
Chapter Still a boy

“Sick! Am not sick, I was with Patrick and Bridget earlier and….Ohsh my head” she felt a sharp pain and held her head.

“Oh .. take it easy, is ok don’t try to move let me call the doctor” Paul rushed out to get the doctor.

“She needs to rest, she is fine”

“Ok doctor thanks”.

 "Did you hear that?"  He turn to face her, “you need to rest ok”

“But what about Bridget? I think I left her in that bar but why am I here”? She keeps asking.

“I will tell you when you get better.”

“Please I need to go home, she starts to panic. My mother will kill me if she finds out am not at home.”

“Fine, doctor can you discharge her?”

“Yes, she is fine, but young lady what you took is very harmful to your system, I will advise you stay away from drugs.”

“What! Drugs?”

“Is ok, let’s go, thank you doc, I will clear the bill.”

“Ok this way” the doctor showed him where to pay his bill.

“We can go now, I will take you home.”

Once inside the car, Christy start asking questions again.

“Paul what drugs is that doctor talking about?”

“Please Christy can you stay away from Bridget and Patrick?”


“Because  they drugged you, while Patrick was trying to…. He couldn’t say the word.

“What! Bridget drugged me for what?”

“I don’t know” but please stay away from them can you do that for me?”

“I followed them because they told me you have a surprise for me, but when we got there you were not there and they ask me to wait for you, that is all I know and the next thing am here in the hospital. Paul what is going on?”

“Well you’re fine now, but please be careful with Bridget”

“Am always careful with Bridget because I know she and her mother hates me, but drugging me!... That is way beyond going too far.

“Am sorry, is my fault for not calling you, I was busy forgive me”. Paul blame himself for not been by Christy.

“Is ok, is not your fault”, she hugged him and they stay in his car for few minutes before Paul starts the car.

When they got home her stepmom has packed her bag and was standing at the door waiting for Christy, and Bridget standing with her.

“Mom please don’t do this, she has no where to go” Bridget pleaded.

“She should have thought about that before jumping around with men”

Christy came out of the car with Paul at her side.

“What is going on?” Christy ask Bridget.

“You are leaving this house today, am done housing a prostitute in my house, you are going to take your things and leave this house”

Paul and Christy went on their kneels.

“Please ma, it will never happen again” Paul begged.

“No, she will leave my house today, and you, what are you doing with her? Where are you two coming from?”

“Shee..She...is not feeling well so I took her to the hospital.”

“Are you serious? And am in this house with her but she chose to tell you instead of me that she wasn’t feeling well?”

“No ma’am is not like that.. I.. I.. Paul keep stammering

“Is ok, don’t worry, you can go home, I’ve heard you, I will let her stay.”

“Thank you ma”, Paul got up and Christy did same.

“You can go inside”, she told Christy.

“Do you want to come in?” She ask Paul because he was still standing there not moving, and she wondered if he wants to come inside with Christy.

“Oh… no I will be going thanks but can I talk to Christy?"

"Sure why not.?"

"Ok", Paul took her aside and gave her money for her up keep.

"Thank you Paul, you’ve done enough."

"I will call you and please don’t go anywhere with Bridget again."

"Yes, you can go now your parents will be worried about you, is getting late".

"Don’t worry about me, my parents know that I will be ok, so they don’t worry much about me. I just don’t want to leave you alone all by yourself"

"Is fine Paul I will be ok, just go;. Ok if anything goes wrong I will call you immediately."

"You promise?"

"I promise ok." She push him forward.

"Alright bye".

"Where did you go with Paul"? Her

 stepmom dragged her out of her room.

"I only left you because of Paul, now you are going to tell me why you were in the hospital".

Christy didn’t want to tell her mom why she was admitted, because she is still trying to understand why Bridget drugged her.

"Mom I don’t know, I only find myself in the hospital."

"Hahahaha, she laughed, "so you are trying to tell me that you just woke up in the hospital just like that, and nothing is wrong with you? Do I look like a kid? Let it not be want am thinking; are you pregnant?" She suddenly ask

"Huh.. no..no..no…no am not, am

 totally fine."

"Are you sure?"  she look from Christy to Bridget.

"Mom I don’t know," Bridget said

 immediately her mother eyes fell on her.

"Go get me a text tube quick, she yell at Bridget, and you come here" she push Christy down and force her to take a sit.

"Mom am not pregnant," Christy keep saying.

"Shut up, I will find out soon enough".

Bridget came back with the test tube and the test was done on Christy.

"Thank your God, I would have shown

you the road to hell, how many times

 have I told you to stop seeing that

 boy Paul?"

"Mom am sorry, I will stop seeing him"

"You better do, and as for you Bridget, your day is coming. Now both of you disappear from my present."

Christy retreat to her room while Bridget went to the kitchen to eat.

Christy was still boiling up with anger about the drug stuff. Why did Bridget drug me? She wanted to go and confront her but pause because she didn’t want her stepmom’s troubles again.

Early the next morning Christy confront Bridget about the drugging issues since their mother left very early for business.

"Who said I drug you?"

"Well the doctor did, and I know I didn’t take any alcohol in that bar, it was only that juice you gave me and I remember having this funny feelings when I took that juice, so is you who drugged me."

"Think what ever you want to think, but I didn’t drug you," she said trying to wave it off and walking away but Christy drag her back and gave her the beating of her life.

"I have been letting you off because of your mom, but this time, I will take anything that comes, and if you dares to do something like that to me again, I will send you to the devil himself."

Bridget thought she hasn’t seen this part of Christy before, she thought Christy can’t do anything to her, but here she was trying to find her legs.

"I think she broke my leg I can’t walk, "mom… where are you? I can’t walk."

Christy tried to help her up.

"Leave me alone, I wouldn’t let you stay in this house with me, look you broke my leg."

"Am so sorry, Christy begged, I don’t know what came over me, I was so angry because you drugged me."

"Will you stop saying I drug you? What if mom hears about it?" Bridget ask.

"But are you going to tell her that am the one who broke your leg?"

"Yes, why not?."

"Then I guess I just have to tell her the truth."

"About what?"

"About you drugging me."

Bridget thought for a second, "fine, I wouldn’t tell her, pick me up and take me to my room."

Christy did and want back to her room.

"What happened to your leg?, Bridget answer me" her mom yells.

"I...l… fell off the chair and broke my leg."

"Were you drunk? You can't see even in day time?, my friend get out of my way and where is that useless girl you call Christy? Tell her to come help in the kitchen."

"Yes mom", Bridget hop her way to Christy’s room.

"Mom is calling you, hurry up and go, I didn’t tell her anything", she added seeing Christy has started to panic.

Paul wasn’t happy at all, this is the time he wish that he has finish school and was having his own money, he wanted to help Christy so badly but there is a limit he can go.

"Hi dad, welcome."

"Yea, were have you been? I came back early but  you are no where near this house."

"I just want out to see my friend."

"Oh.. I forget, how is she?"

"And who is she"? The mom ask.

"Oh. Nothing, nothing” the father quickly changed the topic.

"Hello.. honey you are looking so take away."

"Yea, am already taken, and what are my little boys having for breakfast?" She ask walking to the dinner table.

Paul just looked at his dad.

"Am I that little?" Paul ask his dad.

"Well I think to her you are still wearing diapers  but to me you are a real man."

"Thank you dad, let’s eat" Paul walk to the dinner table.

"Ok.. his father followed him.