell in one of Momo´s traps at the beginning and spent the rest of the match knocked out.

For it being a 2v1 battle against someone really smart, Kirishima did a pretty good job.

Momo was naturally the MVP since she came up with the plan, created the traps, created the gas, basically she did 90% of the job while Aoyama fired his quirk and said he was ´To shiny to loose´. Still, many people congratulated Kirishima on his performance.

The last battle was Torn and Mina vs Kaminari and Ojiro. Being completely honest I am not sure who will win here, if Toru uses her brain and knocks them out fast, her team might win, however Kaminari´s quirk would certainly complicate things for them if they don't take him out fast.

Mina is a pretty good counter against Ojiro since she can use her acid on him, even though it would hurt him heavily. Kaminari on the other hand is Mina´s counter since he can use a ranged attack, while Mina needs to get close.

As soon as the battle started, Kaminari and Ojito rushed into the building, most likely trying to give them as little time to prepare as possible, they probably knew they wouldn't be able to come up with a genius plan and instead chose to go all out from the beginning.

Mina stayed near the bomb, guarding it, while Toru was obviously nowhere to be seen.

It didn't take too long for Kaminari and Ojiro to reach the room with the bomb, they encountered Mina, however upon realising that Toru was most likely waiting for an opportunity to hit them when they lowered their guards they stayed closer to each other and raised their hands ready to fight.

Kaminari realised a small attack, most likely avoiding the bomb being hit. Mina dodged without much trouble since the attach itself was pretty weak.

Ojito chose to get behind Kaminari and protect his back from Toru in case she chose to attack while Kaminari continued firing small lighting attacks at Mina.

Kaminari´s reserves were starting to get low, even through the cameras it was obvious that he didn't have much left in him, so he chose to send Ojiro to fight Mina, since he already scratched her a bit with his attacks as well as tired her out, Ojiro should have a more balanced fight.

As soon as Ojiro left Kaminari raised his guard, however he was already too tired to notice a band appearing behind him and attaching itself to his wrist.


"What?!" Ojiro exclaimed, however distracting himself during the fight proved to be a terrible mistake since he wasn't able to dodge an acid attack that Mina fired in his direction.

With that the battle ended, only Izuku and Ojiro were injured enough to go to the infirmary, while Tokoyami had already woken up so he chose to stay with the rest of the class.