
Chapter 55 Find Her

“Please stop crying I can’t stand women crying in my presence”.

Paul took a pillow and covered his ears.

Sharon cried till midnight.

Paul didn’t know what to do, he got up to console her.

“Am sorry, stop crying you will get sick. Come to me,” he hugged her for the first time and Sharon felt like her world just stop.

This is the place I want to be, the very arms I want to wake up every morning from. Why is he been so difficult? I have brought myself so low for him and yet he is not willing to forgive me. Sharon thought.

I don’t know why am been a fool for Paul she thought still holding Paul while he pat her back.

“Stop crying ok.”

She nods like a baby, something she has never done before she finds herself doing because of Paul.

“ Is not as if I hate you, but you must understand that I love someone else, and Christy might be carrying my baby as we speak”

Sharon pulled away from Paul with so much shock showing all over her face.

“What? When? How? Paul talk to me… she held Paul and shook him violently yelling, shouting at him.

“Why will you do something like that to me? Paul why?” She starts crying again.

Paul didn’t know how to console her, he just let her cry herself to sleep.

“Am I doing the right thing?” Paul starts questioning himself.

“Yes, am doing the right thing, because she knew am in love with someone else but she keeps pushing herself on me. I can’t leave Christy for her, Christy is with my child and I have to find her and marry her, and give my child a good life that she deserves.

But wait, why did I say she? Don’t you want your first child to be a boy? He questioned himself smiling in the middle of the night.

“No, I want my first child to be a girl, my mom wants a girl badly, so I want Christy to give me a girl child, and let her look more like her mother hmmm. He keeps on imagining things. 


Meanwhile at his father’s bedroom Mrs. Brown was hearing the cry from Sharon and wanted to go see why Sharon was crying but her husband stopped her.

“You really need to stop now, leave them to solve their own problems, they are now husband and wife” Mr. Brown told his wife.

“But why is Paul behaving that way, I didn’t see any reason why he should not love Sharon, the girl is beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, respectful and above all from a good home.

Mr. Brown listen quietly to his wife wondering if any of those things count when a man is in love with a woman.

“Hmmm, I feel your pains,” he said when his wife finished listing those qualities in Sharon.

“But I think a man does not count those qualities in a woman when he is in love, he only sees her and not the things she doesn’t have. He only thinks of giving her the qualities himself.”

“So what are you driving at? Because I don’t get you, are you saying that Paul might love someone else?

“Maybe, but that is no longer important now that he is married,” Mr. Brown try’s to push the thoughts in his wife’s head.

   “No, there is no way you are telling me that Paul is doing this because of that girl, nooo….. she now remembered Christy.

“No way…. She yells

“Yea, that should be the reason I guess.”

“Look, I will be the last person to allow Paul bring in that girl into my house, what does she have? What can her mother offer? What is her background?. My son will not be seen near that girl, she foamed even without seeing Christy she already hate her.

And that is the reaction that Mr. Brown didn’t want to see. Hence he kept the discussion about Christy away from his wife.

“Good morning my angel,  Mrs. Brown greets her daughter in-law before she even notice that her mother in-law was there.

“Yes ma, good morning ma,” she bows to greet her.

“Did you sleep well?” She ask hoping to hear her complain.

“Yes ma and you?”

“We thank God, I slept well except for few noises I was hearing last night, was it coming from your room? She ask not knowing how to go straight to the point.

    “Noise? I didn’t hear any noise” Sharon said, looking around.

    “Is ok, Mrs. Brown didn’t want to push the matter any further. If Sharon was ok with it, then she is ok with it too.

    “Where is your husband?” She ask Sharon.

“I don’t know, I wake up to an empty room this morning.”

    “Is ok my dear, I know he will come around ok.

“Ok ma”

“Just eat your food and go to work, don’t think about it ok, and when you come back am going to teach you how to make a man fall for you.”

    “Wow… mom you are going to teach me that? Sharon ask surprised. This is the first time she is hearing this. Not even her mom has try to teach her that.

“I will love to learn” Sharon said laughing.

“Don’t laugh my dear, this is a serious business.”

“What business are you talking about,?” Sharon ask still laughing at Paul’s mom.

   “Keeping your man is a serious business and you must take it seriously.”

“Really? That is interesting, I will really love to learn, but that will be when I come back, for now am running late for work.”

    “No problem my dear, don’t think too much about it ok.”

   “Ok ma”, she answered and went to get ready for work.

“Where could This Paul be? Mrs. Brown was still wondering when she received a call that Paul has started work today.

“Wow… that’s good news, I thought he was joking, I like that. Show him everything he needs to know”

   “Yes ma’am, the voice hang up and Mrs. Brown was so excited that her son has finally become a man. But there is one thing left, “but I can handle that I guess.”

Paul got to the office and got busy with work trying to forget about his nightmares at least that is what he calls his marriage with Sharon.

After a long day at work he decide to hang out with his friends.

“Heyy… long time no see, how is marriage life?” Patrick was the first to ask.

    “What are you guys drinking because I need something very hot and high”. Ignoring the question Patrick asked him.

“What do you need something hot for? You should be talking about making babies and you are here talking about hot and high drinks.” James questioned him.

   “Don’t you know that I already have a baby?” Paul ask smiling.

   “When? How? You guys have started keeping secrets from me” Patrick ask because he wasn’t aware of Christy been pregnant for Paul.

   “So you don’t know that Christy is carrying my child?” Paul ask Patrick with a mocking smile on his face.

“Christy carrying your child, how did it happen?” 

   “I blew breeze on her and boom she got pregnant”, hahaha James and Paul laughed at Patrick who was still surprised.

           “Just drink and stop asking stupid questions” Paul said so proud to hit Patrick like that.


           “So where is Christy now that you are married?” James was concerned.

That Is the problem, she ran away from home while I was in school, Bridget told me she got pregnant for another man and ran away, but now am beginning to think that was all a lie because thinking back I know what I did so if Christy is really pregnant then I must be responsible for it.

“Did you hear yourself? You haven’t  even seen her and you are here talking about getting someone  pregnant. What if all are lies from the pit of hell? Hahaha Patrick laugh at Paul.

“It can’t be a lie.  If not why did she ran away and her phone is not connecting too.

Then we have to look for her. James suggested.

And then what? Patrick ask.

Yea, then what? James ask too.

You are married now, just let her go, James said not knowing if he is making any sense.

You want me to let her go and then what? She is out there with my child, with no one to take care of them and you want me to let them go?.

You don’t know if she is pregnant for sure, so how will you tell?.

“There is only one way to know, find her” Paul sip a glass of red wine.

“What is this? I said I need something hot.”

“You can always order you know?” Patrick said.

James ordered something hot and Paul deep  himself inside the bottle of alcohol.

“You need to take it easy, James warns trying to figure a way to help his friend while Patrick doesn’t care less.

 he knows that whatever happens Paul will always overcome it. He was not like James, his parents have money unlike James that Paul took a liking to and was helping him since they met in school.

[Author's Note]

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