
In Magic World With Naruto System

A young man has suddenly been transmigrated to the magic world with the Naruto System. And after that everyone knows what will happen , I don't need to keep saying . Note : Slow Progress . Weak To Strong . Tragedy . System . Battle Maniac . Training Nerd . Power Hunger . Romance . Domineering Mc . Ruthless Mc . Manipulative Mc . Scheming Mc . Strong Mc .

Ordinary_Villain · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Eastern side of Jackal Town is also called Eastern Jackal Land , rivers and mountains exist undying since the ancient time to the golden age .

Splash ~

Splash ~

The sound of water splashing could be heard repeatedly whenever the foot lands on the long river that has a large width .

Xian Xuan runs on the river water , not letting himself drop into the river .

As if the water has a solid object hidden inside , each of his steps lands on an invisible entity that causes his foot to perfectly land on the drifting water .

Eastern Jackal Land has lots of rivers divided into many directions .

Each line of river seem to be a divine boundary that separates two different world and connects alternative axis with each other .

With Xian Xuan , even the wind soars at the speed surpassing him . This creates a whirlwind which causes the countless flowers to dance with wind and bless the world with beautiful petals flying all over .

After half an hour , Xian Xuan arrives In front of a small village which also happens to be his destination — Sunray Village .

Similar to Thatched Village , Sunray Village is also small in size and has few houses .

Moving forward , Xian Xuan approaches the small village where stenches of blood reek in air permitting fresh breeze to corrode with death qi .

The village that should have been lively and blooming with happiness has now drenched with blood and terror .

Although Xian Xuan does not know what trespass is in such a small village, the horror experienced by this village must have been tremendous .

When Xian Xuan enters the village , he can see some houses burned and some destroyed because of a great battle that took place .

According to what Xian Xuan knows , Goblins are not a simple monster .

They are more or less similar to the human race .

They learn to fight and they can even learn magic . Because of this , Goblins are also called Green - Human .


Suddenly Xian Xuan hears a noise coming from his right side so he instinctively leaps in an alternative direction .


A sword lands on the original position where Xian Xuan was standing before , forcing Xian Xuan to grit his teeth .

And when Xian Xuan raises his head to look at the person who tried to stab him with the sword , he sees an adult in his 27 grabbing the hilt of the sword with both of his hands .

The man has a fearful expression , displaying his anxiety and fear on his face .

He is tall and ordinary looking but for some reason , he seems to have depleted his energy because there are black circles around his eyes and his body trembles with weakness .

[ Lin Tai

Age : 27

Race : Human

Power Level : Ordinary Human ]

Xian Xuan frowns and dashes his body forward , his upper body bends forward and downward like a Shinobi from Naruto .

With that he executes a right punch on Lin Tai , successfully landing the punch on his target which forces Lin Tai to stagger backward .

But before Lin Tai could even stabilize his foot on the ground , Xian Xuan sprints and reaches 7 feet above the ground .

Lin Tai was left in a state of shock and instability which caused him into failure , his body failing to move according to his wishes .

This gave Xian Xuan a perfect opportunity to land a very beautiful kick on the face of Lin Tai . Of course , after this kick to the face , not only did Lin Tai fall down on the ground with his butt kicked . But he also managed to bleed blood through his nose .

"Damn "

Covering his nose , Lin Tai grits his teeth and glares at Xian Xuan .

As for Xian Xuan , he calmly lands on the ground and stands as if nothing has just happened .

He calmly and very slowly glances at Lin Tai before doing his best not to laugh or show any kind of expression related to humiliating or taunting .

He of course beat Lin Tai knowing the fact that Lin Tai was only trying to protect this village .

After all , anyone can tell that Lin Tai is the villager of this poor village hunted down by goblins .

So even before letting this miserable soul explain about the situation , Xian Xuan did his best to beat Lin Tai .

Xian Xian is not some good guy who will understand the situation of damsel and say ' it's okay , I understand '

For some reason , after opening his eyes , he has realized that his mentality is not normal .

"Don't be wary of me , brave warrior "

Xian Xuan kindly meets his eyes with Lin Tai , expressing his holiness.

This causes Lin Tai to stutter because he can't find any words to describe how holy Xian Xuan looks right now.

"By the request of your village , I , Gu Hai , have arrived here to fight for salvation for you and your people "

"Please don't aim your hostility toward me , for I am your ally "

The kind smile on Xian Xuan was like an immortal light from heaven that guides the poor and miserable soul on the path of freedom and righteousness .

"Are you—"

The eyes of Lin Tai tremble when looking at Xian Xuan who is brimming with a divine radiance of righteousness .

"—an adventurer who has come to save us from our misery ?"

Lin Tai could not help but unleash warm tears through his eyes , his trembling lips vibrated and grabbed the right hand of Xian Xuan which was stretched toward him .

"Finally —"

"Finally —"

"My friends —"

With a deep pained voice , Lin Tai clenches his teeth very tightly. He can remember his friend and family ruthlessly getting slaughtered by the goblin .

"My family —"

"They all were killed !!"

"They all died !!"

Xian Xuan smiles without even flinching , listening to such an entertaining story of this pitiful Lin Tai .

"They cried for help—"

"—but no one came to save them "

"I was weak and powerless "

"Please , Please help us"

Xian Xuan meets his eyes with those wet eyes of Lin Tai , forcing Lin Tai to enjoy inwardly .

"Don't you worry , I will take revenge on your behalf "

"The death of those victims shall not go in vain "

With that , Xian Xuan embraces the trembling Lin Tai and comforts him . As for Lin Tai , he finally cries as if there is no tomorrow .

' interesting '


"Village chief !!"

"Chief !! "

"What happened ?"

A young voice full of endless energy calls for the village chief while an aged voice of an old man angrily shouts at the young man .

The young man who has a long sword on his hand , looking exhausted , stands before the village chief who is an old man wearing a simple and ordinary outfit .

The oldman has his upper body bent forward and a long stick is used for supporting him on his walk .

The young man inside the small ordinary room smiles , with great enthusiasm , he reports to the village chief.

"Chief , the request we had applied in the guild hall of Jackal Town has been accepted by an adventurer and according to his Adventurer Card , he is a junior apprentice mage !!"

"Our village is finally saved "

"What !!"

After receiving the report from the young man , the village chief who was experiencing calamity in his heart was unsurprisingly alive .

"Is that true ?"

"Is what you said truly true ?"

The old village chief , Fang Yanhai, experienced an earthquake in his heart .

"Yes , chief "

"Why would I lie to you ?"

The young man nods his head and smiles endlessly .

"Then , where is this noble mage ? I want to meet him "

Fang Yanhai impatiently asks about Xian Xuan to this young man .

"No need for you to trouble , honorable chief "

"This humble man has come to meet with you by himself "

Xian Xuan is guided by Lin Tai , without any trouble he enters inside the village chief's house .

Looking at Xian Xuan , Fang Yanhai suddenly gets on his knees and humbly greets Xian Xuan .

After all , Xian Xuan is a mage and a mage is a very noble and untouchable existence .

Difference between a Mage and a Knight is like the disparity between man and the sky .

How high is the sky and how low is the man ?

"This humble and little chief of small village like Sunray greets this honorable noble mage , please forgive this oldman for lack of hospitality and please overlook this for once , my Lord "

Although Xian Xuan called himself a humble man , how can Fang Yanhai make the same mistake?

He obviously won't dare to call Xian Xuan a humble man .

"This kind sir , how can you dishonor yourself In front of your people ? "

"Please don't embarrass yourself and get on your feet "

Xian Xuan politely asked Fang Yanhai to stand up .

After some time , Xian Xuan and everyone sits on the chair . On their middle is a wooden table distancing everyone from each other .

"As you know , great warrior . Our Sunray Village has been falling into despair each passing days "

"Recently for some reason , goblins from the wild forest keeps on appearing and hunt our people "

"After they kill our people , they takes the corpses of our fallen villagers "

"Those damn goblin "

Everyone slams on the table with their fist clench . As for Xian Xuan , he quietly enjoys this drama .

" Don't you worry all , since I am here , rest assure "

"Now it is my responsibility to prevent any incidents from occurring in your village "

With a bright smile , Xian Xuan chuckles .

"Please just tell me from which direction does this goblin comes from so I can track them and uproot the source of this disaster "

Hearing such reliable words from Xian Xuan and feeling such matured aura from him , everyone was close to crying .

But they held themselves.

"But great warrior , you alone may not be enough to fight against them "

Fang Yanhai tries to remind Xian Xuan about the danger of wild forest .

But Xian Xuan calmly smiles with his eyes closed .

"Don't stress yourself , village chief "

"I am not so reckless enough to charge on them with hot head so please just give me the required information on this goblin "

After some conversation , Xian Xuan and the others separate. Xian Xuan decides to stay one night in this Sunray Village and leave the next day .

Just like that , after resting for a day , he decided to leave for a wild forest which is just half an hour from Sunray Village.


Leaping from one tree branch to another ,he travels through wild forest while using his [ Mp ] to amplify his senses . He tries to detect lifeforms around his surroundings.

The wild forest is peaceful and tranquil with birds singing and the river harmonizing with the forest itself .

Even for Xian Xuan , the forest felt like a place where nature and the world gave birth to spiritual harmony .

But suddenly he sensed some lifeform .

"What's that ?"

He follows the lifeform and finally arrives on a small battlefield where dead bodies of man and woman are scattered everywhere .

Fresh blood stains both the tree and the soil .

Swords and arrows can be found everywhere while green humanoid bodies of green goblins are also turned into corpses .

Looking at those goblins , Xian Xuan nods his head . This world's goblin looks similar to humans but they have green skin and horns growing on their heads with sharp pointed ears and nose .

As for those fallen humans , they are equipped with armor and weapons that have been destroyed in battle between them and the goblins .

Of course , there was still a middle aged man doing his best to fight against ten goblins all by himself .

Xian Xuan silently conceals himself behind the tree and decides to observe .

He has not seen a goblin before and has only heard about them in the story through villagers of Thatched Village .

Goblins equipped with leather armor and iron weapons surround the middle aged man whose name is Jin Guan , a senior appreciate knight .

"Hah !!"

Swinging his sword in vertical trajectory , Jin Guan tries to aim for his enemy's vital point but unfortunately , goblin warriors are not someone to trifle .

They retreat a few steps back whenever they are in the range of the sword , wisely avoiding the lethality they can receive from such a sharp blade of sword .

Each swing of the sword has the ability to split a human body into two halves so one can easily imagine how dangerous the attack could be .

"Grrr , this human is just too stubborn"

A goblin expresses his hostility when glaring at Jin Guan .

'That goblin spoke in a human language ?'

Xian Xuan was slightly surprised when the goblin talked in human language .

Although he has heard that goblins can also speak human language, this surprised him despite his knowledge .

' In the fictional story , goblins are wicked creatures mainly known for their inferior intelligence and their lust for female humans . But this — '

Xian Xuan shakes his head . The disparity between reality and imagination is just too distant .

"Little Nine , attack him from behind "

"Little Eight , you charge him from right - side "

"Little Ten , attack him from left - side "

"Little Six , Five and Four , aim your arrow on this foolish human maintaining some distance "

"As for little Seven , Three and Two , do your best to protect Little Eight , Nine and Ten with your shield "

In the group of ten goblins , the leader of the goblin has an axe carrying. Although the axe is just a wood chopping axe , it still is an extremely dangerous weapon .

"Big brother One , don't you worry "

"I will make sure to skin this human and grind his bone "

Little Ten licks his long tongue while displaying a wicked and sinister expression that is not human .

The difference between an apprentice mage and apprentice knight is very simple which is also why apprentice knights are inferior to apprentice mages .

While apprentice knights can't use any magic or internal strength other than physical strength and their painstakingly trained skill .

On the other hand , apprentice mages can utilize Mana while fighting their enemy . Mana helps them to amplify their physical and spiritual ability during a real battle or mock battle .

Realizing his situation was dire , Jin Guan tightly clenches his teeth and charges forward , aiming for the leader of the group .

By eliminating the leader , he can decrease the morale of this hideous force .

"Keke , silly human , do you really think after experiencing so many battles in my life , I will make such a childish mistake of making myself so vulnerable to obvious attacks ?"

Goblin One chuckles sinisterly , forcing the surrounding environment to corrode with evil aura .

"Swoosh "

Suddenly an arrow comes piercing wind , aiming for Jin Guan's head but Jin Guan swiftly leaves his body in midair .

His body spins midair while the arrow fails to land on him , successfully flying somewhere else and piercing a tree trunk .


Even before Jin Guan managed to stabilize himself on the ground , he was already attacked by a goblin warrior with his sword .

In effort to block the attack with his sword , Jin Guan was sent flying for a few meters away . His body rolls down on the ground and crashes with the tree root of a gigantic tree .

"Cough "

Jin Guan coughs violently , experiencing difficulty breathing .

"Big brother One , I think this human has some decent skills to survive this long "

Little Ten giggles and glares at Jin Guan with murderous eyes full of killing intent .

As for Xian Xuan , he was calculating pros and cons .

' This Goblins seem to be veteran when it comes to battle '

'What should I do ?'

Luckily for him , those goblins are all just ordinary monsters . If they were monster lords , Xian Xuan would have been forced to retreat back since monster lords are equivalent to D Rank Adventurer or more like equivalent to Junior Mage or Junior Knights .

"You damn goblins , I will kill you all !!"

Jin Guan is an Adventurer from Mulberry Town that is part of Stoneage City . There was a mission requested by a small village that is under the government of Mulberry Town so Jin Guan and his team took the mission .

Of course the mission was to subjugate goblins that have been attacking Windwand Village.

But after going deep in this mission , they were led to the territory of Jackal Town , neighbor to Mulberry Town .

After digging this case for two days , they found that this case is much deeper than they had imagined.

But who could have expected that they would meet such a powerful and dangerous group of goblins ?

As the leader of Light Wing Mercenary Camp , Jin Guan will of course want to avenge his fallen comrade .

"Swoosh "

A second arrow leaves the bowstring and soars at the speed of wind , totally wanting to pierce its enemy .

But like before , Jin Guan manages to dodge the arrow by rolling his body on his right side .

Unfortunately , it seems the goblin warrior has already predicted his move which is why Goblin Eight jumps on him and stabs on his right arm , successfully penetrating that sharp blade through the leather and skin of Jin Guan.

"Ah !!"

Jin Guan cries with great pain , his cry echoes everywhere in the forest .

Fresh blood begins to ooze out of his right arm .

The sword on his right hand , slowly but surely begins to escape his grip since the hilt begins to experience his weakness .

"You little — "

Even if Jin Guan is just a senior appreciate knight , his strength is three to four or maybe even seven times stronger than a healthy human adult .

So his attack is not something to scoff at .

But unfortunately , he is soon stabbed from behind .

Tip of the sword covered with fresh blood comes out of his right chest , forcing him to experience that thread of life and death .

"Keke "

"This human was strong but I am much stronger than him . Keke "

Goblin One chuckles while watching Jin Guan fall down and die .

"Let's take their corpses "

Goblin One gives the order to nine goblins , completely making sure that their mission has been accomplished.

"Yes big brother One "

Everyone heeds his command and prepares to collect the corpses of human corpses .

Suddenly they feel something , a feeling of danger !!

[ Fire Release : Great Fireball Technique ]

From the sky , a human silhouette covers the land with his shadow .

Without giving those goblins a chance to comprehend anything , he attacks them with the Great Fireball Technique that has E Level destruction .


Flame capable of roasting humans and burning a village , descends down from the sky , completely covering those ten goblins with a sea of flame .

Although the flame isn't powerful enough to kill those goblins , the flame did manage to camouflage him and injure some of unprepared enemies .

"Everyone , it is an ambush "

"Take your position"

The leader hurriedly gives command to everyone .

Although they were not harmed greatly, that flame managed to weaken them to some extent .

Of course , when the flame disappeared , they were shrouded by smoke .

"Who is it ? "

"Reveal yourself , coward !!"

Although those goblins kept on asking Xian Xuan to reveal himself, Xian Xuan had no intention of doing so .

The moment he reveals himself , he is aware that he can't defeat these veteran level goblins in a fair and square battle .

[ Shadow Clone Technique ]





"Big brother One , look over there "

"that bitch is over there "

Suddenly Xian Xuan was noticed by those goblins because of his mistake , when those goblins saw Xian Xuan , they madly marched on him while still maintaining their formation .

"Kill that bitch !!"

"Kill him "

Xian Xuan turns to look at those incoming goblins and expresses his surprise , biting his lower lips he also charges on them with anxiety in his eyes .

"That bitch is anxious and I can tell from the look in his eyes "

"That wicked human , he is scared but he is still pretending to be brave "

"Keke , I will drink your blood to quench my thirst , nasty human "

But just the moment when Goblin Ten's sword meets with Xian Xuan's body , something magical happens .

Xian Xuan's body explodes and in his place , white smoke appears .

Simultaneously , a Kunai coated in Chakra comes out of nowhere , completely piercing the neck of Goblin Six , killing him in the process .

But that didn't stop there , the moment the Kunai disappeared on the other side of the smoke , something extremely shocking took place .


As if someone was waiting there since the beginning , the moment the Kunai disappeared in an alternative direction from the original direction it came from .

"What !!"

"Everyone , protect yourself !!"

Goblin One roars at everyone.

But strangely enough , the moment the Kunai clashed with the wooden shield , Kunai disappeared into smoke .

Soon , the smoke concealing their environment disappears .

But they fail to notice someone standing behind them .

A crimson eye capable of reflecting the blood of a primal beast with one tomoe rotating , glares on those goblins from behind .

[ One - Tomoe Sharingan is activated ]

[ Your Physical And Spiritual Ability Increases For 5 Minutes By 2× ]

[ Sharingan is activated and the ability of Sharingan is active ]

Those blood - like eyes can see through everything , blood circulation , bones and many things which a goblin has in his body .

Sharingan was on full display , this ability was not something an ordinary human can dream of achieving .

But because Xian Xuan has no such powerful baleful aura or killing intent , his Sharingan failed to display its true terror .

It only managed to freeze his enemy in fear for a blink of an eye , yet that blink of an eye was eternity for Xian Xuan .

[ Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique ]

Since his ability has risen to two times of his original ability , his Great Fireball Technique also achieved much stronger destructiveness and fire affinity .

Through his mouth , he unleashes a sea of flame . The flame devours everything on its path and ignites an inextinguishable chapter of undying flame .

" Protect "

Every single goblin roars and stands behind the shield bearer , intending to hide from the terrifying flame .

Xian Xuan keeps on unleashing Great Fireball on his target , not having any intentions to stop himself from unleashing flame from him .

Slowly , the shield started to burn but it was not on a level where the wooden shield would burn within a second .

"Arrows "

The leader of the goblin commands his goblin archers . Following the order , goblin archers prepare their arrows and pull the bowstring .


Piercing the wind and everything , those arrows tear the flame and make space for themselves .

Unfortunately since they are blinded by the flame , those goblin archers unsurprisingly failed to land their arrow on their target .

But of course , soon , they heard some footstep approaching and even before they realized the situation , one of the shield bearer received sword slash on his legs

"Kaa "

The wicked cry of goblin hoovers each corner of the forest, followed by his collapse on the ground .

Finally the goblin's mouth that has sharp teeth gets pierced by a kunai , ruthlessly getting stabbed .

Xian Xuan lands a quick attack on the close goblin that has a shield on his right hand .

Of course , because the goblin was in a moment of confusion and stunned by what happened earlier , his body takes a long time to follow his mind .


The throat of the goblin is once again stabbed by Xian Xuan .

With that , Xian Xuan hurriedly uses the Great Fireball once again , but this time aiming on the ground which causes the fire to reflect back but wisely , Xian Xuan stops himself and lets the smoke camouflage the surrounding once more .

"This nasty human "

Those goblins were infuriated but they didn't have any opportunity to fight back .

As such , they were ruthlessly killed one after another by Xian Xuan and his trickery .

After a long time , Xian Xuan breasts heavily , experiencing exhaustion.

But luckily something interesting took place .

[ Host has a real battle and has earned some real - time reward ]

[ Real time reward is a reward earned from experiencing real challenges ]

[ Taijutsu has risen to 0.8 percent ]

"Wow !!"

Xian Xian was surprised but didn't feel much of an impact since he had some guesses about this kind of privilege.

"My energy has been consumed too much , being in a low level is truly something not so great "

Xian Xuan shakes his head and looks at his surroundings but then he notices that Jin Guan who was the last person to die was still struggling on the door of death .

Walking close to Jin Guan , Xian Xuan lowers his head and observes the dead man very carefully .

Jin Guan tries to extend his right arm forward and reach for Xian Xuan while weakly uttering some words .

"—please "

"—save me "

Xian Xuan hears Jin Guan asking him to save him .

Being a kind person , Xian Xuan does not reject helping this poor damsel .

He turns his head left — no one is there .

He turns his head right —yup , no one is there too .

After that , he carefully picks up a sword next to Jin Guan and slowly swings in midair .

After thinking about something , he returns his gaze back to Jin Guan who was half - dead .

As if executing something trivial, Xian Xuan stabs the tip of the sword down on the ground while he leaves the area while singing a song by himself .

" Sometimes, all I think about is you "

" Late nights in the middle of June "

" Heat waves been fakin' me out "

" Can't make you happier now "

" Sometimes, all I think about is you "

" Late nights in the middle of June "

" Heat waves been fakin' me out "

" Can't make you happier now "

While he disappears into the shadow of the forest , a sword pinned on the ground oozes the fresh blood of a human .

A head rolls and separates from the body , causing the head and body to splatter on the ground for some time before returning back to origin .

[ Host has slain a human of senior - apprentice knight level and has earned [ Negative Karma ]

Sorry everyone but since my eye was infected due to carbon getting in my right eye , I had to stagnate the chapter from releasing. But from now on , I will do my best to release chpaters without any delay.

Ordinary_Villaincreators' thoughts