
Chapter 53 Is that an insult

“Nice office”, Paul said as he turn around to face Sharon.

“What are you doing here?”

“Are you not happy to see me? or you don’t have interest in me again?” Paul ask hoping to annoy her.

“What do you want Paul? Am busy now you can use the door if you don’t have anything better to said to me.”  she looked at Paul and he seem more handsome now, gosh… she wanted to forget him and move on, but seeing him now so handsome, she wish he loved her the way she loved him.

“Fine, I will leave if you don’t want to see me” he stood up to go.

“I didn’t say that, you are the one making it look like that”

“Fine, enjoy yourself, I guess you’ve succeeded in your plans” he said as he left her office.

“Is that an insult?”  She ask herself rather than Paul who has left the office already.

“But why was he here? Does it mean he has accepted to be her husband? She is so confusing now.

“Don’t think too much about it Sharon; she console herself, I really wants to forget about him but stopping by my office like that huh..”

Sharon got home and receive the shocking news, Paul has accepted to be her husband. Is that why he came by the office? What could be the reason? She ask herself.

“Are you not happy? Why is your face like that?” Her mom ask.

“I am, but I need to talk to Paul first.”

“Ok, you can go and see him”.

“Why the sudden change of mind?” Sharon ask Paul when she got to the house.

“Are you not happy that you got what you want? Paul ask instead of just answering the damn question.

“There, that, that is the reason am asking you why you want to marry me instead of Christy. You still don’t like me” Sharon was still confused.

“If you don’t want this marriage then let’s just end it, why are you bringing Christy into this? If there is anything between me and Christy is none of your business.” He walk away from her, making Sharon to wonder what kind of marriage this will be?

“Anyways, am going to pretend I didn’t feel any hurt until this marriage, only then will I show you the stuff am made of” Sharon took in her pains and went home.  

How did it go? Her mom ask.

“Fine, everything is fine”, she didn’t want to start complaining about her husband to be, is too early for that.

The wedding date was set, everyone is so excited except the two people who are getting married.

Paul choose James as his best man, he didn’t want Patrick because he will just worsted  his nightmare.

“Guy you can just forget about this wedding if you don’t want, you are making a big mistake, James encouraged him, while Patrick just look on.

“And why are you not saying anything?” James turn to ask Patrick who was just looking up himself in the mirror, and praising his handsomeness.

“What else do you want me to say?, Is a good thing because Christy will now be left alone, just for me, hahaha” 

“Will you stop this expensive joke on his wedding day?” James got angry at Patrick.

“Wow.… wow.. just calm down am just joking ok”

“That doesn’t sound like a joke to me” Paul finally said something after an hour silence from him.

“Thank goodness you finally say something,  I was beginning to wonder if this wedding is for deaf and dumb people”, Patrick continued but he didn’t get any reaction from Paul nor James.

Sharon walk down the aisle with her heart in her mouth, praying that Paul should not abandoned her on the alter, she starts thinking maybe this is all a huge mistake, she shouldn’t have agreed to come this far, her world will stop if her greatest fear comes to pass.

“Mom are you sure am doing the right thing, she ask her mom in a whisper as she walked her down the aisle.

“Yes my dear, this is the right thing to do” she smiles as if to console her.

Is there anyone who have a genuine reason why these two should not be join together as husband and wife, you can say so now or for ever hold your peace.

Sharon turn round to see if someone will say yes, or most importantly if Paul will say yes, but there was silence everywhere indicating that everyone present are happy with the couple.

The pastor joined them as husband and wife.

“You may kiss the bride”

Paul place a light kiss on Sharon and everyone started clapping.

Getting to their hotel room the drama started, Paul took one pillow and threw it on the floor when is time to go to bed.

What is the meaning of that? Sharon could not just hold her peace.

“What is the meaning of what? I have given you what you want, so now is my turn and I want you to give me what I want?”

“What do you want?” Sharon ask almost in a state of going Gaga because of the attitude Paul has been putting up since.

“Privacy and distance, that is all I ask, can you at least do that for me?”

“I can’t do that”  she almost yell.

“You see? You can’t even do a simple thing like that for me, and you expect me to like you.”

“Fine, you can have your privacy” she took the bed while Paul choose to sleep on the floor.

Thoughts about Christy fill his mind, will he ever see Christy again? His parents did not give him much time to look for her, and besides she is having another man’s baby. But how did that happen?  No one gave him space to think. Everything just happened so fast that he didn’t have time to think right.

“Did I do the right thing? Is Bridget and her mother telling the truth or maybe James was right.”

Earlier, James has suggested that maybe the baby could be his since the time Bridget said she ran away and the time Paul left for school are almost the same.

Paul is more confused now than ever.

“ I just hope it turns out the way James said, and if is true where will I find her?”

He keeps turning in his bed unable to sleep.

Sharon’s mom and Paul’s mother were busy making plans for their grandchildren.

“Can you women just let this young ones be?” Mr. Brown angrily said, seeing how his boy wasn’t smiling walking down that aisle.

“We are not doing anything bad, we are only planning the future, hahaha” they laugh and Mr. Brown has to leave them alone

“Am leaving this hotel today” Paul said and Sharon just kept quiet, she was prepared for this, she is going to dance to his tone for now, if he is not coming around then she knows what to do.

They both went home and everyone was happy to see them.

“Look at you, newly wedded couple, smile for me, Paul’s mom hug Sharon and she let out a fake smile.

They sat down for breakfast and Paul was quiet as the dead.

What could be his problem, his mom keeps wondering but didn’t want to ask as she has gotten what she wants, a good and responsible daughter in-law.

“Mom I will be outside,” he got up to leave without eating his food.

“You don’t like the food?”

But Paul didn’t answer.

“Don’t mind him my dear am here for you,” she pat Sharon’s back and both women keep eating in silence.

“ Is this how am going to live in this house?” Sharon wondered, but is not as if she didn’t know what she is up against, she just hope and wish that things turn around.

Sharon waited and waited for Paul to come back home but no sign of him.

She decide to watch some movies to pass out time but still no sign of him. She fell asleep while the television was still on.

“Sharon…Sharon.. get up is late, go to your room, your husband will be waiting for you”, she got up to face Paul’s mom.

“Husband!.. oh.. yes, she thought she was dreaming that she got married to Paul, oh.. no is not a dream after all.

She walks to Paul’s room but he was not there, she look at the time is pass one. “No his mother most hear this”

“What? At this time? That is unheard-of, Paul has never behaved like this, he must tell me what is wrong with him. Let’s go”

“Where are we going at this time?” Sharon ask panicking.

“To look for him”

She ran after her mother in-law, when they got to the garage Paul’s car was still parked there.

“But his car is still here” they walk closer and saw Paul sleeping in his car.

“What is wrong with this boy?” His mother wakes him up.

“What are you doing sleeping in your car?”

“Can you ladies just leave me alone?, You’ve got want you want, won’t you allow me to get what I want? He left the car for them and walk inside.

[Author’s Note]

Dear readers here is the extra chapter I promise making it two chapters for today instead of one. 

I hope you enjoy yourself? Have a lovely day.

Please always rate this book five star as I upload more and interesting chapters.