
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

First of all, This is a Novel where there is Harem. So you are warned if you didn’t read the Synopsis. I will be using some forced romance and Cliches to my advantage to take Harem members. This will be AU with MCU plotline but the Superheroes’ power levels will be on the Comics side that will give me plenty of room to manoeuvre. Yeah Yeah, Mutants will be involved when I find them convenient to do so. If you don’t understand the powers of something or someone, go to Wiki please. Don’t bother me with useless chit chat. I will obviously add some characters that I want and May even add some OCs. So don’t moan about it. To the real Synopsis: A teenager of about 16 years old was going home from watching the Latest Marvel movie late at night with his Parents when they turned to an Alley way and encountered a robbery. From there, the situation Continues and our MC gets reincarnated. Disclaimer: I do not hold the right to any of the Marvel’s characters. I only hold the right to my Plot and OCs. Picture is not mine, you can ask me to remove it if you are the owner. I am currently Writing Gold Experience(GER) in DC. Will start updating this after that finishes.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

6. Tour

(A/N: maybe a bit forced but it was necessary for the following plot and some things. So bare with me on this one. Next time, the affection will have some development before we come to this stage. I won't say that it will be amazing and perfect but it won't be so forced.)

"Hmmm, that was so good". Death hummed pleasurably and just laid there beside Alex with her head on his chest.

She was on his right and Yggdrasil was on his left. Both of them had their heads on his chest and were resting contentedly.

They went wild and only stopped when they felt that it was enough.

Time works differently in Death's dimension or a month would've went away in the outside world.

But now only a day had went away and they had spent a month on fucking like crazy.

"Now what?" Alex asked while stroking both of their heads with his hands.

"Now we reincarnate you. This is your adult body but we will have to make you start from a kid again". Death said snuggled up to Alex even more.

"I mean it certainly doesn't look bad". Alex said and lifted his head from the ground to carefully look at his own body.

He hasn't had the time to even check his own body after their wild time together.

Death very conscientiously formed a mirror in front of his face to let him look at his own face.

'Oh, now that I look at it. I look quite handsome and exactly the same as Fairy Form Angush. Quite Handsome, I would say. The only difference is that my eyes are green'. Alex thought while tilting his head in different directions to look carefully.

"So what is my race?" Alex asked after seeing his face to his satisfaction.

"You are a half elf and half Fairy. Giving you a lot of affinity with light, Nature, Earth and other natural elements. Dark and Death comes as a gift of having sex with Death". Yggdrasil answered this time because she was the one who gave him this body.

"But keep in mind that having an affinity doesn't equal to strength. You have to train to get there". Yggdrasil exhorted seriously to make him keep his pride in control and not get overconfident.

"I will keep in mind". Alex nodded his head and agreed.

"Where will you send me?" He asked.

"We will send you to the royal Family of Alfheim. You can get sufficient support and your status will also be good". Yggdrasil said with a light smile on her face.

"Good idea". Alex nodded his head when he heard this.

'Alfheim is peaceful and good for early development. Plus the royal status will also be a boon and Elves are good at magic which I will need most with my affinities'. Alex thought in his heart and felt it was the best decision.

"Plus with you having sex with us will also provide with a very useful ability. The sex wasn't just to satisfy us". Death spoke quickly with a seductive smile and tilted her head up to look into his eyes.

"Oh what ability?" Alex asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Disaster, the ability to control Life and Death. Like making a small wound bigger or letting something grow faster like a tumour, virus, plants and others". Death finished with a face that said praise me like a little puppy.

"Thanks, that will help me a lot". Alex thanked her with a smile and patted her head in appreciation.

He didn't forget to pat Yggdrasil's head as well. Can't favour one over the other or things will turn for the worse.

"Hehe, but we won't be able to meet you for a long time". Death suddenly felt down when she thought about it.

"Why?" Alex frowned when he heard her words and felt a bit bad about it.

"We can't show up for a while or you will be suspected by the enemy". Death shook her head and said in a sad voice.

"Don't worry, I will get stronger quickly". Alex said with conviction and his eyes flashed with seriousness.

"Don't worry, you don't have to be so hard on yourself. We will not take longer than one or two hundred years. Then it will be fine to visit you occasionally". Yggdrasil caught his hand on her cheek and spoke with her eyes closed gently.

Death also nodded her head in affirmation to Yggdrasil's words.

"It's fine, I will grow stronger at my own pace but it won't be slow". Alex reassured them to relieve them of their worries and continued to gaze into the greyish sky in Death's domain.

"Actually, you can stay here for a year with us if you want. It will barely be 12 days outside and it won't affect us much". Death suddenly said when she didn't really wanted to be separated from him.

"It's fine, I will stay for a year. Even I don't want to be separated so soon". Alex also nodded his head with a beaming smile when he heard her words.

Having sex for so long did develop some feelings in him as well even if they weren't that strong yet.

"So, you mind giving me a tour of this place?" Alex stood up from the ground which was very much to the dissatisfaction of both woman laying on his chest.

"There's not much to see but come on. I'll show you to some places". Death took his hand happily and started walking eagerly.

"Here". Alex said with a smile and stretched out his hand to Yggdrasil as well.

She grabbed his hand with a soft smile and all three of them went on a tour of Death's domain.

"This here is my Skull castle. A very artistic conception from my part". Death folded her arms below her boobs and nodded her head in pride.

Alex's lips twitched when he looked at the massive pile of skulls made into walls and a castle.

"Yeah, the best castle ever". Alex said in a strained voice but he quickly changed his expression to a natural one.

"Hehe, right". Death beamed with joy when Alex praised it.

Yggdrasil just rolled her eyes from the side while looking at the two's antics.

"Lets me show you the garden next". Death again grabbed his hand and led him all the way to the back of the castle.

She made them tour her whole domain like this and most things were made from either skulls or blood everywhere.