
Chapter 67 Surprise visit

Bridget thought of showcasing herself to James but no, I have to know what he does first before making any kind of investment.

She looks for ways to get to Paul.

Next day Paul was in the office when Bridget walked in.

“Hey. How is work?”

“Work is fine,” Paul answer without looking at bridge.

“So… your friend, what does he do?

“I don’t understand, which of them?”

“James, what is he doing?”

Paul looked up to face Bridget.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“What does he do for a living?”

“Do you love him?”

“No, I just want to know, that’s all”

“He sells fish” Paul said and went back to his work.

“Am serious, just tell me, I’ll get lunch for you”

“Really!  Lunch? What will I do with lunch?”

“Paul please, I just want to know”

“If you tell me you love him, then I will tell you what he does”

“Ok, promise me that you won’t tell him”

“I wouldn’t”

“Yes, I like him”

“Hmmm, ok I’ll tell you, he is a lawyer”

“Hmmm, lawyer?” She make a face.

“Why did face?”

“Is he a good lawyer? Because I don’t need a charge and bail lawyer”

“Hahaha” Paul laugh, he has never heard of that before.

“Are you serious Bridget? I will tell him”

“No…no..no.. please don’t tell him, am just joking”

But Paul kept laughing and ask Bridget to leave his office.

“What! Seriously? Charge and bail? I’ve never heard of that” Paul could not wait to go home and tell James about it.


“Paul please don’t tell him anything I beg of you ok, Bridget begged Paul as they approach the house.

“Don’t worry I won’t tell him”


Sharon prepared to visit Paul at the big city, as her mother in-law gave her the address of the house.

The next day Sharon arrived at the house, but met Paul’s absent.

“What is going on here? And why is Christy in my husband’s room?” Sharon ask James.

James begged her to calm down while he called Paul on the phone.

“Hello, please you need to rush down to the house, Sharon is here”.

“What! What did she want?”

“Please you need to come, because I can’t handle this”.

Paul hurried back home and met Sharon trying to fight Christy.

“Hey.. please stop, don’t touch her”. He drag Sharon away from Christy.

“What is the meaning of this Paul?, You left your wife back at home and you come here staying with another woman?”

“She is not another woman, this is Christy, is not as if you don’t know her”

“So what? Why should I care if she is Christy? She is staying with my husband in my house”

“No, you are missing something, she is the women you stole her man from” Paul said.

“Please stop it Paul” Christy said. “You don’t have to said that.”

“This is the height of it, am calling your mother”. Sharon brought out her phone to call.

“No, you’re calling no body,” Paul took the phone away from her, “we need to talk this out”

“Give back my phone, I have nothing to say to you anymore”

“No, you need to listen to me because is important that you do”

James was standing there begging Sharon to calm down while Christy just sat down feeling very sorry for herself.

She said it, but Paul and Bridget wouldn’t listen, she said it that Sharon would not take it kindly with them, but that is not what she is afraid of, is Paul’s mother that she is afraid of.

If she happens to come here because of this, then her own is finished.

“Paul please I need to go, what if your mom comes here” Christy said shaking.

“You don’t need to be afraid of anyone ok, am here and no one will tell me what to do with my life” Paul said.

“We will see,” Sharon said trying to take her phone from Paul.

“Sharon you need to listen to me, am not leaving Christy no matter what, so we can just get a divorce”

“What!” Sharon, James, and Christy shouted simultaneously.

“Yes, that is the only way out, because I can’t leave Christy,” Paul repeated what he said.

“Am leaving,” Sharon took her bag to leave but James stopped her.

“Don’t do this, you don’t have to go, you just came”

“Is obvious am not welcome here, so let me go”

“Ok, just wait here, am coming,” James ask to see Paul in private.

“Guy, if you let Sharon go back like this, your mom will bring hell on earth”

“I know that is why I took her phone”

“Taking her phone won’t solve this problem, you need to calm her down”


“She is your wife do something”

“I don’t know what to do,”

“She is a woman, say something or do something anything to calm her down”

Paul went back, “ Sharon can we talk?”

“About what?”

“About us”

“Say what you want to say am all ears”

“Let’s go inside and talk” he took Sharon into his room.

“Am sorry for not coming to see you, is work, but I was planning on visiting”

“That is a lie, not when Christy is here with you”

“Yea, that could be one of the reasons but not all of the reasons” Paul didn’t know what to say.

“You have made your decision, allow me to make mine, give me my phone”

“What do you want to do? Call mom?”

“None of your business, just give me the damn phone”

“Ok, what do you want me to do so you won’t call my mother”

“Send Christy away”

“But I can’t do that”

“Then give me my phone”

“Can’t we just live together?” Paul ask without reasoning.

“You want me to live together with Christy as what,? come, are you planning on marrying two wives” Sharon ask with her mouth open.

“No, that’s not what I meant, I mean you came here to see me, can’t we stay together until you go back and please don’t tell mother anything”

“Are you talking to a baby?, I will do no such thing, it is either you send her away or I leave and not come back”

“I can’t send her away”

Sharon thought, there is no need losing to Christy, “I will stay and see what this is all about, let me not give them the  joy of saying they won.”

“Fine, I will stay”

“Thank you”

“But she is moving out of your room now, she walks straight to the room and ask Christy to go out”

Christy rush out of the room into her daughter’s room.

Sharon look round the room and her eyes fell on the picture of Paul and Christy, she picked it up and looked at it,

“Hahaha, she laughed, really Paul? Best couple?,” Then her laughter turns into cry.

Paul didn’t know what to say.

“You see it has been there for a long time, you know.”

Sharon turn to face Paul, eyes fill with tears.

“How could you do this to me? Not a single picture of me is in this room, what have ever done to you?”

She let it all out crying uncontrollably, and Christy feels like running away.

She can’t stand this, this is too much for her, she has been good to her, she can’t just do this to Sharon.

She starts parking her clothes to leave and James call Paul’s attention.

“What are you doing? You can’t leave, see, Sharon has agreed to stay, I will make this right please don’t make it worst for me please” Paul begged Christy but she has made up her mind.

“I can’t stay here with all those crying, can’t you see how she’s crying? Are you  that heartless? Christy ask Paul.

“No, you are the one who is been heartless, I am fighting for the both of us, but what have you done? Always run away?” Paul got angry at Christy for the first time.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Stay, that is what I want you to do, just stay with me until all this is over, I can’t fight for you when you are not here.”

Christy sat down, not knowing if to feel happy or sad, she don’t like that is Sharon she is doing this to, she has been planning to reward Sharon for the good she did to her back then but she finds herself hurting her instead.

She break down and cry, “this is not right, I can’t pay bad for good.”

Paul left her and went back to Sharon, she has stop crying.

“Give me my phone” she stretch her hand to Paul without looking at his face.

“No, am not giving you the phone, you will call my mom”

“Am not calling any body just give me my phone”

Paul gave her back the phone and sat down with her.

“Please you need to understand why am doing this” he said.

“So what about me? Your wife”

Paul kept quiet.